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Everything posted by Jake

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9yHFAAhUq0
  2. More family matters. Sorry about that.
  3. Built myself a gaming PC last week. Looks like I"m getting ESO after all.

    1. David


      Nice. You should post a thread about it.

    2. Fergal


      ^ Nice, bet it feels good!

  4. Jake

    The Hunger Games

    I'm disappointed in her choice. The other love interest was much more interesting.
  5. Just started playing Brutal Legend. Googled tips for a tough boss battle. Autocomplete spoiled the ending.

    1. David


      I've noticed that happening a lot recently. That and it "entering" an incorrect search that I typed half of.

  6. Jake

    The Hunger Games

    I suppose so. And, of course, the Sonnet introducing the R&J play mentions star-crossed lovers.
  7. I enjoyed Dawnguard quite a bit. It felt just right for my assassin build. As for joining the vampires, I regret to tell you that the Dawnguard is superior. Dawnguard Crossbows>Vampire Jewelry (More opinion than anything else, but the crossbows are AMAZING, and the jewelry doesn't compare to what you can enchant yourself) Dawnguard Huskies>Vampire Death Hounds (by FAR, believe it or not) Dawnguard Trolls=Vampire Gargoyles (Trolls are SLIGHTLY better, but they cost 500 gold each, and Gargoyles are free summons) Dawnguard Offensive Restoration Spells>Vampire Defensive Restoration Spells (Dawnguard's spells do fire damage, but only to undead. Vampire's spells are just healing hands that work on undead. Dawnguard followers>Vampire followers (Dawnguard has 5 exclusive followers plus Serana, Vampires just get Serana) Dawnguard Werewolf<Vampire Vampire Lord (What do you expect? This is what you bought the DLC for. You can still become a VL if you are with Dawnguard, but you lose access to DG's services until you cure yourself.) Dawnguard Fortress<Vampire Castle (Vampire Castle has blood potions and human cattle. Not that much better, but it's something.)
  8. I used to read. I haven't been reading lately, though. Not sure why. Howl's Moving Castle Dragon Age (The books were actually quite good, especially The Stolen Throne.) Forgotten Realms The Hunger Games Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Hardy Boys Howl's Moving Castle would have to be my favorite book of all time. Such a shame the second book was average, and the third was mediocre.
  9. Remarry-Wouldn't mind it, but wasn't really a glitch. You weren't supposed to be able to. Expand marriage options-See what I said about Remarry. Fix hearthstone-...see Remarry. Fix Dark Brotherhood garb-what? Why should you get anonymity when killing? Trying to not get caught is the fun of it! Become a Jarl-You can become the Jarl of Riverwood through a mod, if you have the PC version.
  10. Jake

    The Hunger Games

    Well, the story goes something like this: There is a secluded village in the middle of nowhere. Every year, they have a drawing. During this drawing, the children build up a giant pile of stones. They draw one person's name from the box, and that person is stoned to death to bring good luck to the harvest. The suicide was really the only similarity, in my opinion. What else did it have in common?
  11. Jake

    The Hunger Games

    Ever heard of the short story The Lottery? It's pretty obvious that the Hunger Games series was based off of it.
  12. Jake

    The Hunger Games

    I'm a fan of the book series, and I suppose the movie was okay, too. The casting for Haymitch and Cinna were EXCELLENT. Cinna played a much, much larger role in the book, though, so I was disappointed that I didn't see much of Lenny Kravitz. Hopefully he'll get more screen time in the sequel. I have three main complaints about the series, however. Don't worry, I'll keep it spoiler-free: 1. I found Prim to be an incredibly annoying character. It seemed like the book was trying so hard to make her likeable, and it made her boring with no personality whatsoever. 2. The series needed more Gale. I thought he was a very likeable character who needed more time in the spotlight. 3. The ending to Mockingjay sucked. Despite these qualms, though, I still enjoyed the series overall. I'll probably see Catching Fire when it hits theatres. I REALLY hope that Catching Fire's theme song will be a Lenny Kravitz song. It would be so fitting.
  13. I haven't been to this site in a while. I feel so useless. I try to contribute more when school is out in a couple weeks.

    1. David


      Are you just busy with exams or what?

    2. Jake


      For the most part, yeah. I'm more or less in the "home stretch" of grades, and I need to bring my Biology grade up to a more respectable B. Slacking off brought me down to a C earlier, and I've been trying to bring it up ever since.

  14. Were you playing on Legendary? If so, there's your answer.
  15. Fair enough, fair enough. I was actually putting together a Worst to Best Race article. The only downside? Once I list Khajiits as the worst race, I'm worried that Blexun will never talk to me again.
  16. Doubled our member count? Not too shabby, even if most of them never come back.
  17. And...we're back to the usual site traffic. It was fun while it lasted.

    1. David


      We're still getting 18 new accounts a day, and I haven't even networked the video once in 5 days.

  18. Jake

    Iron Man 3 Review

    From seeing the trailer, I actually kind of expected it to be disappointing. Such a shame, as I was excited to see how they portrayed Mandarin. One question, and don't spoil anything. In the trailer, I saw that more people got themselves Iron Man suits. A lot more people. Was the concept as stupid as it looked? I hate superhero "teams," as it makes the main hero's achievements less impressive. The Avengers is an exception; they pulled that off well.
  19. To get to Skyrim, you have to say you DON'T want to level up your character? Doesn't make sense, but whatever. I got Suikoden II.
  20. Looking at this thread now, this is probably one of the worst threads I have ever written.
  21. Depends how much artificial estrogen you give your animals. The estrogen-carrying waste from the animals runs down into the rivers. While it's negatively effecting humans, the effects on fish are even worse. Several species would have died out if scientists didn't intervene.
  22. I have been doing a lot of research about the future on the internet lately, and have come to the realization that there are some pretty scary possible outcomes. Allow me to share them: 1. Genetic engineering is perfected. People begin giving birth to perfect humans, who are far beyond the physical and mental capabilities of the average human. All the natural born people lose their jobs to these superhumans. Along with losing our jobs, the human race loses what it means to be human, and part of the beauty of the world is lost. 2. The US's debt with China and several other countries grows larger and larger. Eventually, China says "screw it," and gives us an ultimatum, which we obviously do not follow. They are backed by several other countries that hate our guts, namely Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Palestine, and maybe even Russia. WWIII breaks out, and Iran, China, North Korea, and Russia, all are armed with nukes. The world as we know it is destroyed. 3. The technological singularity occurs. We are able to transfer our minds into a computer and live for an infinite amount of time. While only the rich can accomplish this at first, it's soon available to the common folk as well. Eventually, almost everybody's mind is hooked up to this machine. The system crashes at some point and we all die. 4. You may not know this, but there is a LOT of artificial estrogen in the environment, namely in things like plastics and fast food products. This obviously needs to stop, but the farmers and manufacturers are too retarded to see the consequences of their actions. This artificial estrogen negatively impacts both sexes. For women, it increases the chance of cancer. In men, there are many negative effects, but the biggest one is loss in fertility rate. Since we have been using estrogen in foods and plastic, men's sperm count has gone down. If this continues, all the future men may be infertile and the human race will die. 5. Feminism wins the war against MRAs. I think it goes without saying why this would be bad. 6. Jesus rides out of the sky on a pterodactyl, yelling about how we aren't righteous enough. He then sets the Earth on fire. Thoughts?
  23. I would group the first group in with either App or MMORPG gamer. I would group the second group in with Casual, or maybe App gamer if they're really serious about it.
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