From what I've seen, the people Huygens and I (maybe some others) have recruited (well, kinda) from RS Official Forums join our Clan Chat to find less than 5 people there. The response I get from that is: "Ye guys are inactive, or is it bad timing?" or something. The point is, we need to get our Clan Chat active, not saying it isn't, but it isn't what it used to be. This is the first step on getting back to our old ways. If you are not already invited to the CC, ask me to invite you! Until such a time as you get invited, just join as a guest! If you are online, and in the Clan Chat, talk! If you are on your computer, not doing anything, get online and into the CC, even if it is to idle and occasionally talk, it helps! -- I'm not angry of anything, of course not; but seriously, get it more active! Edit: Oh and I would also like to point out that there are a few people in the Friends Chat that don't use the CC, but they are usually those people that don't use the forums so it doesn't matter but yeah. Get them in CC.