For a nightblade I would use something like this:Bow: snipe, scatter shot, shadow cloak, strife, cripple;DW: teleport strike, assassine blade, haste, shadow cloak, veiled strike;Bow:The playstyle would be hit and run.Opener would be snipe but you would use shadow cloak to use snipe with in fights to. Scatter shot + cripple would make sure that you can stay at distance as long as you want plus the disorient in combination with the passiv ruffian increases your dmg. Strife would help you to stay alife.DW:Teleport strike is your cap closer + a stun, veiled strike is another stun. Shadow cloak can be used to get some distance again or to set up a heavy hit. Haste boostes your attack speed and with it your DPS. Assassine Blade is your finnisher.