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Everything posted by Kaiden

  1. Going to update this tonight with my new Goals and updated bars.
  2. How about less planning beforehand and simply gather together and decide which one your going to kill. I know people (me in particular) boss on a regular basis and rarely plan ahead, lol.
  3. As long as those guides are Topics and text instead of videos. I know Muscle posted a lot of videos and it just isn't as heart-felt when you slap on a YouTube video and call it a guide.
  4. 11.11.11.. I'm going off the grid.
  5. Kaiden

    Weird Food

    I've eaten Kangaroo. Not bad.
  6. Made some ovls today. Baws.

  7. Kaiden


    Welcome to the Clan mate. Hope you enjoy your stay here
  8. Kaiden


    I love Nyan cat.
  9. Boss Hunted: Kree'a and CompanyNumber of Rebelz Present: 2Rebelz In Attendance: Hybridinqq, ArcuseBosses Killed: 25+Drops- Not a damn thing D:Event Reflection- Nelson and I duo'd Armadyl Godwars for about 25 or so kills. FFA and agreed to split the loot. Buuut, little did we know, Kree'a and Company was jewish tonight and held on to the hilt tightly. Didn't even drop an armor piece either. I was sadfaic.Pictures- Didn't think to take pictures at the time.
  10. Kaiden


    That's awesome
  11. Firemaking is cheap and baller. I'll love you forever if you get it.
  12. If you have plans for solo'ing Bandos, CLS is an option. However if your going to be group crashing, grab a Maul for bosses. Maul outperforms some other weapons at Bandos when all your doing is crashing and getting a few hits in otherwise. It's also useful at Sara, TDS, and Waterfiends as well as Cwars, Castle Wars, and other safe PvP mini-games.CCBow is great at Nex and Arma, and replaces the Rune Cbow anywhere you would ever use it. For your activities though, I would suggest the Maul.
  13. Yeah, I was joking. It was 5am and I was going through and updating what I hadn't done. Jeffy was like.. add mine pl0x. But I told him I'd do it in the morning
  14. Do I care that I gave you the wrong Quest one? Nah. I'll fix it laters... And I'm skipping Dragonlord/Jeffy and Mithos because fuck adding 25+Noobs.
  15. I couldn't get the Free Version to play online D:
  16. You left early, so I forgot you actually went when it came time to make the list D:
  17. I'll be there with you. I built (so far) a Fortress for a starting base. Not much tbh, but its cool for the time being.
  18. Better lewts than we had at Bandos.
  19. Boss Hunted: General Graardor Number of Rebelz Present: 9 Rebelz In Attendance: I am Kaiden Tasty Pie Capt Planet1 Heated Deus Swaffle MstrMonopoly Blue_Speed VoidKnightz Blexun Drops: God Shard 2 (ls, non-cs) Shit drops (ourg bones, rune 2hs, rune platebodies) Event Reflection: Camped at Bandos for 46 kills in total without a single decent drop. 8 of us attended in all, with some staying the entire time (save for banking) and others coming and going depending on their real life schedule. Thanks for Tasty Pie for hosting this and getting interest in the FC/CC. Was a good trip, made some funnies and had a good time with our Clan. Pictures: No pictures on my end, my SK was acting up and I couldn't get it down right without messing up. Next timeeeeee. Tasty has pictures however
  20. Kaiden


    Welcome to 'Merica.
  21. Crazy, do it. I spent all night setting my Server up and building our basic Fort.
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