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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Tears of Guthix: A nice way to get some free xp, hardly ever do it though - always forget. Shooting star: Only ever did this a few times, mainly at bgs1977's house parties (he sometimes did shooting star at them). Effigies: Haven't used these much because I haven't gotten a lot of them - meh. Troll invasion: Love this minigame, nice xp too. Treasure trails: Can be very rewarded, annoying to do though.
  2. Tbh, this is the first time I've ever seen you, because I only returned to TRR a while ago - but my point is, I never saw you in the CC in the last 2-3 weeks, what's your RSN?I'm in the CC a nice bit when I'm online, just I'm busy with school atm.
  3. Yeah, Brad just asked me to give it a shot at making them first. We plan on hosting them sometime.
  4. -hidden picture! MWHAHAHAHA-
  5. ^ Get active, and get your friends active/to join - then we'll be fine. xDThe clan is fine, but the activity is low. :/
  6. Apply using the proper form and we'll consider it.
  7. Well, just thought we need some events. Don't worry, making good use of the mems by grinding combat besides that.
  8. Event: Castle Wars! Meeting Place: Castle Wars Lobby - World 64. Date: November 30th 2011 (Tomorrow!) Notes: Bring combat gear, whatever you want - this is a SAFE activity. Food isn't needed. You cannot wear a cape or helm. Sorry about the short notice, just there are like no events planned and I just got P2P back so yeah. =P TIME CHART ----------------------------- 10pm GMT Time (GMT) 6pm Atlantic Time (GMT -4:00) 5pm Eastern Time (GMT -5:00) 4pm Central Time (GMT -6:00) 3pm Mountain Time (GMT -7:00) 2pm Pacific Time (GMT -8:00) 1pm Alaskan Time (GMT -9:00) 12 Midday Aleutian Time (GMT -10:00) If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter 1. Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" 2. Set the date to that of the event. 3. Set the time to that of the event. 4. Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  9. Oh god. You lost rep in this thread too, 3. O_oAnyway, welcome back, good to see you here again, now become a forum posting whore like I asked Mr. Scottish. <3
  10. And you also got another -rep. No better man for losing reputation.
  11. Ugh. Events don't happen yourself. You have to be at your own events and tell everyone in the IRC and clan chat to go, it doesn't work by just assuming people will turn up, we don't have the activity we used to have for that to happen.
  12. Got P2P again. Thanks Brad!

    1. FunnyPirate


      how do u get so much P2P?? I cant currently afford it and I don't have a way to make money online.... :(

    2. Fergal


      Lol, that was my first membership in months before that. I've NEVER ever payed for my P2P. Usually friends, this time it was Brad. :P

    3. magicakatie


      anyone wanna pay for mine?? ^_^

  13. Yeah Soul Wars is the one thing that's fun and good xp.Excluding the zeal, it isn't great for melee though. For ice bursting/chinning isn't fucking awesome though.
  14. Seems as though this is more of a wake up call than a closing topic.So do whatever you can to gain activity - Tell your friends, use the forums, ask others to use the forums, make some events, attend events, be active in IRC and CC. Whatever!
  15. What do you do when training combat?I just afk giant spiders (lvl 50 - Stronghold of Security). Good xp, but that's F2P. For P2P, I used to just slay, I'm assuming a lot of people do this, it's good training.Soul Wars is good. =P
  16. Well if I'm going to be getting P2P as you said (<333), and you don't need it, that would be awesome.I have some cash though, so I don't think I will need it, but if you absolutely don't need it that much because of dung, I'll borrow. xD Idm.
  17. Right! Brad and I have motivated myself to actually train. (hoorayyyyy!) So I'll be afk'ing giant spiders in F2P to get my cmb up. :PNow to get some of these goals.
  18. Sounds interesting I guess. Wish there were F2P updates more often!
  19. Oh good, the event took place. Did many turn up?
  20. And I'd be more than happy to give it a shot with a new pic too, even if it won't be much better than this. xD
  21. Oh man, too many things to remember. So I'll say just one that recently effected me since I don't play much anymore.Removing F2P highscores - now I know P2P is meant to me so much better and F2P get fuck all in comparison because they pay and F2P don't, I understand that; but come on, why did they need to remove this.They could even have a certain total level requirement to be added or something but still.
  22. Lol, it's only practices, not like it's matched opts wars.Come at any level, as Brad says, you can never practice too early - good warring preparation means you will be awesome once you are higher!
  23. ^ Supported. Oh wait, what if you only want the second part? I'm not Jeremy! D: Lolz.But srsly, do you have a normal pic up yet? Just always wondered what you looked like, damn Teamspeak. (no homo)
  24. Also - help get those nubs who sit in the Clan Chat all day to post too!
  25. That looks awesome bro! ^ Anyway, I made this, but I was really just fucking around with it while doing other things. So it isn't great. xD
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