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Status Replies posted by David

  1. So, Dark Souls and Skyrim have both been out for a year. Dark Souls has dropped to $20. Skyrim has dropped...well, it hasn't. It's still $60. Something is very, very wrong here.

  2. Thinking of doing a game give-away for the facebook group. Suggestions for good games that are $20 or less? That covers all of the PS3 Greatest Hits before you give me crap.

  3. Teh likes. Teh arh back!

  4. Yeah, I know. Shit's broken. Come at me bros.

  5. There is a bug on the website. I've clicked ModeratorCP at least 10 times now, but I've yet to be linked to child porn.

  6. Just bombed the hell out of an Orgo 2 exam.

  7. Am i the only girl on this website... please tell me i'm not!

  8. What's on your mind?

  9. trying to think of a senior quote but got wayyyyy to much shit on my mind.. fml

  10. Anyone know of a website that can teach me C++ or Java? I need to learn some programming if I want to work in the industry one day.

  11. I honestly hope this reverse discrimination thing is sorted out before I join the workforce. It's racism all over again.

  12. Whore you need to update your dp. Also I sent you my message on why I ninjad

  13. My wisdom teeth are out, and I feel really numb. My bottom lip feels huge. However, at least I didn't make an idiot of myself. Now, I'm off to play Dragon's Dogma while my hand eye coordination still sucks!

  14. Thinking gave me a brain cramp

  15. Going to give up fapping. Discuss.

  16. I got into another argument with the kids at school. They think that Fifa is better than Shadow of the Colossus because Fifa is in the real world. My faith in the industry is wearing thin if this is the demographic.

  17. Would people mind checking out my new article? The lack of views saddens me a bit.

  18. David

    David    Brad

    Thank you for your contribution, you always have my back. ;) Don't feel like you always have to carry the donation burden though.

  19. So I don't know who saw my Gaming News article, I was planning to do them weekly but I've missed this week because I've been to busy, so I'll catch up with it next week, I'm considering doing it fortnightly instead as that will mean I'll be able to put more content in at once and it will account for weeks where not much is happening.

  20. So I got to play the Dust 514 Beta. I would write an article about it, but it would break the terms I accepted at the start screen.

  21. So I got to play the Dust 514 Beta. I would write an article about it, but it would break the terms I accepted at the start screen.

  22. How am I not allowed to view the Dark Souls Easy Mode Topic? It's not part of the Premium Member forums. Did it get deleted, or something?

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