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Everything posted by Snuggles

  1. I love SotC, but I feel like I would need Rainmeter to pull off a desktop with that. if I was going to do that game, I'd like to do it right. The HD remake almost sold me a PS3, lol. I was hoping for something a bit more cartoony and simple for a desktop theme though.
  2. So, I'm bored of my current desktop. Trying to think of a new theme. I had planned on using a Skyrim one but they have been done to death by most Rainmeter users. Plus Rainmeter uses up a bit too much processing power for my laptop, causing it to lag a bit more than I like. Especially since I have a constant 6-8 programs running at once anyway.I've attached a few pictures of my current desktop. The background changes every 10 seconds with over 500+ images to cycle through. I just picked out a few of my favorite to show :]I've also done a Mario themed one already, which I'll attach a picture of too.I was thinking maybe an Adventure Time themed desktop next? Although I've been playing a lot of Dark Souls and Skullgirls so maybe one of those? I was leaning ore towards Skullgirls though. Since I have an affinity of all things cute and adorable :3.I'll post them as direct links so I don't kill anyone's bandwidth with giant pictures.http://i47.tinypic.com/35batzc.jpg ( Cute Bulbasaurs :3 )http://i49.tinypic.com/a9o30j.jpg ( Space Marine Pikachu! Needs moar Stimpacks! )http://i45.tinypic.com/w8uvir.jpg ( Just a cool image. I thought it was Ash but apparently it's someone named Red or something from a much later generation )http://i50.tinypic.com/ohpdo9.jpg ( Probably the most adorable image I have. I love how they are playing Pokemon too! It's so cute :3 )-------This is my old theme too, only had about 20 images to cycle through but this was the only image I really enjoyed as a backgroundhttp://i47.tinypic.com/nckdt.jpg ( Bon Jovi would be proud )-------Oh and, post your own desktops! No cleaning either
  3. Fixed, and yes. I'm intrigued by this. Since I have never heard of HoN and I never see any high level gameplay videos on Twitch or any other streaming website. Even LoL has majors at MLG. Could you maybe link to some high level gameplay footage? I already plan on researching the heroes and the game in general.
  4. You poor thing. have you ever played the Civ games before Civ5? If not, I would really suggest playing them. Civ5 has great potential and I loved the hexagon shape design. The fact I can't stack units made it so anyone can turtle and conquest is nearly impossible ( In Multiplayer anyway )
  5. http://www.heroesofnewerth.com
  6. www.oneofhteseisgoingtobearealwebsite.com
  7. Well, first things first. All of these games are based off of the original DotA ( I assume anyway, I have never heard of HoN but I know DotA has been around for a very long time ). Which means DotA2 has years of experience and input compared to the others. Not sure how HoN being dark matters, unless you're just into that sort of thing. The important thing is gameplay and community in a game like this.Also, you can last hit creeps in DotA2. It's called denying, something that was very important in the original DotA and could either make or break an entire game. If your opponent never has enough creep to kill and level up, then you've got the advantage. It means more strategy which means a higher level of gameplay. Not sure what the ranked system is exactly. I usually just play random games with random friends. team Composition and laning are both very important in DotA as well though. Same with the champions. Some are great early game champs, that tend to decline later unless fed. Some are slow starting but once they have the right item setups they are amazing.In that sense, both games are pretty much exactly the same. Although I feel DotA does it better simply because they have the experience. Also, LoL pretty much steals everything DotA2 does, rehashes it, and claims it as their own. I forget the latest DotA2 heroes name, but about two weeks later. LoL came out with a Hero very similar looking, with almost the exact same Ultimate.I feel the only thing LoL does better is balancing their heroes, which aren't really balanced at all. At least in DotA2, the top tier is usually banned in high level play and almost every hero is OP.Also, the community for DotA2 is way better. LoL players just get angry, or feed the opponent, or rage quit. DotA2 has ways of dealing with this. Someone who flames is usually muted within a day or so, very quickly. Also, if someone quits, then the whole team is allowed to quit with no penalty and the quitter goes to a special query with other quitters. Not the mention you CAN NOT SURRENDER in DotA2! That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life. The person who thought of it should be shot in both kneecaps :|I think LoL had the right idea at first. A free MOBA run by the community. That was quickly run into the ground though, and we now have the LoL we all see. Making me pay for heroes ( or putting hundreds of hours into the game ) is definitely not worth it. Especially when in DotA2 I make one payment and have every hero available to me.I don't have enough experience with all three games to say a LOT about them. I only know what I've read and the 10-20 matches of experience I have in both LoL and DotA2. I also have friends who are high level players of both games, and even the LoL players tell me that DotA2 is the superior game. They simply play LoL because it's dumbed down and easier to be the best at when everyone else is so bad, lol.
