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Everything posted by Snuggles

  1. Congrats Labush! We all know that real life takes priority. Doesn't mean you don't deserve it :]
  2. We should push the IRC server, maybe get an attached web browser to connect to it for on here. I really feel like it's the best and easiest way for people to communicate
  3. I was a pro gramer when I played FPS still. My squad kind of fell apart though, so I moved on to fighting games about 6-8 months ago. Only been to two majors, took fourth at both. One at MLG Raleigh for MK9 and Skullgirls at MidWest Championships. Kinda choked in both tournaments but it wasn't too bad. Only problem is the scene here for fighting games is pretty bad. I might as well just be playing online. Unless I wanted to play Melee, but the people here at NCState are way out of my league.Brawl is pretty hard to take seriously as a fighter. Since the maker literally added 'tripping' at random times just to make it uncompetitive. That's why you see more Melee players than anything else. Also, with ProjectM being created by the top Melee players Brawl just kind of fell off the map. I love Brawl, but not competitively in the 'I'm here to win and make money' sort of sense.
  4. I haven't had a chance to really play any games lately, have a Skullgirls tournament I had to practice for. I'll be finishing this game tomorrow with a full review though.I will say this though. Get this game. It's like $10, and the story/music are just.... amazing. I don't even know how else to put it. So many tears brought to my eyes.
  5. The only thing I would really want with the DLC is the ability to go to Hammerfell and enter the arena. Since Skyrim is lacking one of it's own. I mean, the first TES game was based around this arena, and Skyrim is like right next to it. I would gladly pay for a DLC that was focused solely on this arena. It would also give me a reason to play my Redguard.
  6. Which is why I don't mind . If I'm playing with a group and I know we are just there to have fun I usually don't mind. I'm at heart though, a very competitive gamer. I hate losing with a passion, especially when I know I'm the better player >.<
  7. 100fps can mean life or death in any of those games, lol. Especially when you're used to running an FPS of around 23-25. That extra second it takes for my pc to figure out what's going on, can determine whether my tank shell hits, or my blink goes to the proper place for the kill or to escape. It's honestly the main reason that all I play is RS on my laptop. I hate losing because I have an inferior computer when I'm easily the better player :[
  8. I guess I'll list all the games I play for you guys then; Xbox360 Battlefield3 ( A bit skeptical about playing this game though. Unless you're rocking like a 3.0+kd :< ) CoD:BlackOps Skullgirls Street Fighter: 3rd Strike Mortal Kombat 9 Halo: Reach Resident Evil 5 Castle Crashers Borderlands PC Runescape -------------------- Laptop can't really handle much else. LoL would be possible but I would be a bit laggy and have a somewhat bad FPS ( probably around the 90-110 mark ). I can also play World of Tanks/World of Planes but again, the FPS is a bit extreme and makes high level gameplay difficult.
  9. The website was hacked, the actual program wasn't touched. From what they are saying anyway. I can't seem to find where they said that though, lol.I wouldn't be too concerned anyway. Swiftkit seems to pretty much just be a web browser like FireFox or Opera that just happens to be specific to playing Runescape.
  10. Nah, pc version is a million times better because you have the console commands. Any problem you might have with the game glitching or a quest being unable to be finished because of a bug is easily fixed for you. I have characters where both my main storyline and other quests are impossible for me to complete due to bugs.The game probably won't have any big mods released until after all the DLC. You could always check the Bethesda site too, they might have a list of unofficial mods too.
  11. Official plug-ins The Spacecore one is pretty fun from what I've heard.For unofficial mods, I'm not sure where to go besides the site I linked already. If they even have any. I play the console version so mods are pretty much out of the question for now.
