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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. Yer, I know that. But RS Clans are dying, everyone even outside of TRR know that, so trying to get a clan like this back on track is impossible considering the big clans are even dying somewhat.I'm just saying that if this clan is to be closed down, I'm off to a warring clan. I'd LOVE to see TRR get out of this mess and get back on track to what we used to be before, the older days of TRR, pulling amazinely high for a community clan.By all means, I'll stay to help TRR, but if it goes, I'm gone until such a time as TRR is back.
  2. At such a time as I quit the warring clans, I demand to see TRR re-opened pulling 45+ to wars.
  3. If we close, I'm going straight to warring clans. After LoL and TRR, fuck community clans. =P
  4. Sigh, I'm not even going to bother arguing to be honest, it won't change anything. Damn. The memories. So many fucking memories of Summer '10. I still have an old folder of event pics I took for reflections, damn there's a lot. Fuck. I just realised I'll never beat Delly to Clan Leader now! NOES. *ragequits*
  5. Might give it a shot later, but I'm not that good with photoshop, my current siggy is probably the best thing I've made with it and even that isn't great. I can try though, since there is no one else really left to do it.
  6. He found a way in it seems.In-game lobby -> Message Inbox -> You're logged in for Forums!
  7. Okay, Dy3nasty666 has applied for EC. Others should too, WE NEED A LOT MORE EVENTS! Recruiting isn't doing too bad, I've got a lot covered, just hard to get recruits, so Diplomats are also needed too.Important! - if you wish to be a Council member, they is NO WAY you will get promoted without being EC/Diplomat or something first and being extremely active, especially on Forums. Just keep that in mind.
  8. Well, it seems as though his friend is able to log into the forums on Bwads. Weird, anyone know of this happening before?
  9. RSB/RSOF were always shit; did you try logging in using your OLD pass? xDDon't have a clue otherwise, just a random idea.
  10. Noob, nice 'About Me' page. ;)

  11. Don't even ask me how this happened, Delly and Brad were going on TS3 so I said I'd come along too and this happens. Goodbye TS3 Server - hello free TS3/Vent server? D:
  12. Well, it's been awhile since I've last read this. Now, I've ready every single bit, Green's, David and Skoal, Nob Cut and David's newer post. :PWe need to do 2008 - Present. Like SRSLY.
  13. Combat: 94+4 Attack: 76 Strength: 78 Defence: 72 Magic: 75 Ranged: 70 Constitution: 79 Prayer: 60 Not sure if I really can be apart of this, since I'm F2P (you said ye might do F2P sometimes) and I'm 94 in wild - not exactly 100. xD Just posted it in case. =P
  14. Don't believe I've seen this topic here yet. :PMine is Google Chrome - but I've always been a fan of Firefox, just it kept crashing. D:
  15. Oh damn yeah, that is an awesome cape.
  16. Lol yeah, pretty amazing. =p I don't understand how he wasn't roaring in pain, I mean come on, a car driving over you and a motorbike over your head... twice.
  17. Firemaking, thieving, fletching, herblore. There the ones I remember for being pretty cool. Construction and Prayer are nice too.Master Dung cape has an awesome emote.
  18. Never played a N64, but I heard a few people saying Pokemon was good, lol. I hate pokemon though. :oI've always loved any Mario games on Nintendo DS though.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2SUaoVy_iU&feature=asoMy friend posted this on Facebook. This is pretty damn impressive, by the look of them, it's like it they don't even feel any of the pain. :PWatch it. xD
  20. Fergal


    I deleted my old one, don't really know why, lol. So all my vids are gone. =P
  21. They changed the RS News icon, before it was a kind of light-brown thing I think, small anyway.I'm pretty sure you can turn off the option to include the image in the ACP?
  22. Pfft, a lot of people do it. xDOh and btw, I have CS3 Extended - is CS5 much better?
  23. That's good to hear I guess. Feel free to make some of your own events too btw, lacking in events lately.
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