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Everything posted by irons

  1. I think cross faction guilds will only be used to unlock different crafting skins (each race will have it's own) because you can't even use guild chat while in cyrodil and they might even put you in different shards to make sure that you can't trade points.
  2. You can run dungeons in other factions but you can't play with people from other factions. I don't really expect a problems with tanks in Aldmeri Dominion. There might are people who feel that a Highelf has to be a sorccerer and that a woodelf has to be a nightblade, however there will more than enough people who will play a Dragonknight Highelf or so.
  3. Currently the best tanks are Nords they have more Armor, frost resistance and 4% combat HP reg.But Orks might are able to keep up with them.
  4. We will have to see what racials they have. /edit: I just looked it up myself smallest: Wood Elfs < Darkelfs, Bretons, Argonien, Redguars < Kahjit < Orcs < Nords < Highelfs
  5. Redguards are the best warriors in the Elder Scrolls.I recommend you to watch the shoddy cast the have an amazing Lore serie.
  6. http://elderscrolls.net/tes-online/articles/dospekhi-raznykh-ras-i-klassov/ here you can see how the different armor (low&high level) will look on your Class/Race.
  7. Ah okay I just thought I would be to stupid to see how I can download it from that side. :-)
  8. How can you download it, I just got that .dll file.What I read (google translate) you can enter the world, but I could be wrong.
  9. @Blake If you have the chance could you pls test out how much stamina blocking costs and how much stamina a bash costs.
  10. The Ebonheart armor allways seems to be the coolest
  11. There seems to be away to play ESO for all who have the client even if there isn't a beta event. http://teso.ophelia-core.com/showthread.php?tid=7 With this you can play the game on private server.
  12. high quality http://static.elderscrollsonline.com/assets/img/cms/media/blogs/4da4f4c54d068e5fa710afce84590449.jpg
  13. From my past expierence invisibility was allways a extremly strong ability especially in PvP. The beauty of this skill is that it can be used in so many different ways and that it can't really be counteredYou say that you should use more specific abilities instead of invisibility, but I haven't seen anything which comes even close to invisibility.If you have the ability in mind which reflects projectiles than you should keep in mind that most magic attacks doesn't count as projectiles that AoE doesn't count and also not melee attacks. If I would play a Nightblade I would use invisibilty for sure, but that's just me.
  14. Invisbility and sneaking(stealth) are 2 different things, every player has access to sneaking but only Nightblades have access to invisibility.Inivibility has the advantage that you can't be detected by anyone. I don't know if it will work with magelight but I guess not because inivisibilty is a high cost ability.
  15. You underestimate invisibility, yes it's nice to open combat but it really shines as a escape skill. A stun isn't half as effective as invisibility lets say you are in a combat with 5 others you maybe stun 1 of them he stays in stun or he decides to use stamina to break your stun however the other 4 will keep attacking you with inivisibilty you got 2.5s where they can't attack you directly that also means that they are unable to use CCs on you. 2.5s doesn't sound much but it could be enough to use a health potion or to get far enough way to go stealth.
  16. The problem of the DK fire build is that you have be to close to shine. That means that it probably will be great in PvE especially in dungeons but in PvP it won't be that great. So you have to adjust it for PvP.
  17. It might not be that useful in PvE but in Pvp invisibility is one of the best possible skills you can have.The mage light only shows stealthed people with in range so you just have to use range attacks to negate the mage light.Inivisibily is one of the best survival skills because with it you can get away from all attacks, yes you take dmg from AoEs but no one can attack you directly. Even the toughest tank will go down when enough people target fire him but a NB can get away with stealth.
  18. If you really wanna go with a sneaky healer than I would suggest going with a Nightblade. The way healing works in ESO is a little bit different than in most other MMO's because most of your heals are AOE which means that you have to stand in the center of the fight. The nightblade is the only class which has access to invisibility which allows you to stay stealth even in the heat of combat.
  19. I'm not sure if that's enough to prevent perma stealth. They will wear medium armor to reduce the cooldown on sneak plus the have a skill which grand invisible with no cooldown.
  20. I'm not sure but I would expect that ones you land a successful sneak attack all the mobs around will know where you are and in PvP it will show you where the attack came from and you will be visable and unable to go into sneak mode again. That's why the medium armor reduces the cooldown of sneak.
  21. You can, but as a melee char you either need to be invisible or attack from the back otherwise he can see you when you attack. Plus if you have watched some of the leaks you would have seen that sneaking up to someone isn't that easy because they can detect you even if they don't look at you. A successful sneak attack stuns your opponent if you then use a power attack he gets knockdown.
  22. They said that the Cash Shop is not what you would expect, it might not even be ingame and currently the only thing in it is name change.They said it has been missunderstood but I think they might wanted to go with it and now just moved back. The thing with 15$ is it's a lot of money but if the game is good and I therefore have 20+ hours/month fun than that's a cheap price for my entertainment.
  23. Yeah I remember the same but I couldn't find anymore.
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