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Everything posted by irons
The strength of DK's doesn't come from there passive HP reg it's because they have the best defensive skills + the best selfheals and still are able to deal good dmg.I allready was thinking about it yesterday, we have come to a point where we should talk about stat distribution and gear.The problem is that we have very little information about it.
The only thing is that veteran rank gear might has the same stats like normal lvl 50 gear but they could still keep the really awesome set boni back for veteran gear, which I actually hope.
Yeah AoE is better in big battles but the NB excels as a Single Target Dps and that's what this build is about.Like you said I'm not to much into NB because I'm totally fixed on DK so that build surley has potential for improvement. There is no overlap with that build that build is designed so that you can choose how you wanna engage your opponent either melee or range depending on which troubles them more. So against a melee fighter or Tank you would use your bow against healers or caster you go in close.I agree that having to many NB like that in your group would suck but having a few of those to quickly pick of enemy players is nice.
Okay that's how I would play a NB. Bow: Scatter Shot Cripple, Strife, Haste, Aspekt of Terror Consuming Darkness DW: Assassine Blade Blur Teleport Strike Veiled Strike Shadow Cloak Death Stroke
The solution is easy become a Tank.
Not to sure about disorient, but from what a got out of it you deal more dmg to a disoriented target and if you use a heavy attack you can knock that person down.
The dodge chance or miss chance are effects from active skills. You are right I didn't really thought about it but while in combat you would try to dodge off course you would have to stamina for that. An Alternative could be to hold block cause that doesn't cost you anything and quickly turn around. Or just run like a chicken in circles, which is something I used in other games to counter stealth where player were able to stay in stealth way longer than in this game.
Using Shadow cloak would grant you a sneak attack.
No I don't know if you can dodge AoE's. As a Tank I prefer a constant dmg reduction. You never know if you don't be unlucky and all the big hit's gain through and it's easier for the healer to heal you constantly for a small amount than suddenly for a big one. Yeah a DK might be the more tanky one but therefore your NB has more crit than a DK could get.
I know what I mean is dogde is more RNG than dmg reduce you never know what you really get.
A medium armor Tank? Hm I don't know you don't really get good boni except for your stamina reg so I would stick with my heavy armor.Tanky DPS in PvP will be a pain in the ass. Just think about of a bunch of DKs which use their AoE dmg controlls and then are supported by a few Mages and Templer.I agree that the Daggerfall Convenant will be a strong factions and from what I see there will be quite a few organized guilds als well for them.Plus people love the underdog.
Personally I think that Tanks will have the higher DPS than pure DPS but will deal a lot less dmg while fighting a bossFrom the Heavy Armor they get a 7% dmg boost then I think melee will deal more dmg than range. Tanks are able to stay the whole fight close to the enemy.The point where DPS will deal more dmg than Tanks is because the have more ressources and therefore can use more skills and skills deal more dmg than basic attacks.
Yeah :-)Unless Obsidian Shield turns out to be useless because the shield strength is to low so that 1 hit from a boss takes it away.
The thing with Ash cloud is that you have 30% miss chance which means if it runs bad for you get the full dmg of the big hits in. First of all you shouldn't compare Spiked Armor with Magma Armor.Better compare Spiked Armor with Obsidian Shield. Spiked Armor gives you a reduction of 30% a 5% passiv reg + 12% heal while active While Obsidian Shield has a reduction of 40% costs less is an AoE and gives you 5% stamina back You take Dragon Blood for the strong self heal of 25% you wouldn't try to spam it for the reg bonus. When you do that math don't forget that the first dmg reduction is 4% and comes from heavy armor.I would never use 3 dmg reduction skills unless it's neccessary because I think it would be overkill. ----------------- Merged Posts ----------------- A different thing: Tanks as DPS or How much dmg will a Tank be able to deal compared to a pure DPS? If we take a look at all the dmg reduction a Tank has compared to normal DPS. There would be more Armor, more HP, higher HP reg more incomming healing, dmg reduction, better blocking. And if you take a look at the skills there aren't many heavy DPS skills but lot's of utility or defensive skills. So do you guys think that a Tank will be able to keep up with a pure DPS?
First of all you don't know if that really works that way or if it just adds up.Secondly Obsidian Shield is great because you gain stamina back for it and it doesn't really reduce the dmg taken it just absorbs a part of the incoming dmg different formulation which means it actually could work even if your math would be right which we don't know.Another thing is I never used more than two dmg reduction spells in my builds.If you have Dragon Blood on your hotbar you don't really need spiked Armor because when you use it your health regeneration goes up and the passive 5% extra isn't that much.With 1000 HP and 3% combat reg plus an increase of 12% (7 from your armor and 5 from dragon blood)you have 30 x 1.12 = 33.6 = 33or with Spiked Armor 30 x 1.17 = 35.1 = 352 points passive reg isn't that huge.