  8. I have his XBL tag, I'll send a message and ask.
  9. I think he meant real hats, lol. Also, I don't agree with this. Especially since it's a third party game. Torrent it if you must though. This game should be played by everyone.In fact, I'm pretty sure this game is still in the top 20 most downloaded games on Steam. Kenshi is the blind guy, which makes me think it was PigOfTheHut playing. Freddy is one of the best zoning characters in the game. So that's what he should be expected to do, lol. Kenshi is the best anti-zoning character in the game, except against Freddy. Since most of Freddys zoning attacks are technically melee and not ranged. Not sure who actually mains Freddy though, I haven't kept up with the metagame in a few months now.I probably won't be at anymore MLGs. My gaming career kind of took a back seat in the past year or so for real life issues. I hope to be back in the game ( lolpun ) in a few years though. Once I get my own life straightened out.------------------On topic though. I promise to have a review written up soon. Just been awfully busy looking for a new job. I have today and tomorrow off though, so it should be up eventually. Lol
  10. I didn't post any single player games, but all the games I posted are games I am willing to play again even if they are old. Left4Dead is an amazing game, even though the second one is out and has been out for quite some time. I don't think it hurts to list even the extremely old games. Sometimes it's nice to just put in something you haven't played in like a year.
  11. Kind of. Wikipedia describes it better than I can;
  12. I didn't go this year. Got my wisdom teeth pulled so I didn't have the money or time. I was there last year though, under the GT 'Snuggles'.I only entered MK9 last year. Lost to HDCloud in the tournament. Single elimination was pretty stupid, since the person who took fourth ( Cerebrum - A Raiden main with Kabal counter-pick ) never beat me once, and the person who took third ( ESP Gangsta - Lou Kang main with Kung Lao counter pick ) was evenly matched with me. In fact, Cerebrum, the guy who took fourth, only had to play one match and almost Babalitied his opponent to take a $500 prize. In order to babality, you have to win the match without blocking once... needless to say, I was pretty salty watching that. Even though I was the one who started chanting "BABALITY!" lol. I was happy to be the first person to play and win, and the first person to do a fatality in front of the crowd. Even got up and slid my thumb across my throat as it was going on behind me, since Kitana decapitates her opponent xD.Reo took first of course, but this was back when Kung Lao was stupidly OP. Hecter ( one of the makers of MK9 who is at all the tournaments ) even admitted that he was, and always will be the top tier simply because he was the flag ship character. They purposely gave him all the tools he needed for any situation because he was a test. He even had Kitana's Pretty Kick at one point before the game was released. I think this is kind of why I dropped MK9 honestly.The only video up of the event is this one here taken by TheDemoGuy I believe. hard to tell what's going on, but Reo is the one in the hoodie, CloudHD the one in white. I have a picture of the brackets somewhere too.Who was the Freddy Kruger player? Last time I played in an MK9 tournament he was broken and banned, lol. He could make himself invincible to projectiles and had 78% 6-hit combos. The only players I watch now are OSU-16-Bit and Konqrr, and CDJR. Since they are amazing Kitana players.
