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Status Replies posted by David

  1. Ahmfg can't post on mobile version!! Wasn't easy making this status either. Can't see what I'm writing.

  2. Just found the "Ignore All Signatures" option. My god, what I've been missing.

  3. What's going on with the name- and profile pic- changing?

  4. And Traag changes his profile pic yet again.

  5. Thoughts on my new profile pic?

  6. And Traag changes his profile pic yet again.

  7. So I heard Whitney Houston is almost a year sober. Good on her!

  8. -10 degree wind-chills all week...

  9. -10 degree wind-chills all week...

  10. Is it me or are the weekends/days-off always the slowest around here?

  11. So, where did the 'view new content' button go?

  12. The amount of effor i have to put forth to find the irc chat is too damn high

  13. Traag, my Gaming News thread has been posted but the actual article has not.

  14. The buttons look fancy. I like.

  15. Traag, my Gaming News thread has been posted but the actual article has not.

  16. Traag, my Gaming News thread has been posted but the actual article has not.

  17. So apparently the new thing around the internet is the Sandy Hooks theory was a set up to push gun control laws. It's amazing what people will believe after watching one Youtube video.

  18. May write a blog entry on how some guy I played soccer with killed a friend of mine. Or one on campus dining halls.

  19. Finally read David's Batman article. Sad to say I was a bit disappointed. =/

  20. Hey, Traag, remember that black line I made on the Home page? Now it's on the Store page.

  21. Finally read David's Batman article. Sad to say I was a bit disappointed. =/

  22. Finally read David's Batman article. Sad to say I was a bit disappointed. =/

  23. And so begins another semester of classes. Also, hello guise.

  24. I REALLY wanna read Eric's comic about pizza, but I get an error screen whenever I try to view it. Any help?

  25. We have 100 guests online at all times, yet none of them bother to make an account.

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