The 2H is just for AoE bombing trash. After the fight I take usage of the faster out of combat reg.I mentioned it before in this thread the way i see how people will run dungeons is, that the Tank runs in pulls the the room brings them back to the group which are standing behind in a corner out of sight for range attacks and than the whole group starts to spam AoE's I don't think that we will be able to stun a boss, but i think that you can interrupt a boss with a stun, and your bash (right&left click) should be enough for that + you have 3 more players with you which can focus on it. Your Build is quite simular to mine especially the Boss Tank one. I love the Battle Standard for PvP but I'm not sure if it really is that great for PvE that's why I went with Magma Armor on both skillbars. PS: I wouldn't enter a boss fight with my 2H setup that's really just for clearing the trash, for a boss fight I would use a more balanced build. Oh I forgot, I really like your build the only thing is I prefer a self heal instead of another dmg reduction skill (Spiked Armor) but that's something which will need some endgame testing before we can say what will be better.
You misunderstood me. Ash Field is a really strong skill but not in that build which I posted for PvP. I feel Ash Field really starts to shine when you combo it with other skills, like Dark Talon which makes sure that your enemy doesn't dodge out of your Ash Field. If you take a look at the PvE 2H set up you see what I mean. If you pull someone to you and pop your skills, than Dark Talon would make sure the stay where they are + deal dmg, Inferno would slow them + deal dmg, Inhale would heal your for every enemy around you + deal dmg, Fiery Breath would deal dmg to them and ash cloud would slow them and make them miss their hits and there would also be the burning damage which the 2 fire abilities cause additional.
It's a playstyle descision to not take searing strike or ash cloud. Ash cloud is a really great skill but in PvP you have to make sure that your enemy stays in your ash cloud otherwise it's just a AoE slow. Fiery Reach is great but again on the battle field I might just use Shield Charge because it has a stun and is a Stamina based skill. But I will definitely use Fiery Reach in other builds where I take full advantage of the build. Yeah that build is a really passive one, but I like it that way it gives you the freedom to focus you more on the fight (on blocking, dodging, ...) This kind of Builds are relative easy to play but often tend to really shine in the hands of a great player.
DK builds: PvE: Tank AoE: 2H: Dark Talon, Ash Field, Inferno, Inhale, Fiery Breath; Magma Armor ST: Sword/Shield: Puncture, Dragon Blood, Low Slash, Defensive Posture, Obsidian Shield; Magma Armor Playstyle: The build is designed for Dungeons. For clearing the trash you will use your 2H. You run in while the rest of the group stays back than you bring the mobs to your group and start to kill them. Your Magicka will brun through very quickly but that's not really a problem because you will kill the mobs really quickly and than reg Magicka out of combat. Of course you wanna use Obsidian Shield before running into the mobs. The Sword and Shield setup is designed for Boss fights. You use your taunt to keep the aggro and the rest of your skills are there to make sure thta you don't die. For some bosses you maybe need to switch it up or are able to go for more DPS. PvP: Role With this you are going to run around on the battlefield and protect your allies. So if someone attacks 1 of your healer you rush to him and either kill him or make him run away. 2H: Critical Charge, Inferno, Dragon Blood, Momentum, Immoveable; Magma Armor S/S: Shield Charge/Fiery Reach, Inferno, Dragon Blood, Defensive Posture, Obsidian Shield; Magma Armor Playstyle: You want to try to keep up your buffs (Obsidian Shield, Momentum, Immoveable) use Inferno when you have Magicka and are close to an enemy this is an ability you will use often but most of the time only for a short time. Ones you come closer to a keep you will want to switch Shield Charge for Fiery Reach because with Fiery Reach you can pull players from Keep Walls. Other than that the playstyle is mostly managing your buffs and focusing on the fight.
Personally I don't like Nightblade builds without Shadow Cloak (invisibility) but I see a major problem with your Nightblade builds you may dish out lot's of dmg but if someone survives your burst you lack survivability. Cripple as your only "kite" ability is a bit thin.
I guess everyone has his one way how he creates his builds.Currently I plan on using around 20 skills depending the situation.If you play a DPS you can use 1 build for all situations but as a tank I will have to change my build more often.1 boss could require you to use more defensive skills and for another one you need more AoE CC's
I personally start creating builds by picking a pole of actives I like. Than I think about for what purpose the build is. The passives simply help me to decide what skills make it into the build.I would never pick actives just because of the passives most if them are simply not strong enough to make up for a bad ability.
I remember a dev saying that you could level your skills quite fast at max lvl.Personally I will spend my first 3 points on class abilities so that I lvl those trees.That way I should have my weapon, armor and class trees at max when I'm lvl 50.And I'm not sure if I will lvl in PvE or PvP.
Not really that great of a Tank build + some passives give you a bonus for each ability you have on your bar.
Like I said that's not the case. Maybe that was the case in a very early build they used but the first build showed at a convention allready allowed you to slot 5 actives from your class.The only limitation they have is that you can't use a bow ability without using a bow.