  13. Pretty sure the PS3 was $500 on release day... It took it how many years to drop below $300? Nintendo is the leading developer of 3rd party gaming and software last I checked. I don't have time to find the evidence but if I remember later I'll go look for it.I'm not saying they aren't a company first. They obviously listen to what the consumer has to say though. Nintendo is the giant of gaming, with constant new ideas being made into a reality. Nintendo made the Wii, Microsoft and Sony made Kinect and Playstation Move. Granted, their newest controller is simply a tablet. It's a great idea I think though and something that will take gaming to a new level. Even if they are gimmicky at first, what isn't when it's new?
  14. Good exclusives. Pretty much any game that comes out for the PS3, eventually comes to the pc and/or Xbox360.
  15. Battlefield3 runs on dedicated servers, there is no host. So the only connection that matters is your own.
  16. Nintendo is great for party games, children's games, and console exclusives. Something both Sony and Microsoft lack. I still play my Wii from time to time, when I have a bunch of friends over. Playing Smash Brothers, Mario Party, even Wii Boxing is still fun. I will be buying one, simply for the new Zelda game and Smash Bros that will be coming out. Even many of the party games I'll probably pick up. Nothing is better than having 20-30 people around a television, all drunk, screaming "POP THE BALLOON!". Lulz for everyone.Nintendo is more focused on the casual gamer, and is where they should stay if you ask me. They can't compete with the online capabilities of the Xbox and PS3 unless it's 100% free and they upgrade it tremendously. Playing Brawl online with the whole friend code thing was aggravating. I do like that they are trying to appeal to the hardcore gamer though. It shows that they care, even if they aren't going to really focus on it.Also, the price range. It will be just as powerful as the PS3/Xbox360 and cost me way less. Plus, Nintendo is always great with it's innovation and seems to truly care about the consumer. Another thing that M$ and $ony seem to lack.Edit - For the record. I am and always will be a Sony fangirl. I just have more respect for Nintendo since they have been in the game so much longer and always seem to surprise me with such amazing and great ideas.
  17. I don't think people give enough credit to the original Halo and Halo 2. Three and beyond were definitely overrated though. I will admit that I am looking forward to Halo4 even though I'm not a real Halo fan at all. A new team, with new ideas are creating it. It may just be the jolt the series needs to be good and fresh again. Not just new maps with the same mechanics.
  18. Finally had a chance to finish this game today. The ending has left me speechless. I will hopefully have a review by the end of the night.This is a must play though. A game that will blow you away with it's beauty. A gem I am so sad I missed up until now.
  19. So today was the big day for Nintendo. They finally announced a release date and a price for the new system, the WiiU. The WiiU will come in two forms. A white one with an 8GB HD for $299, or a black one with a 32GB HD for $349. The 'premium' one for $349 will also come with a game, Nintendoland. I'm not sure if the colors are specific to the type of system you will be buying. I will assume so for now though. A new controller will be introduced, The WiiU Tablet. You will be able to connect two of them to your system at once from what I have learned. It seems that the WiiU will also be compatible with the older Wii controllers. So your WiiMotes and Nun-chucks will not go to waste. This makes for the ability to have up to six, if not more players at once. Since the WiiU Tablet will have it's own screen, it makes this easy and possible. The tablet more specifically will not just be for gaming. It will have a 6.2-inch LCD touch screen, two analog sticks, a D-pad, four buttons on its face, two triggers, and two bumpers on the top. If that wasn't enough, it will also have a working front camera for video calls, can double as a universal remote, and a web browser that mirrors to your TV. Here's the best part though. Some games can actually be played only on the tablet. This means if you have a TV show you want to watch, and someone else is playing Super Mario on the TV. Then can simply change the channel and switch the game to the tablet. It will also be available to buy seperatly for people who want two, for about $169 The WiiU will also have a social media aspect to it. Almost like the Xbox and Playstation networks. You will be able to go to your dashboard. View what games your friends are playing, and even send messages to them if you want. Along with the new Nintendo TVii, we will see a level of social media unknown to any gaming console. It will be customized for each profile, suggesting media from everywhere. