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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Just bought a bag of Chicken and Waffle flavored Lay's chips. I would do unholy things for more bags of these.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      I love vinegar flavored chips! I first tasted it in England, then it came to Norway, and now it's gone... Atleast in the city where I live.

    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Also, Lay's alright, but it aint the best.

    4. Blake


      I'll send you a shit load of bags of Salt and Vinegar chips.

      I"m only kind of joking.

  2. Is this the house you are talking about? (Pay attention when the guy on the video opens his map)
  3. In my opinion, Aela and Mjoll are the best marriage candidates. More on Mjoll, yes she does have some friend-zoned guy following her. He even hangs around inside your house, making the walk from Riften to Whiterun (where I was living at the time) everyday. I eventually just killed him. Took a few attempts to secretly kill him without Mjoll noticing, but I managed to do so. Just don't looking inside my closet in Riften.
  4. Yeah, sorry for leaving. But I signed on after my class ended, we were the only ones in there and you were on Mine Craft, so I took the hint it wasn't meant to be.
  5. Although I've never played Call of Duty or Final Fantasy either.
  6. First of all, we have a fantastic vampire guide for just these kinds of questions. http://eldersouls.com/_/skyrim/guides/how-to-curebecome-a-vampire-in-skyrim-r15 If you fight a vampire, there is a chance you'll be infected with Sanguinare Vampiris. After getting this disease, you'll turn into a vampire in 3 days. If you haven't turned into a vampire yet, then the disease can be cured by... [*]Drinking a Cure Disease potion (buyable in an alchemy store if they stock them) [*]Praying at an altar or temple (located in pretty much any major city) [*]Asking a Vigilant of Stendarr to heal you (off the top of my head, I'm not sure where these guys are. You are better off doing the 2nd option) If you have already turned into a vampire, then you'll have to work a bit harder to get a cure. [*]Make sure you aren't at Stage 4 Vampirisim. If you are, feed on somebody to lower you back to 1. [*]Talk to any innkeeper about a cure [*]This begins the quest Rising Dawn more information on this quest in the guide. Alternatively, you can turn yourself into a werewolf, but that is just silly.
  7. You are now fully aware that there is no comfortable place for your tounge. It just sorts of lays there.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      Quit being gay, David

    3. David
    4. Jake


      You are now aware of your own blinking pattern and breathing pattern, your nose is in your peripheral vision, and you now have an itch on your body.

  8. Blake


    For the most part I'd say so. Kind of unfair considering the PC just has advantages consoles can't deliver yet: Mods to improve graphics, mods to improve game play elements, mods to add random and hilarious crap to your game, and console commands to work around bugs and glitches. Of course console commands and mods can both cause a lot of more serious problems, but nothing that can't be fixed relatively easily. So right in the middle of the wedding? Then I think you are out of luck as far as getting married goes. So here is your options. [*]Go back to an old save if you can, though I wouldn't (personally) bother with it if your old save is too far back. [*]Enjoy the bachelor life and work on your one handed skill.
  9. Blake


    *flashbacks of Vegas* *shudders* But seriously, you can only get married once. That being said, if you went all they way through with the wedding, then you killed him after the wedding, then you are out of luck. If you killed him before you actually had your wedding, then that is a different story entirely. Of course, both problems can be by passed if you play on the PC. Just enjoy your bachelor life.
  10. Your wish is my command. As long as it is a semi-regular thing and not abandoned.
  11. I have a class from 3-3:50 on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays. That being said, I'll be logging on a little after 4.
  12. Sounds about right. There are some unpredictable problems when marrying quest line characters, and the College of Winterhold is an example of these. I married the same Dark Elf, but only after I finished the Winterhold quest line. So just wrap up the final quests, save the day, yada yada, and go back to exploiting your wife for monetary gains and cheap labor.
  13. If I remember correctly, they get a 5 or 10 level bonus in smithing from the get-go. Not that it matters as that small level difference won't/shouldn't make or beak a race for you. Armor is really a cosmetic choice as smithing, enchanting, and alchemy perks can really boost weapons and armor rating sky high. I went heavy on my Orc just because it made the most sense. I think of Orcs using brute force to get what they need done, so heavy armor reflects that mind-set. As for weapons, it's really what you prefer as, again, you can smith them to high ratings. You can even go for a 2 handed weapon if you so please.
  14. I always get more into the explorable world than the story. Though yeah, I agree with you.
  15. I enjoyed my Orc character. Went Heavy Armor, dual wielded axes, and just went to town on anything who made fun of my horns. And their race ability is pretty much the only one that is both unique and gets better as you get stronger. I don't really see how it'll be a pain to level/upgrade as all races leveled/upgraded the same for me. Well, maybe mages were a bit harder, but I digress. As for Orc strongholds, some of them that require you to do a favor for the Orcs to access can be entered as soon as you get to them. I know that the place with the big Ebony mine will let you in without getting the gloves for them first.
  16. On many of the MMO's I've played, I always find myself going with archery, mostly because the archery classes are hunters-esque where you can train pets, lay traps, and the like. Fits into the kind of play style i enjoy.
  17. Serious business for a second, even if it is awful, it will still be good just because it is Elder Scrolls. And naturally, all Elder Souls members get their money refunded if that happens.
  18. Was about to ask what is up with the random 41 cents at the end.
  19. Weekends are fine for me usually. Weekdays varies, but if it can get on at all, it'd be later at night (9-12 East)
  20. Current list of crap I play. [*]League of Blexuns [*]Realm of the Mad Blex [*]Star Wars: The Old Blex [*]Blex Fortress 2
  21. yeah even I was a little shocked at The Witcher's nudity, lol. PS4 announcement is fun. Sadly, I'm getting old ;(
  22. So a meteorite hit Russia quite recently. Usually a rare occurrence is rarely capture in video in such vivid detail, but thankfully everybody in Russia seems to drive with a dash cam. Let this be a wake up call to America: We need more dash cams.
  23. My hand. I see you stole my idea David. Well played.
  24. Unless Jagex wants a massive shitstorm on their heads, it'll probably be two servers.
  25. The only Spoogan related memory I have was when I mentioned your name and he said you were playing Madden or something like that. I honestly thought he was joking. At least I can now sleep easy knowing he has a story now. And WWI was only covered during AP American History in highschool, and even then, it only covered basics and Americans short involvement in it. Still, at that point I could name long term causes, the immediate cause, some battles, etc. Just some more I thought of [*]Little to no knowledge of most countries governments. Thanks to Eric/Bard, I can check Norway off that list. [*]I some how manage to fuck up a lot of my clothes when I do laundry. [*]Horrible at talking to people over the phone, including my own parents.
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