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Everything posted by Blake

  1. >I need an excuse slack off early this school year Well played David.
  2. I don't play Final Fantasy, so it is all up to you, David.
  3. So the first 30 days are free then you pay the monthly free? Or...? The wording confused me a bit. Well if it's good I wouldn't mind the monthly fee, especially if you consider the updates.
  4. New blog entry in a day or two. That'll officially mark the end of my hiatus.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. David
    3. David


      And that was the last anyone ever saw of Blake.

    4. Saucy


      Once again the elusive Blake disappears into the night...

  5. Well, at least you can safely say what many people before you have said." At least I'm not Canadian"Edit:well for some reason I can post the Canadian DBZ intro.
  6. Discovered an exploit to equip multiple pieces of armor at once. Can be used with the fist of steel perk to create a viable brawler build. Each your heart out Squishy.

    1. Jake


      Just remember to create a male character for the Agent of Dibella bonus.

  7. Reminds me of the story about some comic creator who admitted to pretending to be fans of his own comic and arguing with people on the Internet who ridiculed his work.
  8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=power%20rangers%20theme%20song&source=web&cd=5&ved=0CE0QtwIwBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8pQYtmb-f0w&ei=u8OzUf_SOezi4APnzoCADA&usg=AFQjCNHQl05iPIb_Wgga_ARToH0HUTTD8Q&bvm=bv.47534661,d.dmg I have no idea if that link will work.
  9. Blake

    The Hunger Games

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale_(film)Just read the introduction paragraph. Reminds me a lot of The Hunger Games.
  10. Going home. See you.....soon?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Saucy


      aside from that will you be fixing your computer? or just use it as an excuse to abandon us all. dem shamp memories...

    3. Blake


      Yeah I'm replacing it soonish, but I'm leaving for vacation on the 14th, so it doesn't matter anyway. Also, the last thing I heard was Lux's ult getting a double kill while the announcer repeated Double Kill for 5 minutes.

    4. Saucy


      cant get enough of that voice

  11. Beautiful story. I liked the part where I was on my knees. Then again, don't I always? Lol'd at the 4chan thread. Though I'm not entirely convinced the person sharing the link wasn't you.
  12. In my defense, everybody understood what I was talking about except you.
  13. You're like those girls on Facebook that updates their status to "*sigh*" then get mad when people ask what is wrong. Attention whore. That's the word I'm looking for.
  14. Yeah I have no idea what is going on here. I'm only commenting because my name was mentioned. By David, but my name none the less.
  15. Coldharbour is very...grey. Not that that is necessary a bad thing, just an obvious observation. Of course you can make an obvious joke about thousands of players being a character without a soul, but I'll refrain from doing so. The story sounds decent, though I hope this story doesn't pull away too much from the 3 way war that is going on.
  16. So keeping the 5 user limit was $15, but 20 users was $10? You are truly the admin we deserve, David.
  17. It's a pseudo-futuristic movie. You know nothing of future physics. I don't know. Having an entire city destroyed by aliens on flyers that came out of a giant fucking portal in the sky along with a giant worm would freak me out. If anything, it'd tell me somebody out there hates us and would probably attempt another attack. His electronic helper thing does say the remote control suit thing was a proto-type in The Avengers. So maybe this technology in Iron Man 3 are the real deal? Haven't seen IM3, so this is just what I know based on The Avengers. I can respect what you know about the Marvel Universe and what not. Hell, I don't know any Iron Man villains or sidekicks or anything. But if you could step back from looking at the movie from a comic book fan's point of view, would you still say it was good? Which is to say, you'd have to ignore any discrepancies from the books and similar aspects.
  18. So...how much does it cost in paper/ink to print these things? Also, a video and a gallery in a article? Calm Yo tits.
  19. It was fun while it lasted.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake
    3. David
    4. Jake


      Now you're just somebody that used to be a sloth!

  20. So the post credit scene doesn't elude to either The Avengers 2 or, perhaps, Thor 2?
  21. Blake


    type an adequate description of the video. He didn't finish it because.....yeah
  22. In her defense, her co-anchor is saying "gay fucking shit" on live air.
  23. Yeah I noticed that. Only explanation I can give is Skyrim is more about exploring/the story rather than leveling your character, which is sort of vanilla in its case. Have you ever played Suikoden 2 before?
  24. 1. Affirmative action for regular humans is implemented. I keep my job as an astronaut. Oh, and the whole thing seems unlikely to begin with. 2. MFW China associates with Iraq and Iran. MFW North Korea isn't completely destroyed by the time this becomes an issue. 3. No. Just no. 4. See #3 5. I'm willing to bet all of us here (not including you, Squishy) are feminist. The problem is radical/extreme feminism that gives the title a negative connotation. 6. Not possible. pterodactyls don't exist.
  25. And I take back what I said about "lack of MMO's". Apparently I missed these two games called World of Warcraft and Diablo 2, whatever those are.
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