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Everything posted by irons

  1. It's 10 per point at least in early levels but it might could go up. In an interview the said that you can only enchant your armor with stamina, magicka, health and ressistances.From the numbers we saw where players had over 1000 points stamina without spending any points on stamina it looks like the points we spend doesn't really matter because the stats on gear are way higher.
  2. I really like the ultimate of the orcs and the other racials are also really nice for a tank but I don't like the look of orcs.
  3. No not really. The DK build I have in mind uses mainly magicka based skills and the dmg is mainly fire dmg so the racials are not bad at all.
  4. interesting videothe player didn't spend points on stamina but still had over 1000 stamina. That chances quite a few things for me.
  5. Do you really gain 7points extra while in combat? That would be huge.All in all my Highelf DK tank/dps will really benefit from the racials.
  6. My plan was to go with a Highelf DK Tank/DPS and the racials support that really well.Because:The boost 1 of the 3 weapon sets which I plan to useMost of my abilities will be magicka basedand most of my damage will be fire dmg.
  7. I guess now we can compare all races with each other.
  8. Just relax. There should soon be another beta event where they test AD.
  9. You read it wrong it's not +4% HP reg it's 4% HP combat reg (instead of 3%).
  10. By the way when it comes to the calculation what is better you have also consider over which time the healing is done.For example a healing spell which heals for 100 heals with the passiv for 107a spell which heals for 50 + 5/s for 10 s heals for (53.5) = 53 + (5.35) = 5x 10 = 103if you compare that to the increased reg (400 HP)for the first spell 107 + 12 = 119 vs 116 second spell 103 + 12 x10 = 223 vs 260
  11. The thing with raids is that it sounds like that they want to go a route where your 24 man raid will have to split up i small groups. So depending on the mechanics you might will have only one healer on you at all times.Like I said it's hard to say who will be the better tank.The reason why I believe that Nords will be better tanks than Argonian is simply because I think that Zenimax designed the Nord as "the tanky" race for the EP.
  12. It's hard to say what will be better because we don't know what + 7% heal is. If someone heals you for 100HP which would be huge than it would be +7HP. A tank you has 400 HP has a reg of 12HP/s a nord has 16HP/s. A lvl 50 mage has about 550 armor so 50 extra armor isn't bad. I expect that a Nord tank will be way better than a Argonian tank.
  13. http://www.videogamer.com/features/article/the_elder_scrolls_online_interview_everything_you_need_to_know_about_the_game.htmlIt seems that guilds will have the option to open a shop where people outside their guild can buy stuff.
  14. I find it kind of ridiculous.If you really want a new board a would suggest you one from lib tech.
  15. maybe right it's just that khajit are kind of sneaky so I went with dual wield but we will see
  16. My guessWoodelfsexp boost to bowsincreased staminaand resistance to poison and diseaseHighelfsexp boost destruction staffsincreased magickahigher magic dmgKhajitexp boost dual wieldincreased HP+ gimmicky stuff
  17. Sorry re-skinned means for me a slightly different skin. :-)
  18. For me the best armors are: Light: Breton Medium: Redguard Heavy: Highelf/Darkelf Templer armor is actually the same armor as DK just in a different color set You can every armor in the game and for example a Highelf can even learn how to craft Orc armor.
  19. The survey is quite old, back than we had very little information about the classes. I hope that we soon will know what racial the other races have so I can make my final decision what race my DK Tank/DPS will be.
  20. The Betas are limited to factions so yes.
  21. Normally you have 3% reg of Stamina/Health/Magicka while in combat. However Nords have 4% HP reg in combat which is an increase of 33%.
  22. I know excatly what you mean. :-) Nords have: 4% HP combat reg increased armor frost resistance I don't think that the frost resistance will be huge but having 4% HP reg instead of 3% is huge and having extra armor is also very nice.
  23. I'm also thinking about a Highelf tank. I wouldn't play a Orc because I don't like the look of them but I might play a Nord Tank the have great racials for it.
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