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Everything posted by Jake

  1. I'm a bit late to the party, but here's my take: Don't choose Altmer. Enchanting is a must-learn skill for just about any practical build, and you can lower your magic cost to 0 for 2 skills using enchantments, or more if you're willing to do the Enchanting/Alchemy loop. Altmer run faster, but that's it. I'd instead choose Breton. 25% magic resistance and Dragonskin are incredibly nice bonuses for a mage. Dark Elf is a solid choice as well, though their Active Power is trash after early game. If you really want to be OP, become a vampire and take the Necromage perk. Since you are undead, it strengthens your potions, enchantments, and even some perks, if they are taken after you take the Necromage perk as a vampire. Here's a healer/destruction build I threw together. I haven't played Skyrim for a while, but I was obsessed with builds when I did, so it should be viable: http://skyrimcalculator.com/341665 If you don't want the bow, just take the perks out of archery and smithing.
  2. About to play in a Smash tournament.

  3. In counties with free higher education, do you have to be a citizen to receive those benefits?
  4. In the Humble Weekly Sale this week, this is what is offered: Air Conflicts: Pacific Carriers Galaxy on Fire 2: Full HD Thunder Wolves Jagged Alliance: Classics If you pay more than $6, you also get: Jagged Alliance: Crossfire Expeditions: Conquistador I want the first three games, but I am on the fence about the last two. I don't really care about Jagged Alliance, but Expeditions: Conquistador looks fun. What do you guys think? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MdYgnO48jE
  5. Is it a private group? I don't see a join button.
  6. Thought I should get a fresh profile pic in celebration of my return.

  7. Last May. Do we share any games on my list? If so, do you mind sharing your Steam ID?
  8. I see we have gained some new regulars in the group. Allow me to re-introduce myself. I am Jake, AKA Sir SquishyMan. I was an active content team member, the only one who posted consistently. Then, one day, I stopped. I don't know why. I simply lost the will to go on. And so I missed a day. Then a week. Then a month. Then six months. Disappointed in myself, I was ashamed to show my face on this site, so I quietly dropped off the map. And I've decided to return. I may return to Content Team in time, but for now I'd rather not have the pressure. My next gen switch was from Ps3 to PC, so here's some info about me: Steam ID: Sir SquishyMan Multiplayer games I play: Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Guns of Icarus Online Brutal Legend Dungeon Siege III Mount and Blade: Warband Orion: Dino Horde Sacred Citadel Castle Crashers The Showdown Effect Torchlight II Skullgirls David, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my long absence.
  9. Aw, I was hoping I could be the one to post this.
  10. Decided to share the current Humble Bundle. Seriously, check it out if you're a PC gamer.

  11. Are you ready for the one of the greatest bargains of all time? Introducing the Humble Deep Silver Bundle! Pay what you like, and receive the following Steam games: Saints Row: The Third Saints Row 2 Risen 2: Dark Waters Sacred 2 Gold You also receive the following soundtracks: Saints Row: The Third Risen 2: Dark Waters Sacred 2: Fallen Angel The minimum price for this bundle is $1, but if you pay over the average, you also receive these titles: Dead Island GOTY Metro 2033 Risen 1 Sacred Citadel All DLC for Saints Row: The Third You also receive the following soundtrack: Risen Soundtrack Pay at least $25, and receive: Dead Island Riptide Dead Island Riptide Soundtrack Don't miss this deal, because it expires in just a few days!
  12. Item: Humble Deep Silver Bundle Price: $0 Are you ready for the one of the greatest bargains of all time? Introducing the Humble Deep Silver Bundle! Pay what you like, and receive the following Steam games: Saints Row: The Third Saints Row 2 Risen 2: Dark Waters Sacred 2 Gold You also receive the following soundtracks: Saints Row: The Third Risen 2: Dark Waters Sacred 2: Fallen Angel The minimum price for this bundle is $1, but if you pay over the average, you also receive these titles: Dead Island GOTY Metro 2033 Risen 1 Sacred Citadel All DLC for Saints Row: The Third You also receive the following soundtrack: Risen Soundtrack Pay at least $25, and receive: Dead Island Riptide Dead Island Riptide Soundtrack Don't miss this deal, because it expires in just a few days! System: PC Retailer: Humble Bundle Deal Link: http://www.humblebundle.com/ Click here to view the deal
  13. Just realized David's Best Game Music article has over a million hits.

    1. David
    2. Jake


      Eh, I haven't written an article in a while, so I really don't have a right to be. If I ever get around to writing again, THEN I'll feel jelly. I realized that what made me so consistent before was incorporating the Wednesday article into my homework schedule, so I'll try to do that again this year.

  14. Was Bioware not there, or did you not have time for it? Great job, regardless.
  15. Yes, that would work. Make restoration a priority skill to train, and use it instead of healing potions whenever possible. Necromage requires level 70 restoration, which will take a while. While I originally suggested Breton male as the race, I now believe Orc female is the best choice for an assassin.
  16. As you were saying? Anyway, while I don't hate Bethesda, I can see where the hate is coming from. They have already released their last Skyrim patch, and there are STILL several glitches left unfixed, namely getting multiple Drain Vitality shouts, and the fact that Brand Shai NEVER gets out of prison. Nonetheless, I look forward to what they have in store in the future.
  17. You can fast travel while using telekinesis?
  18. In the Temple Knight video, I noticed that Estus Flasks heal you slower than the previous game. This could be interesting, as it would allow alternate, faster healing items their time in the spotlight. In Dark Souls, Estus Flasks healed you so fast, that you never had reason to use anything else. (Humanity, Twin Humanities, Divine Blessing, Elizabeth's Mushroom, Firekeeper Soul)
  19. I just realized a few days ago that Dark Souls made an obvious reference to Leeroy Jenkins, naming one of the characters Paladin Leeroy. And when you duel him as a mini-boss, he rushes you.
  20. When I wrote this guide, I believe 2/2 before was better. Now, however, I believe 1/2 after is better. Many people believe that 1/2 before is still too fast, but 2/2 before is too slow. 1/2 after Necromage is a nice balance.
  21. As I said, Necromage makes several of your perks stronger, if you unlock them AFTER you acquire vampirism and Necromage. This includes Steady Hand. However, using it with Steady Hand makes time slow down too far. Time becomes so slow, Steady Hand becomes practically unusable. Thus, either take Steady Hand 2/2 BEFORE Necromage, or Steady Hand 1/2 AFTER Necromage.
  22. My next article: Top 5 games shown at E3!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I'm assuming this isn't happening?

    3. Jake


      Sorry, I've been busy. I'll get to it.

    4. David


      I was just wondering.

  23. Still can't beat my puggle. Like you, these are only breed pictures.
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