  12. Now, are we talking the whole CoD series? Because before they started focusing strictly on the multiplayer, the CoD franchise was great. I didn't have time to reply to this earlier but...I agree with the rehash of the games. There is no need for LeafGreen or FireRed or anything like that. As for buying extra parts, Sony should be the one with the finger pointed at them. PS2/PSX, I had to buy an adapter for $35 to play a 4p game? I've heard rumors that the first PS3s didn't even come with HD wires. I mean seriously, do I really have to buy things that should have been included? My N64 had four controller plugins... I do disagree with the part of two iterations of each game type. I personally enjoy that idea and think it's genius. Especially now that link cables aren't needed, and you can trade from all over the world. It means that even if you play your version to death, there are things you just won't be able to do without someone with the other game. It means you HAVE to go out and find people with a similar interest and a copy of the other game to complete your Pokedex. Even evolving certain creatures is impossible with a friend. I know personally, and I'm sure most gaming nerds agree, it's somewhat annoying at times. Nintendo has always been about interaction though. Trying to get people to come together. Pokemon has also learned from previous games though. They've added new types and moves so it's not longer a battle of who can get the type advantage first. You actually have to think about your move set, your types, and now even which item your Pokemon is holding. They added a breeding system. Not quite as deep as Dragon Warrior Monster but you do have to remember that Pokemon is somewhat directed at children. Moods for your Pokemon, affecting stats as they level. A happiness meter, which also causes your Pokemons' stats to change. Maybe during the Red/Blue/Green days it wasn't very deep. It has evolved a lot since then though. Each new series brings new ideas to the plate, changing how you have to think and play the game. I have yet to get my hands on White/Black yet though, so I don't include those in anything I've said. Dragon Warrior Monsters, awesome game. In fact it's one of those games I play every once and a blue moon even though I'm done with it. Lol. The breeding system was genius and made for so much replay value trying to get he perfect stats for your monster ( The first one, never had a chance to play the second one ). I have an affinity for all things cute and adorable though, so I still liked playing Pokemon more though . Edit - Also, the more I think about it. Diablo3 is probably the most overratted game to ever exist. I mean, the game broke records yet is so watered down with a horrible economy ( Invincibility glitch that Blizzard didn't seem to care about for so long. In fact, they may not have even fixed it still ) which was it's main draw. Since they encourage Real-World Trading with an auction for real money if you want. No creativity in anything. Stats level for you, as do skills since they all become unlocked by the end anyway. My mage wasn't even allowed to swing a sword. I HAD to cast spells. So any unique builds or making a glass-cannon setup, or a tank setup, was completely impossible unless you picked the class that was meant to do that. I also understand that the 'gear you wear' is what makes your build unique now. I think it's just an excuse. Torchlight is totally based on the gear you use exactly like D3. In Torchlight though, I can still level up my own stats and skills. Giving me hundreds of builds I can create while still allowing me to focus on the build I want through my gear. I can make a Mage that tanks with the right stats. In D3, it's impossible because the stats automatically level for you. So it's impossible for me to pump my vitality on a mage so my mage will never be a tank. It will always be focused on Intelligence. Blizzard even admitted at one point that the game had no replay value at all! The game has now become known as Diablo 3: Lord of Error 37. An error that took out millions of players for weeks after it's release. Making the game completely unplayable for a majority of players. While Blizzard sat around twiddling it's thumbs and not even giving a response until much later.I may be a bit harsh on D3, since I was a hardcore Diablo2 player for almost ten years. Diablo3 was probably the game I had wanted to come out the most. Even more than Skyrim or Starcraft2. So I was extremely disappointed at the job they did. Thankfully this was a new team that worked on D3, since the original Diablo crew moved on to make the Torchlight games.
  13. This is a tough one... I guess if I had to pick one right off the top of my head... Borderlands, or maybe Diablo3. Can't really think of any older games that withstood the test of time and are still played today that are actually bad.@Brad - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQOswiAGLU4I'm not a huge Tetris fan, it definitely needs some defending though. Lol
  14. So, was just introduced to to this amazing pc game. I have yet to actually play it, just finished my download now.Just from this single trailer and the reviews I've read, this game is going to be blow me away. The music and the storyline from that single video easily tug at your heart.People have claimed it to be "The deepest story to ever be told in a game". Which, if you ask me, is a pretty bold statement. Especially from a game rocking 16-bit graphics and created by an indie group. There are a lot of amazingly deep storylines and games out there. I think this game will pull it off though. How can you go wrong with ratings like this; I was sold at "I guess the music's kinda nice". Dat Aunt.I'll post more information about the game, and my opinions as I traverse the world they will be bringing me into. I have to say after reading the description of the game and already being almost brought to the verge of tears from a simple announcement trailer. I have high hopes for this game, and I've only known about it for less than an hour.The game is currently on sale on Steam for $8 ( From what i was told ). It is also available here from the official website.
  15. Quoted for emphasis. I really have nothing to add. Lol.
  16. I think in most RPGs it just feels that way. They are usually set to a specific area to be a certain level so you're about that level when you get there.
