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Status Replies posted by David

  1. Wish I still had Skyrim. Friend borrowed it and broke it when I was bored with it. Now I'm bored with CoD, fml.

  2. Why'd you delete HEYEYA?

  3. Just got my permit! Missed 5 questions, and was allowed to miss 5 and still pass.

  4. Fact: If you're a right-handed male, your left testicle will hang lower than the right. If you're left-handed, your right testicle will be lower.

  5. Fact: If you're a right-handed male, your left testicle will hang lower than the right. If you're left-handed, your right testicle will be lower.

  6. who else can't wait for Dawnguard to appear

  7. In the DC Character Coming Out topic, why does the word Batman link to Amazon everytime it is mentioned?

  8. In the DC Character Coming Out topic, why does the word Batman link to Amazon everytime it is mentioned?

  9. Accepted my first TRR application. I'm moving up in this world.

  10. Why is Facebook and Alexa browsing our forums so much?

  11. Lms guys and i'll liyke, totally do ay truth is!

  12. What can beat heyayyeeaya? Probably nothing. I'm currenty a fan of this though. www.hahgay.com

  13. Just failed a retake of a math test. ON CIRCLES. There goes all video games for the rest of the school year...

  14. Just thought you'd like to know I have reclaimed my Reputation lead. Now we can go back to not caring.

  15. Just thought you'd like to know I have reclaimed my Reputation lead. Now we can go back to not caring.

  16. Resident Evil 4 for the Wii is too much fun. But do you want to gamble, but don't have any money. Maybe a certain upcoming forum game can help you out....

  17. Just noticed Diablo Three has it's own header and everything. I have high hopes for it.

  18. Just noticed Diablo Three has it's own header and everything. I have high hopes for it.

  19. 100 reputation. Let's hear it for 100 more!

  20. 92 Fishing today (:

  21. astretchyhand.com <-- Do it

  22. astretchyhand.com <-- Do it

  23. Just noticed Diablo Three has it's own header and everything. I have high hopes for it.

  24. the bacon helmet is really pissing me off -.- looks really nasty and I love bacon :/

  25. the bacon helmet is really pissing me off -.- looks really nasty and I love bacon :/

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