There really isn't much to explain about it. It's just an added layer of strategy that is needed for the same concept. It changes how the gameplay is done completely. More micro-managing. Not only do you have to harass your lane, last hit the opponents creeps, and worry about the other lanes. You also have to worry if the opponent will last hit the creep first, meaning you wasted precious seconds trying to attack something that isn't there anymore. You also have to think about if it's worth denying that creep for your opponent instead of harassing because you may be low on health. Both are a risk, but denying a few creeps here or there is better than being killed or running ( teleporting ) back to base to heal. So many more factors because of this one single element. Yea, pretty much. All of these things are staples in the MOBA game world and are pretty universal. I agree. Even in games like DotA2 there are heroes that do things, then there are heroes that do the exact same thing ( in a nut shell ) only better. As the metagame shifts though, so do the top tier. I also know that DotA2 patches once every month, not sure about LoL. Honestly, if even a half decent player gets fed enough in a game. You've already lost. This goes for LoL and DotA2 though. DotA2 just seems a bit harder to actually carry your whole team if you get fed though. It requires a bit more team work even if you are much more powerful. Since a single well placed Ult from almost anyone can decimate an entire team ( I'M TALKING TO YOU NAGA SIREN! ). Where in LoL, a well placed Ult will help but isn't guaranteed to take out a whole team if they got too cocky. I really think this is one of my biggest problems with LoL too. I don't want to play for weeks trying to get the Hero I really want to play. Just to find out I don't like them... Honestly I feel like the whole setup for their heroes is a big money making scheme. While making the game have the illusion of being 'free to play'. At least DotA2 is straight forward; Give us your cash, here is everything you need, have fun. DotA2 has built in TeamSpeak as well. It's nice :] Not in the exact same sense as LoL, but I know in DotA2 you can. I would assume you can in HoN as well. It seems like a pretty basic concept especially if any characters have any invisibility spells.