  17. My main on Skyrim is almost an exact replica of that. Only I used no glitches and put every point I ever got when leveling into Stamina. I also don't use any OP enchants like the 102% magic resistance or the ability to get max DR while still dual-wielding. I also played on Master Difficulty since the start.Sadly, I do 1hit most things though. Just because a Sneak Attack Critical with dual-daggers and a power attack with the right gear setup deals 4x 30% critical hits in a row ( With only a level 56 one-hand I might add. Although I've heard glitches where 1h does not affect daggers anyway ). if I can sneak up on a Elder Dragon, it dies in one hit. Even my bow two hits almost every basic creature with a sneak attack, and can always get the second shot off before they even see me ( Sneak and Archery being my first two 100 skills while enchanting was my next highest at 32 ).I am a literal definition of a 'legit glass-cannon'.I've only heard my friend talk about the game. He's a decent gamer, although he doesn't play enough non-fps games to really grasp every concept of Dark Souls fully. He has been playing since almost the start with a curse on, simply because he can never get enough souls to get rid of it. He dies too often and loses his souls, and he wouldn't even get that far if he didn't spend what few he had on healing items and the like.I'm really looking forward to playing Dark Souls. I found a really cheap copy from a friend and it should be in here about a week for me to play. I've heard the difficulty is nothing compared to Demon Souls but I've never played either.Except a rave review when I get the chance. I already feel like it's going to be one of my favorite games I've played in quite a while.
  18. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/04/dark-souls-director-thinking-about-adding-easy-modeShort article. Check it out, no time to give you the short story. Lol
  19. They aren't missing much anyway. The man was not nearly as brilliant as people think. He was just a crude business man. He was self-centered and really only cared about making another dollar.Granted, he did help create many well known things today. Not just Apple, who The Woz should be just as known for but isn't.I'm not trying to take anything away from Jobs. Just saying. People put the man on a pedestal when he really shouldn't be. the only reason Apple even exists is because Gates wasn't allowed to have a monopoly.Inb4 "GATES STOLE JOBS IDEA!". Then that just proves that Jobs isn't that smart, doesn't it?
  20. So I recently realized that a few of my friends had no clue who Carl Sagan is.I was very sad when I heard this :[. Probably one of the greatest minds to ever exist in our lifetime. Yet he is over-shadowed by people such as Hawking. Even Bill Nye the Science Guy who was taught by Sagan seems to be more well known. Not to say any of these minds are greater or lesser than the last. I just feel as if Sagan was one of the best at explaining things to the common mind.His explanation of ( A YouTube video link, that I suggest everyone watch :] ) completely blew me away the first time I saw it. I had always had a small understanding of it through things Hawking had explained. Hawking used many words and examples that I just could not follow quite as well. I have no real teachings in science, or astrology, or anything even remotely as advanced as what Hawking or Sagan speak of usually. With Sagan though, his visionary examples and the way he describes everything makes it so much easier to follow and understand.Bill Nye had his show for children, the introduction into the world of science. Sagan, with his more advanced teachings held the average persons attention. Leading you a bit further down the road of science until you reach the end. Hawking. The man who wouldn't even be able to explain how to make toast to me unless I had eight years of some form of college science under my belt. Yet all three can talk and explain the exact same, just not to the same group of people, lol.So, just trying to spread some Sagan love. I have yet to have the time to actually read the book sadly, I do enjoy watching; Cosmos: A Personal Voyage though. The show in which Sagan narrates the book. It's scary how he can put things into perspective, and make you realize that whatever just happened to make you upset, or angry. Doesn't matter. The Earth itself is so tiny and almost insignificant to the universe. So the things happening on it, at least for the moment, are even smaller.
  21. Kojima speaks to fansFinally the panel from Kojima talking about the future of Metal Gear******************* I'm watching this now, will edit this post tomorrow with a quicker recap of the hour long video. Didn't see how long it was, lol.
  22. Dy3nasty, I have your lobbies. You can meet me in my world in Catherby for pickup when you're ready.Brad - I have 500+ sharks at the moment. Whenever you want to buy what I have just meet me in Catherby.
  23. Me and Bulbasaur have been through a lot together... he's always been my favorite. With Squirtle a close second :3.Although, I REALLY love Pacharisu. It's so cute! Even cosplayed as one at Nan Desu Kan a few years ago :3
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