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Everything posted by Kaiden

  1. I am, however, headed to College in the Spring.
  2. Is Temple Trekking worth it now to Quest and Play? Or is it still... you know, not worth it.
  3. I can't talk in the FC/CC while playing MA. They take my ability away D:
  4. Thank you Crazy. Saw this and was like.. gonna have to post Power Rangers.
  5. I maxed my Roots/Mining for the week.. Might check back juuust to be sure a new week hasn't started D:
  6. We aren't a Warring Clan, like Ranger said. We're a Community and No requirements Clan that wars on the occasion someone ruffles our feathers.
  7. Welcome to our Community mate. If your interested in getting a Intra-clan Event between our two going let me or one of the Event Coordinators know and we can set something up
  8. I'm dropping off of TRR radar for at least a month when it comes out.
  9. Kaiden


    Bigger than mine.
  10. Kaiden


    14 day AT hike. Takes balls to hike the AT by yourself, let alone with your Grandmother.
  11. Kaiden


    Crazy knows my love of Camping. We had a big talk about it on Minecraft
  12. I have an Orc Elemental Shaman. He's fairly pro for my first time playing WoW, but I don't have a membership anymore.
  13. I play Minecraft while I skill or do something AFK-able. Otherwise, I just throw on some music and just do it.
  14. Welcome to the Clan :] Hope you enjoy your stay here we're a very welcoming community.
  15. Sorry I had to run so soon guys. Next time I'll plan to stay longer.
  16. I wouldn't have said anything if this was the first time. But there's been countless Events you have "made" and not wanted to host.
  17. Muscle. Do not make an Event that you want to host but can not. It's not practical for being an ET and your only making Events and then passing the responsibility of leading it to someone else. They don't count towards your quota of Events if [have] to make to keep your job.
  18. I never look at her face. She just comes in, I turn the lights off, and I finish. Then I slap her with the money.. and she leaves.
  19. Invest in the KAI corporation.
  20. I'll get anyone else who is missing some Awards in the morning.
  21. Invest in the KAI corporation, your hard earned monies won't [read: will] be spent on hookers, poker, blackjack, and booze.

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