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Everything posted by Snuggles

  1. Lol, thank you.Uninstalling and reinstalling is usually the best way to fix any error though. Usually something just went wrong during the download. The only problem is, I think simply uninstalling and reinstalling won't delete the extra one. So it probably needs to be manually deleted first.
  2. That's fine by me. Just convert the time for me to EST time so I know when to show up, lol.
  3. LoL is completely free though, if you don't mind using the randomly picked heroes. Which isn't too bad if you don't plan on really playing too often. Plus at the lower levels you don't even really have to worry about summoning stones or whatever they are called.
  4. I'm willing to play LoL. Even have Saturday off so I'll be available until 8pm EST. Work at 5am on Sunday sadly.
  5. I agree, that I probably won't buy it and will just stick to my controller. The potential though is astounding.Imagine a MOCAP suit for gaming. I wouldn't mind looking stupid if I could actually FEEL what was going on in my game. ( Not actual pain though, I assume just vibrations from where the bullet impacted or sword hit, or if the ground is shaking, etc ).
  6. You have two versions of JAVA installed. When it updated, it didn't overwrite your prior install.Delete all versions of JAVA from your computer and reinstall. Should fix the problem.If that doesn't work, it is probably a bug with the newest JAVA. If an older version doesn't work, then I'll have to think of something else. Try my first suggestion though, I'm almost certain it will work.Edit - I assume you're running a Windows OS? Correct?
  7. Same, I just like to accessorize
  8. It's set to automatically change every ten seconds. It only cycles through the ones I pick though, so it stays with the theme.
  9. So, I really want to buy all the dragon masks and the fish mask. So I'm taking a small break from fishing to make about 12k cannonballs.I'm still taking orders, they will just be a bit slower to fill. I like to set a quote of coal to mine every day and meet it.@Labush - I have your lobbies though, 2k of them. You can pick them up next time we're on. I'd like to get 200k for them if that's ok. I can go cheaper though of course. It's pretty much however much you want to throw me :]Edit - If anyone has a Dragon Pickaxe I could borrow, I would love you forevers! I might just buy one though... they are soooooo expensive though ;o;
  10. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/19/is-microsoft-working-on-wearable-xbox-controllersThe link here pretty much says it all.I was put off at first about their new patents. Thinking they were very gimmicky. I'm intrigued by this though. This has crazy potential, and will definitely make for some interesting... well... whatever it's going to be.
  11. That thing is so awesome looking .I couldn't imagine trying to fold that either!Moar!P.S. TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH TO POST IT >(. Glad you did though
  12. I'd get Mark Twain to read books to me.
  13. Every drug listed is legal somewhere.
  14. The Clan Formally Known as Snuggles.
  15. Screenshot and post the error please.
  16. 1. 19 inch monitor and computer, easily my first choice2. Internet modem, obviously for the computer and #33. Game consoles4. Games ( lolduh )5. Fridge and Oven6. 1 oz of Maryjane a month. Can I pick this twice though? I don't think an oz would last me...In that order for my first six, lol.Don't really need much else. That's pretty much my room in a nutshell, haha. If I HAD to pick 10 though...7. The Cocaine8. MDMA and the acid tabs9. Garden with Pool ( Pool boy better be hot too! he also better enjoy MDMA :] )10. Hot Water HeaterIf I had to only pick five, I'd probably take away the game consoles and games and replace them with the water heater. I don't mind cold showers but a hot shower is so much nicer.I mean honestly, the computer and internet connection pretty much make the books/movies/tv/porn/phone/pen and paper obsolete. Since I can do all of those things on my computer anyway...
  17. That one is totally my favorite . It's so cute! I can't help but "aww" when I see it xDPretty sure I found it here; http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/6974645/Snowy_s_Wallpaper_CollectionIt may just be an image I found lurking the internets though. I have over 300gigs of wallpapers I've collected over the past year. If you want I can send you the original. Or if you have any requests I can see what I can do for the theme.
  18. I'm not entering, but I feel that the avatar shouldn't be allowed. It's an unfair advantage since not everyone can have him. Also, if everyone does happen to be in the same world, I'm pretty sure you get more exp when he's within a certain feet of you. So it's still unfair.Just my two cents.
  19. Those are great desktops, I loved them, haha.I've thought about going with no icons, but then I remembered I'm not using Linux anymore and it just makes my life easier to have icons with Windows.
  20. Lol, all I do is fish .I click on the fishing spot, with all sounds except soundfx turned off. As soon as I don't hear my character fishing anymore, I click on the next one or I go bank. Rinse, repeat.It's really the only reason I 'play' Runescape. It's because I can play it without actually... well... playing it!
  21. There really isn't much to explain about it. It's just an added layer of strategy that is needed for the same concept. It changes how the gameplay is done completely. More micro-managing. Not only do you have to harass your lane, last hit the opponents creeps, and worry about the other lanes. You also have to worry if the opponent will last hit the creep first, meaning you wasted precious seconds trying to attack something that isn't there anymore. You also have to think about if it's worth denying that creep for your opponent instead of harassing because you may be low on health. Both are a risk, but denying a few creeps here or there is better than being killed or running ( teleporting ) back to base to heal. So many more factors because of this one single element. Yea, pretty much. All of these things are staples in the MOBA game world and are pretty universal. I agree. Even in games like DotA2 there are heroes that do things, then there are heroes that do the exact same thing ( in a nut shell ) only better. As the metagame shifts though, so do the top tier. I also know that DotA2 patches once every month, not sure about LoL. Honestly, if even a half decent player gets fed enough in a game. You've already lost. This goes for LoL and DotA2 though. DotA2 just seems a bit harder to actually carry your whole team if you get fed though. It requires a bit more team work even if you are much more powerful. Since a single well placed Ult from almost anyone can decimate an entire team ( I'M TALKING TO YOU NAGA SIREN! ). Where in LoL, a well placed Ult will help but isn't guaranteed to take out a whole team if they got too cocky. I really think this is one of my biggest problems with LoL too. I don't want to play for weeks trying to get the Hero I really want to play. Just to find out I don't like them... Honestly I feel like the whole setup for their heroes is a big money making scheme. While making the game have the illusion of being 'free to play'. At least DotA2 is straight forward; Give us your cash, here is everything you need, have fun. DotA2 has built in TeamSpeak as well. It's nice :] Not in the exact same sense as LoL, but I know in DotA2 you can. I would assume you can in HoN as well. It seems like a pretty basic concept especially if any characters have any invisibility spells.
  22. Dragon Age was a good game, kind of. Don't think I liked it enough to warrant a desktop theme to stare at. Same goes for FFXIII.Dynasty Warriors is a cool idea. If I can find some good images and maybe some icons, since I don't have photoshop anymore. I might do that actually. Such an old game but it was always fun to just run through thousands of people.I like Sonic, although I'd probably end up doing more of a Tails theme than a Sonic based on. <3 Tails, he's so cute. Especially in the cartoon.------Dear lord Deathirst, your desktop is HUGE. What size monitor are you running, or do you have it hooked into your TV?
  23. I can have them for you tomorrow, of not late tonight.
  24. Haha. A Link desktop would be awesome. The only thing is I literally just setup a friend of mines desktop with a LoZ theme not even 24 hours ago. Gave him all my images, my icons, etc. So I kind of feel like I've already done it, if that makes sense.I know I'm being a bit picky but I appreciate the input, lol. I do like the idea of straight Wind Waker though.
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