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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Maybe they're interested in that goat that got almost abducted by aliens before the eagle saved him. Last I checked, we had the only footage of the event.
  2. Anyone wanna see me make a Goku build?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      What is that?

    3. Jake


      From Dragon Ball Z. Lightning Storm would be a major source of his DPS.

    4. David


      I say go for it.

  3. I was horrified at first, but then I remembered what day it is today.
  4. No, that's the Restoration loop. I would stay away from that, as the game becomes too easy and boring if you use it. The Alchemy/Enchanting Loop, on the other hand, is fine, as it has a cap. Here's what you do. 1. Create a set of Fortify Alchemy gear. 2. Create a Fortify Enchanting potion. 3. Drink the potion. 4. Quickly create a new set of Fortify Alchemy gear. 5. Repeat until you reach the cap, which is either 29% or 32%, can't remember. With this alchemy gear, you can create some incredibly powerful potions that can boost your smithing and enchanting on your weapons and armor.
  5. So, it's pretty much the same prices Ps3 had during its sale.
  6. Shadow of the Colossus Super Mario Galaxy (1 & 2) Tecmo Koei hack n' slash games (Dynasty Warriors, Fist of the North Star, etc.) Cave Story Sonic Adventure (1 & 2)
  7. I believe he means the optional third ingredient that you can put in a potion/poison. This is just to allow you to add an extra effect onto a potion. Throw 2 ingredients with the same effect together to create a potion, then add another ingredient that matches one of the first or second ingredient's effects, and the effect will be added. Be careful, though, as this could lead to some potions that damage you, or poisons that heal the enemy!
  8. An idea for an article: my compilation of my assassin, mage, warrior, an unarmed build, and the worst build possible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      Like it all except the worse build possible. Kind of unnecessary and too predictable to even write.

    3. Jake


      Yeah, I suppose so. It just involves putting all your attribute points into stamina, and putting all your perks into lockpicking, pickpocketing, speech, and magicka reduction skills.

    4. Blake


      Well, with all that stamina, you'd be able to run from any fight you get in.

      Me taking your jokes isn't helping your guide either.

  9. What's sad is that I can relate to just about every single one of these.
  10. I could literally only hear a similarity of about 4 notes between A Violent Encounter and the Pirates theme. Pirates and Gladiator are similar, though, I must admit. Even so, it's a great phrase to use. I can't blame composers for using it, as it really gives a sense of rhythm to a tense, action-packed situation.
  11. That would have to be A Violent Encounter, the theme of the 2nd Colossus, Quadratus.
  12. It's actually three, if you look at it that way. Man-Nord, Redguard, Breton, Imperial Mer-High Elves, Orcs, Dark Elves, Wood Elves Beast-Khajiit, Argonian I have also never heard of this Khajiit theory. I had always heard that Man developed on Atmora (except for Redguards, who developed in a western continent,) while Mer developed in a southern continent. The Argonians and Khajiits were the only original inhabitants of Tamriel.
  13. Final Fantasy VII? That's a weird way to spell Shadow of the Colossus.
  14. There's a good chance that would lead back here, anyway.
  15. Put points into stamina when you level up. It gives you an extra 5 carry weight for every point you put in. There are also some enchantments to help you increase carry weight. Look up the Alchemy/Smithing/Enchanting Loop on Youtube. I would imagine it would help with this. Bring a follower. They can carry some of your stuff. Also, what is this weight/value ratio you speak of? I have never heard of such a thing.
  16. Created a female character and followed a guide to make her look like Hroki. Oh, yeah...

    1. Tynisa


      YEEEEEEAH I FUCKING LOVE ... hrowkai???


    2. Jake


      Hottest NPC in the game, she lives in the inn in Markarth and shops outside during the day.

    3. Tynisa


      Just like all wimen should.

  17. Jake

    Rate this Girl

    Whiterun-Aela Markarth-Hroki Dawnstar-Karita There, got 3 for you.
  18. Jake

    Rate this Girl

    We should start a thread to rank the numerous women in Skyrim.
  19. Jake

    Rate this Girl

    There was one girl at my school who was pretty close. Perfect in every way except her eyes were a boring brown. Unfortunately, her parents decided to homeschool her later in the year. I kid you not, I think it might have been from too many guys stalking her.
  20. Jake

    Rate this Girl

    In my county, 7.5 is average. 6 is still an F.
  21. Reload an earlier save, maybe? Create a new save every few hours if you haven't. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  22. Jake

    Rate this Girl

    Meh, I'm with everyone else. 5/10. I wouldn't call her ugly, but I wouldn't call her attractive, either.
  23. There are two quests. The Heart of Dibella is started by sneaking through the Temple of Dibella in Markarth and getting caught. Completing this quest gives you the Agent of Dibella effect, a permanent effect that inflicts 10% extra melee damage to the opposite sex. This is why female characters are better warriors. In the Temple of Mara in Riften, talk to the priests. One of the priests will give you a quest called The Book of Love. Complete this quest, and you get a permanent 15% magic resistance. I do not know whether Necromage affects these, so I'm waiting until I have the perk before doing these quests.
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