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Everything posted by .:Spoogan:.

  1. A Trojan that promises RuneScape players gold but instead steals their passwords was developed by an 11-year-old, researchers claim. Antivirus biz AVG said it made the discovery after studying a piece of code masquerading as a cheat tool for the wizards'n'warriors online role-playing game. The malware asks victims for their login details and, rather than send them in-game currency as promised, it passes the sensitive data to its munchkin master. But the little tyke was outed by his own source code: it contained personally identifiable information that a more experienced VXer would never reveal. AVG Technologies said this isn't the first time a child-built nasty has wandered onto its radar, and said the age of the Canadian developer suggests that kids are "digitally fluent far earlier than previous generations". While snooping on players' login details may at first seem a petty triumph, gaming accounts often store credit-card details or virtual currency for in-game purchases. And many people use the same passwords for their accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Google and other websites and gaming networks, potentially putting the victims at serious risk across the entire web: as well as the inconvenience of regaining access to compromised accounts, there's a possibility information could be exploited by online bullies and identity thieves. "We have now seen a number of examples of very young individuals writing malware, including an 11-year-old from Canada," said Yuval Ben-Itzhak, chief technology officer at AVG Technologies, referring to the RuneScape Gold Hack tool. "The code usually takes the form of a basic Trojan written using the .NET framework, which is easy to learn for beginners and simple to deploy via a link in an email or posted on a social media page. "We believe these junior programmers are motivated mainly by the thrill of outwitting their peers, rather than financial gain, but it is nevertheless a disturbing and increasing trend. It is also logical to assume that at least some of those responsible will be tempted to experiment with much more serious cyber-crimes." The rise of the pre-pubescent VXer is documented in AVG Technologies' latest security dossier (PDF here), which also reports that almost 60 per cent of all threat activity online was carried out using exploit toolkits. The newly created Cool Toolkit accounted for 16 per cent of the top web threats in Q4 2012, topped only by the Blackhole Exploit Kit at 40 per cent. ® source http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/02/08/pre_teen_vxer/
  2. Are you sure he picked it up?
  3. I'd say there is a chance of N. Korea acting out. But it's main backer (China) is denouncing N. Korea even thinking about tempting a 3rd nuclear test. Countries as unstable and uncontrollable such as N. Korea *cough* Iran should be under lock and key because they threaten global prosperity and security.
  4. found a few gems whilst procrastinating http://youtu.be/C1icpvvCxjo http://youtu.be/6DzB95M4eZ8 http://youtu.be/TVECSYevEz0
  5. Worst Super Bowl by far, wonder how it would've turned out if that illegal contact had been called. Onnn the other hand kind of wonder how the puppy bowl went.
  6. I believe i have Borderlands and Assassins Creed 2. I almost have it for Mass Effect 3
  7. If you're refering to Andy, he is returning it lol
  8. Took me 16 hours to beat the campaign in the ~ 30 hours i had it.... Now im working on Insanity. I've played ME 2 some with friends but not entire. I might consider getting it..O and the ME3 online is full of either 1) people that suck. 2) a group of 3 people that kick you right off the start because they want a friend in (use private matches then). or 3) a guy will sit there and not click ready after the rest of us are sitting here for 20 mins (requires all people in party to be ready to start)
  9. ClothesKindleNew Ps3 controller lol (I've broken 2 in the past week..)candya rubberband gatling gun lmao
  10. Nice to have ya back! Probably not before me though, im ancient =D add my PSN- spoogan we'll hit up BF3 sometime
  11. Im going BF3. It still has some bugs. But to me some bugs beats being spawn rapped by 5 noobs with submachineguns
  12. This happens to every clan just as Traaginen has stated. This topic has been brought up several times and bringing it up ONCE again will not make the clan go poof and everyone magically starts getting super active... All we need to do is keep who are still active, active, keep doing events, and recruiting...
  13. I won't be there as i have a study group to attend. However if you do end up doing it again i will try to attend as i can never find enough people to go.
  14. lmao someone has a little too much free time on their hands
  15. If they ever did, it will prolly be some worthless skill
  16. wtf? is it making fun or something? or did someone have tooo much time
  17. .:Spoogan:.


    LK SRSLYS!!?! yea i have no idea what you just said... hope you get it figured out though =D
  18. you should do youtube videos on your world =D i dont know why, but ive been addicted to watching minecraft videos
  19. Yea i think it's fair. if they are that dumb then they don't deserve to have their bank. It's a learning experience anyways
  20. LIES! i want to see the results, with their signatures on the bottom proving that its their vote
  21. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? - Spoogan_464 - Your account's combat and total/overall level? Combat: - 108? - Total: - 1700ish - Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)? - yes, Heavy Blade, The Chosen Ones, The Shadow Warriors - Where did you hear about TRR? - The kid sitting next to me getting raped by Penn State in NCAA 2011 football (David) - What were your first impressions of us? - Clanny - Why do you wish to join our clan? - I've already been coming to events-
  22. Just as the title says, are any of your guys PS3 gamers who play online? Add me on PSN =-> spooganAlso what games you guys play?
  23. my name is Sir Peter Ogland Ogeston Gusfa Allen Nixion. No its spencer, i just wanted to make some shit up for -Spoogan- if you guys didnt catch that..
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