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Status Replies posted by David

  1. Debating what class to play

  2. Debating what class to play

  3. New blog entry in a day or two. That'll officially mark the end of my hiatus.

  4. Wanted to let you know that Im going to Greece for a week. Cheers.

  5. Blake was so yesterday, Nuggeh is who the cool kids hang out with now.

  6. The site is now an entire 20px wider. Enjoy the extra space.

  7. The site is now an entire 20px wider. Enjoy the extra space.

  8. So I got invited to join the ES page on facebook. It kinda suggests that we're TES-related only, but we're kinda focussed on overall gaming right (yeah ESO and Skyrim do get a lot of attention, but still)?

  9. Blows my mind how many guests post on "How to get Remarried" threads every week saying you can.

  10. woot well if any rebelz tht used to be are interested rebelz are open for recruiting here is forum http://therebelz.boards.net/ and cc is The Runescape Rebelz

  11. Updated the home page a bit. Probably the first thing I've done in 6+ months. firemekthnx?

  12. Wow, Australian politics have been really insane now. Awesome outcome though we might have a chance for a decent leader now.

  13. I guess when Blake means soon he means in a year or so.

  14. I've been busy this weekend, and now I have internet issues so I won't be able to put out a gaming article this week :(

  15. My next article: Top 5 games shown at E3!

  16. My next article: Top 5 games shown at E3!

  17. Going home. See you.....soon?

    1. David


      I know right. 2013. No wifi.

      most cellphones can be wifi hotpots.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Anyone know if Jeremy (/bgs) is still alive lmao? Haven't heard from him in like a year and his Facebook is gone. Lol :o

  19. Built myself a gaming PC last week. Looks like I"m getting ESO after all.

  20. 'Xbox One' revealed, CoD: Ghosts gameplay revealed. Impressed!

  21. Just started playing Brutal Legend. Googled tips for a tough boss battle. Autocomplete spoiled the ending.

  22. What's on my mind? The fact that I have to get two sets of wisom teeth pulled @_@

  23. You know farming is bad in Ireland this year when your local church is holding a 24 hour prayer service for the weather to improve...

  24. I haven't been to this site in a while. I feel so useless. I try to contribute more when school is out in a couple weeks.

  25. Ok, regarding the history of TRR, I'm not making a thread on the Farrah Abraham's tape, but GODDAMN IT IS GOOD.

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