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Everything posted by David

  1. 2 DAISE GUISE. Though I probably won't see it until like... the 21st.
  2. Squishy forgot to write his Wednesday article. Maybe the world really is coming to an end.

    1. Jake


      I had some business with my family. I'm actually writing it now.

  3. I should warn you that there is stiff competition for this position. I can't promise anything.
  4. David

    Playstation 3?

    Yeah, I have one. Well, had. Got the YLOD a few days ago so now I'm awaiting my $130 replacement.
  5. Damned epic deal. Today only so hurry! It's basically $30 for a new, AAA game.
  6. Apparently Anarchy isn't coming back anytime soon since it's been like 3 weeks. Just post here and let me know if you're interested. It is very time consuming and you will be expected to be active in RuneScape, but anyone can apply.
  7. You haven't even seen TDKR yet.
  8. Comes out December 14th. 9/10 on IMBD from 10k+ users, which is clearly bullshit but whatever. /me drools.
  9. Dominoes guy is coming to my dorm in like 20mins. Order was about $9-10 so I was planning on just giving him $2, which is my static tip regardless of order size. What makes me mad, though, is that all the national pizza places (Dominoes/Pizza Hut/etc) all have this "delivery fee" on their site for like $3-4. I always thought that was always used to tip the drivers, so I never paid extra... until I learned that that goes straight to the chain as some sort of scammy back-end price increase.
  10. Have you noticed that your "Useless websites" article has over 5k views in less than a month? Wtf? No noticeable spike in google traffic to it so I don't know what that's about.

    1. David


      It's getting 300-400+ hits a day and no one is ever viewing it and Analytics insists it gets like 10. Are you botting? Reported.

  11. So after typing all my shit in on Sony's site, they're offering me either the 2010 160GB model for $130, or a repair of my current 80GB PS3 for $130. Probably going to go with the new model, but this still blows. $130 for something I already had minus backwards comparability and a cool design. There goes Christmas. Also stings knowing it will be irrelevant when the PS4 comes out next year.
  12. It was the same with Demon's Souls though. Why does that indicate a direct sequel? That's how the characters are in these games; drifting back and forth between the states of being undead and alive. Edit - here is a statement that was released indicating it's not a direct sequel.
  13. I saw this last night at like 3am and really wanted to post it since I knew you were going to shit your pants just like I did, but I forgot about it in my morning drunken stupor. Really pleased to see that you jumped on it. I'm pretty excited. I expect this will be a spiritual successor instead of an actual sequel, kind of like Demon's Souls -> Dark Souls. The only reason they changed the name was because Sony owned the rights to Demon's and they wanted it released on the 360.
  14. You did search in the circular central building of this place, right? I'm assuming it respawns in the original place you found it. Yeah, I know. There have been 5-6 threads on this topic and people never report back whether or not they found it. The wiki claims it will respawn eventually, but that could depend on whether or not it was simply placed somewhere or sold.
  15. David

    Lord of the Jedi Potters

    I don't know why I uploaded this. I laughed for two straight minutes when I saw it last night, but it was also 4am and it may have been the substances doing the giggling.
  16. After many years of valiant service my 80gb fat PS3 seems to be biting the dust. I started playing Black Ops for about an hour or so and it just randomly shut down right as I was capturing a game-clinching flag in domination. Of course I try powering it back on; the light turns green for about 3 seconds, and all appears to be fine. After those 2 seconds, though... I get the ominous brief flash of yellow before the light turns red and begins to blink infinitely as the system hopelessly beeps its wails of pain at me helplessly. Anyways, went to turn it on a bit later and it miraculously worked. Took this opportunity to back up my game saves to a USB stick. everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg. Watched Cruel Intentions on Netflix. Everything looks to be in the clear since it's been about 3-4 hours at this point. Started Black Ops up again and I played for about 5 mins and before it shat itself for the second time. Who knows if it's truly dead now. So... experiences with YLOD? I have an old system and it's obviously not under warranty. Not sending it in to Sony for a $150 repair and 2 months of waiting. I'm also not sure if I want to bother replacing it since my grades are complete shit and Sony will have a new console next year anyway. I will add that this is happening literally right before my week of final exams, so it probably isn't all bad since I've been starting to use it again to put off studying... A lot.
  17. Got annoyed with Firefox the other day. To Chrome I go?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Opera is Norwegian. I still don't think it's the best though.

    4. Tynisa


      Dunno, i just use it because i do. I see no difference between any browsers.

  18. You know you're fucked when you see a CHARGING PACK OF GORILLAS.
  19. My favorite scene from Battlestar Galactica.
  20. Reviews and user feedback have been pouring in since Dragonborn's release a few days ago, and it has been overwhelmingly positive. Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead described it in the following way... It's safe to say that initial impressions have been solid.This may seem irrelevant as the PS3 has been sitting all alone in the dark corner of Bethesda's basement with nary a scrap of DLC in sight. Don't despair, there is hope! After months of anguish PS3 users have finally received an explanation from Bethesda. It may not be a solid time-table or release date, but at least we can say with some confidence that it will arrive on the PS3. Eventually, anyways.Click here to view the article
  21. Reviews and user feedback have been pouring in since Dragonborn's release a few days ago, and it has been overwhelmingly positive. Eurogamer's Dan Whitehead described it in the following way... It's safe to say that initial impressions have been solid. This may seem irrelevant as the PS3 has been sitting all alone in the dark corner of Bethesda's basement with nary a scrap of DLC in sight. Don't despair, there is hope! After months of anguish PS3 users have finally received an explanation from Bethesda. It may not be a solid time-table or release date, but at least we can say with some confidence that it will arrive on the PS3. Eventually, anyways.
  22. You do know how strong a gorilla is? They're 400 lbs of muscle. He could crush the armor with the knight inside it. Ape =/= monkey. L2ape. I personally think the Gorilla would charge, and the man would be done as soon as the gorilla gets within reach. The knight would have one stab before the gorilla crashes into him with all of his momentum, dead or alive. At that point it's a matter of whether or not the blow the knight got in before he was killed is enough to be a mortal injury to the gorilla after blood loss.
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