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Status Replies posted by David

  1. How am I not allowed to view the Dark Souls Easy Mode Topic? It's not part of the Premium Member forums. Did it get deleted, or something?

  2. How am I not allowed to view the Dark Souls Easy Mode Topic? It's not part of the Premium Member forums. Did it get deleted, or something?

  3. How am I not allowed to view the Dark Souls Easy Mode Topic? It's not part of the Premium Member forums. Did it get deleted, or something?

  4. Getting ready for a Skyrim guide or something, any honest suggestions?

  5. Is there any point in "Ladies First" nowadays? I mean, we have equal rights, so...

  6. So Hows my background looking at the moment, I know the right side looks stupid (in my resolution anyway) and so does the bottom part of the image where it starts to tile. I'm kind of thinking of just making one huge image with lots of characters, but the file size would be huge.

  7. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

  8. didnt get back together with my fiance but he said we could be freinds.. when i asked for a second chance he said "not right now" and also something about how he needed to be alone for awhile so i told him i would be waiting no matter how long it took.. he said we would hang out until then.. just hope he doesnt move on to someone else..

  9. So I've noticed a few things I need to fix with my profile background but I'd like some input from you guys before I actually do that. Also I strongly encourage anyone who is able too donate to become a premium member to support the site and access cool new features like this.

  10. *Looks at Premium Forums last post info* What the heck is going on in there?

  11. well my boyfreind... wait wait... fiancee... broke up with me last night... i have no idea wtf ima do... besides lose my fucking mind

  12. You slut you saw my application, accept me :o@#$%Y^DFSGX

  13. So me and my friend are arguing over the future of gaming. I say we've reaching diminishing returns. I mean, compare 6th or even 5th gen to now. Not much has changed. He thinks that we still have a long way to go, and mobile phones will overtake console (not PC.) What do you guys think?

  14. recently bought Assassins Creed Revelations for 97cents :D

  15. cnt find rs forum

  16. Parker Alexander Shepherd born 8/15/2012, 11:03am, 6lbs, 15.6oz. Full head of hair, chubby cheeks.. Absolutely perfect. We're both healthy n happy, thanks for all the well wishes<3 :]

  17. It's good to see Beth's official 1.7 patch for the water issues haven't slowed the onlsaught to our v1.5 directions thread. Or is it?

  18. Those who read my TDKR article - I switched the layout back from several separate pages to one large page. Which is better?

  19. I have a youtube channel and will be posting a full lets play for dawn guard, go check out the first episode! Youtube: TheRagingRhino1

  20. I feel terrible that I can't work on my article, but school is starting soon and I have to get my summer work done! I hope I don't get fired; I really want this job.

  21. I feel terrible that I can't work on my article, but school is starting soon and I have to get my summer work done! I hope I don't get fired; I really want this job.

  22. I just got Dark Souls, but I chose the pendant instead of the master key as a gift. Should I restart?

  23. We have a home page? I didn't know that; the address takes me straight to the forums.

  24. We have a home page? I didn't know that; the address takes me straight to the forums.

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