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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I was going to dispute this claim, but clearly you are an expert on the subject. I mean fuck, you've been to Youtube.
  2. Blake


    Ah, welcome back. I certainly remember your name and your old avatar, maybe seeing you around at events and what not.Here's to new memories.
  3. I guess it depends on how much you like the Green Lantern. Honestly though, he has a horrible vulnerability so not a fan of him. Then again, I could really care less. I only made this topic to inspire gay superhero jokes, but it turned into Anarchy and Apolly talking about Batman and Robin.I'm still voting on Booster Gold as a closet homosexual.
  4. Blake

    Plot hole in TES? Lolnah.

    New Skyrim build: Brawler. Khjaiit. Heavy Armor. Enchanting for the unarmed fighting bonus. A lot of health.
  5. The blue ring symbolizes Blexun.SIGN ME UP
  6. Well you can summon a Daedra with the forge and cast a zombie spell on it. Also, there is a Daedra lord spell that doesn't belong to either tree and is cast with one hand.Also, try not to double post. Just hit edit and changed what you typed.
  7. Even as a kid I thought the show was lame. Idk, just thought it was kind of boring to watch.I only remember liking the one where Authur punches his sister and one where his sister cusses like throughout the whole episode. Calls her mom a bitch or something.
  8. Really? I went down the zombie aspect when I read this about Golbez."Golbez is shown to be a powerful mage capable of teleportation and telepathy, and can take control of minds,". Seems more zombie-ish to me. :PI also did the speech as Golbez is described as a cunning manipulator and intimidating. This was all based on reading though, never actually played the game.
  9. Johnny Bravo was fucking hilarious. Forgot about that show. And "Hey Arthur"? Are you talking about Hey Arnold, a good show, or Arthur, a PBS show who's protagonist was a douche.
  10. Yeah joking. I should start doing that less though D:Honestly I only replied to see if the quote thing worked as both you and carnival messed it up.
  11. Really interesting idea, but I'm not too educated in FF, so I can't help much without more info. For Conjuration, are you looking more towards zombies or atronachs?Edit: I actually read up on him and created this build of what I would do. Feel free to tweak it appropriately.http://skyrimcalculator.com/#131510
  12. This is pretty much everything I care about TRR.Yeah that League of Evil thing was stupid. It was fun for like a week, then Drags made up some kind of group against ours then stupid arguing took place, then I lost interest.Also, I was unaware Techy hated me. I never really knew him so I assume I'm just a douche. The whole Blexun Aliath Techy and Shamp friendship was a facade anyway.
  13. You can try going into system settings and changing it to widescreen. Sometimes that helps.Chances are it is just your tv. Might wanna wait until somebody else offers their two cents though.
  14. Hey Arnold was really good.I was big into the Yu-Gi-Oh for the island and the city seasons.I remember coming from school everyday and watching Toonami. Not sure what was on that.Pokemon was a given.Courage the Cowardly Dog.Ka Blam.Oh Yeah Cartoons.More than that. Just named the most prominent ones.
  15. Original Green Lantern, Alan Scott. Which makes sense as he is vulnerable to wood.
  16. It was more of a guess. I'm guessing it's really dark in there or something.
  17. I think he wasn't playing on High detail, so the body wasn't showing.
  18. Skip to 27:00http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8H3gbiesFM
  19. Honestly though, that was the only acceptable use of "You don't appear to have..."
  20. Basically, I was happy about your compliment, then you called Black Widow not that hot.
  21. That was just a point that you could of made, but didn't. Zelda's usefulness varies from game to game, if she is even in it which she isn't always. The same thing could be said, but I was just trying to explain this case and point. As for the name thing, I know all the most recent ones (Ocarina of Time and beyond) you can change his name. I'm also certain you can change his name in A Link to the Past, even though it has his name in it. Not sure about the other three games. And finally, Link is the unnamed hero, they just give him a default name just to make things easier. That and Links Awakening and A Link to the Past, though arguably that last one could be taken either way. This kinds of ruins the whole unnamed Hero thing, but I digress.
  22. Why do you say that? It isn't "You don't appear to have". There isn't any grey area where you look at it and think "I don't think he wrote a question, but I'm not 100% sure".You should say "You haven't written a question". Or respond with a joke.
  23. Blake

    The Legend of Link

    Link has too many love interests for my taste.
  24. WRONG!!!! Your sister was kidnapped as Ganondorf was pretty much capturing all the younger girls in hopes that one of them is Zelda. It is the leader of the pirates, Tetra, that was Zelda.Honestly though, only the younger and new players don't know who Zelda is. I mean, as a kid, I would name my character Zelda then get confused when the princess was Zelda. In fact, it was Super Smash Bros that made me realize he had an official name. Keep in mind I wasn't a big internet user back in the day. You missed the fact Link does like 70%-90% of the work in every game while Zelda ultimately gets kidnapped. I understand the points you make but they have an okay reason to call it The Legend of Zelda. MOST of the games feature the three timeless elements: A legendary and un-named Hero that brings about the destruction of evil (usually Ganon) using Zelda as the key to it all. The main point is the whole story/legend revolves around Zelda. She is the key to all of it. The Hero, who is only named Link by default as he is "linked" to the player and can be named anything the player wishes, just ties the loose ends, acting as the Hero to set all the wheels in motion. It is Zelda who comes from the long line of the Royal Family and has ties to every creature and person in Hyrule. Also, Link isn't mute. We just don't hear him talk. For example, an owl asks you if you want him to repeat it again, you say no, the owl flys away.
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