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Everything posted by irons

  1. I won't use any range weapon at all for my DK in PvE and PvP. The reason for it is quite simple almost all of my abilities are close range ones. And with gab closers like critical charge, fiery reach, shield charge I simply stay close to my opponents. Personally I think the 2handed is a great alternative weapon for tank.
  2. For a nightblade I would use something like this:Bow: snipe, scatter shot, shadow cloak, strife, cripple;DW: teleport strike, assassine blade, haste, shadow cloak, veiled strike;Bow:The playstyle would be hit and run.Opener would be snipe but you would use shadow cloak to use snipe with in fights to. Scatter shot + cripple would make sure that you can stay at distance as long as you want plus the disorient in combination with the passiv ruffian increases your dmg. Strife would help you to stay alife.DW:Teleport strike is your cap closer + a stun, veiled strike is another stun. Shadow cloak can be used to get some distance again or to set up a heavy hit. Haste boostes your attack speed and with it your DPS. Assassine Blade is your finnisher.
  3. Okay first of all do you plan to use those builds for PvE or PvP? Your first build has a lot of knockbacks and you might wanna change one of them. Because keep in mind there aren't any cooldowns so 1 knockback skill is as effective as having 3 of them. Your second builds uses often the same skills which you might also wanna reconsider. For example strife and cripple would be enough to just have it on the bow. Than the Summon Shade is not really that great of a skill I would swap it with Shadow cloack that way you could go invisibility than sneak and use a powerful attack while standing in front of your opponent. Another thing is you might wanna switch to 2Handed for PvP because of the higher burst plus then you could use momentum. Assassine Blade would be also nice to have in your build to finnish your opponents. Plus I'm missing haste. I don't know how you planned on using the third one so I kind really say anything to that one. Out of the 3 the first seems to be the most solid one but I would choose the second one with a few changes.
  4. Raids are an important part of the endgame in any MMO if they don't have it at release they will have around 6 weeks to implement it after that they will lose a huge part of their players.
  5. It would be quite easy to dump down the difficulty for console players while keeping it a challenge on pc.
  6. I have seen many players which played 80+ hours a week but still where noobs on the other hand their are Top players who only play a few hours a week.To say that Top players are allways no-lifer is a bit harsh.
  7. There raids are called adventure zones, those zones will have instances for 24 man groups. However they said that they aren't sure if there will be adventures zones in the game at launch.
  8. I know that feeling that 2 more actives would be great. The ultimate doesn't cost stamina or magicka and is basically a free skill which you can use from time to time.Maybe they add a 6th slot some time after lunch if they get the feedback that it is needed. But keep in mind the less skills you can choose the more important is your choise.
  9. I'm still hoping that they add duelling for that purpose
  10. If you felt kind of attacked by me than I'm sorry.But let me ask you why do you think that game will lack skillbased combat?
  11. Or one of the other two factions :-)
  12. You said it's a poor assumption of my side that ESO is more skillbased than gw2.And you keep saying that combat looks boring and so on.I followed gw2 like now follow ESO and the combat of gw2 looked boring as well and many in the community where upset about it.I don't know how many videos you have wached of ESO, but it seems to me that you keep ignoring the core mechanics behind it.Like I said I have played ESO and while the difficulty level might be relativ low at the beginning ones you start to pull about 3 opponents which have a higher level as you, you will see the beauty of the combat system. At that point I started to use block, dodging moving around and it was a challeging and fun experience.We don't know how rewarding skill will be in endgame.In some games a skilled player can win 1vs3 in some 1vs5. (PvP)But what we know is that skill will play a big role in ESO.It might seems that I'm defending the game really hard.and while I have big hopes for it, that's not the reason for my responses.I can't stand people who watch a short video where you couldn't really see anything and than start mocking a game, ignoring every other information we have about that game.
  13. Why to you think gw2 is more skillbased than ESO because you saw a video? Just think about it: In ESO you have to target more than in gw2. You can block in both games (at least a few classes can) but unlike the block in gw2 you have to face your attacker. You have the keep a keen eye on your ressources. In gw2 it was quite easy to know what kind of build your opponent was running. just from looking at his class and weapons. In ESO you will have no clue until the fight starts.
  14. I have played ESO and I have played gw2. I played WvW I ran all dungeons and I played with my team lot's of paid tournaments. So I can say that ESO is more skillbased than gw2.
  15. I guess it's just in there for beta testing. The second picture shows the UI of the finnished game which is the "neutral world" and ones you pick a race it changes to the UI based on your chosen faction.
  16. Okay I explain it to you. If you take a closer look at the first picture you postet you will see a bar on the uper left corner. If you klick you have 4 option. 1 is a normal world if you klick 1 race it will change the back ground to the allience the race is in. the other 3 are Aldmeri/Daggerfall/ebonheart worlds were what ever race you pick the back ground will allways be the faction of the world. So if you have beta access. The open 1 world normal the choose one of the later 3 There you can take a look at all races but you can only enter the game with one of the 3 races of the world faction
  17. I posted on this forum a while ago how you can do that.
  18. You can find the ESO beta.exe and then you have to add a file which chances the log in so that you connect to a private server. The last state was that you could create your char enter the game run around explore Cyrodiil, Valenwood, Morrowind and a few other regions. You could take a look at the skills, but you allways where a Woodelf Sorccerer no matter what class you picked but there wern't any mobs and you couldn't use any skills and so on. I'm currently not at home so I don't know the current state but last thursday was an update after that the world list didn't load. So I guess I have to wait for the updated file.
  19. no that's just from the beta hack where you can create your char and where able to enter the world.
  20. The game is way more skill based then most other games out there.You have to aim, dodge, block, keep a close eye on your ressources and so on.
  21. For everyone who is unsure what class he should pick here is my view on them.Templer:Is the best overall class.If you are unsure what role you wanna play pick Templer they can play them all and are good at them.You can be a good Tank, Dps, ... however some other classes will simply be better at some of those roles.Nightblade:Is the best single target Dps class.If you want do deal the most possible dmg on a target Nightblade is the way to go.However Nightblades lack AoE you have access via your weapon skills but you can't compete with others when it comes to AoE.Dragonknight:The best Tank and Tanky melee Dps class.DK's have great survibility and a good dmg output which makes them the perfect choise if you like tanking or melee combat.But don't expect them to be that great at range this class really excels in close combat.Sorccerer:Is the most tricky/fun class.If you want to troll others in PvP sorc should be your class of choise.
  22. I don't believe that they will allow multiboxing.
  23. I could see ESO beeing some how like GW2 where a group is strongest when they all stand at 1point.Just think about all the great support skills most of them are AoE, when you stand as a group you easily activate synergies the tank is close to group and can take over the aggro faster. So basically I could see it work like this.The group stays behind, preferable in a edge where they are safe of range attacks.The tank runs in hits the mobs and runs back to the group where the fight starts.
  24. I think AoE tanking will be more about CC than about pure dmg.
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