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, local tv stations, anything you could think of that is on the web. These suggestions will come from what is popular, your previous choices, and also what is popular among your friends. You can also select your own favorites. While watching a tv show, the tablet will offer you the ability to browse imdb, Wikipedia, follow social media around the episode, tweet yourself about what you’re seeing, even see what has happened so far. If you’re a sports fan, you will love the idea of sharing of stats, other scores, and instant replays of your favorite team doing what they do best. Nintendo has also announced over 50 games for release date. Bayonetta 2, a WiiU exclusive now will be online and published by Nintendo. Assassins Creed III will be ported over, as well as BlackOps2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 just to name a few. These games were not only demo'd, but played on the new WiiU Tablet. Showing us that Nintendo heard the cries of the hardcore gamer and are willing to show us what they can do. This doesn't mean the casual gamer will be suffering though. Also announced were The New Super Mario Brothers U and Pikman 3, games published by Nintendo. Then they have their usual 3rd party games coming into the light such as Scribblenauts Unlimited and ZombiU. For a complete list of games announced, please click here You can also watch parts of the live stream, as well as trailers for upcoming games at Nintendos official site View attachment: InfographicWiiUDetails.jpg View attachment: wii-u.jpg Click here to view the article
  20. So today was the big day for Nintendo. They finally announced a release date and a price for the new system, the WiiU. The WiiU will come in two forms. A white one with an 8GB HD for $299, or a black one with a 32GB HD for $349. The 'premium' one for $349 will also come with a game, Nintendoland. I'm not sure if the colors are specific to the type of system you will be buying. I will assume so for now though. A new controller will be introduced, The WiiU Tablet. You will be able to connect two of them to your system at once from what I have learned. It seems that the WiiU will also be compatible with the older Wii controllers. So your WiiMotes and Nun-chucks will not go to waste. This makes for the ability to have up to six, if not more players at once. Since the WiiU Tablet will have it's own screen, it makes this easy and possible. The tablet more specifically will not just be for gaming. It will have a 6.2-inch LCD touch screen, two analog sticks, a D-pad, four buttons on its face, two triggers, and two bumpers on the top. If that wasn't enough, it will also have a working front camera for video calls, can double as a universal remote, and a web browser that mirrors to your TV. Here's the best part though. Some games can actually be played only on the tablet. This means if you have a TV show you want to watch, and someone else is playing Super Mario on the TV. Then can simply change the channel and switch the game to the tablet. It will also be available to buy seperatly for people who want two, for about $169 The WiiU will also have a social media aspect to it. Almost like the Xbox and Playstation networks. You will be able to go to your dashboard. View what games your friends are playing, and even send messages to them if you want. Along with the new Nintendo TVii, we will see a level of social media unknown to any gaming console. It will be customized for each profile, suggesting media from everywhere. Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, local tv stations, anything you could think of that is on the web. These suggestions will come from what is popular, your previous choices, and also what is popular among your friends. You can also select your own favorites. While watching a tv show, the tablet will offer you the ability to browse imdb, Wikipedia, follow social media around the episode, tweet yourself about what you’re seeing, even see what has happened so far. If you’re a sports fan, you will love the idea of sharing of stats, other scores, and instant replays of your favorite team doing what they do best. Nintendo has also announced over 50 games for release date. Bayonetta 2, a WiiU exclusive now will be online and published by Nintendo. Assassins Creed III will be ported over, as well as BlackOps2 and Ninja Gaiden 3 just to name a few. These games were not only demo'd, but played on the new WiiU Tablet. Showing us that Nintendo heard the cries of the hardcore gamer and are willing to show us what they can do. This doesn't mean the casual gamer will be suffering though. Also announced were The New Super Mario Brothers U and Pikman 3, games published by Nintendo. Then they have their usual 3rd party games coming into the light such as Scribblenauts Unlimited and ZombiU. For a complete list of games announced, please click here You can also watch parts of the live stream, as well as trailers for upcoming games at Nintendos official site
  21. I misread, I thought it was talking about total sales. I didn't realize it meant sales this year. Which would make sense, since I'm sure about 50k-70k Xboxs a year break and a new one must be bought.
  22. I'd like to know where this figure was taken. Last time I checked the combined sales of the Xbox and the PS3 did not even come close to comparing to the sales of the Wii.
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