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Status Replies posted by David

  1. I had a realization in the shower today: When we can go really far out in space, we can possibly take pictures of dinosaurs.

  2. I had a realization in the shower today: When we can go really far out in space, we can possibly take pictures of dinosaurs.

  3. Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines music video is the best thing ever.

  4. Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines music video is the best thing ever.

  5. Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines music video is the best thing ever.

  6. Anyone wanna see me make a Goku build?

  7. Anyone wanna see me make a Goku build?

  8. Apparently that super vague link to the HEYYEAHYEAH video got leaked and became a facebook sensation.

  9. Every time I watch the BF4 trailer, it gets better every time. And the 17 minute gameplay was awesome. Anyone else gonna buy this?

  10. Next article: Top 10 Reasons Shadow of the Colossus is a Terrible Game.

  11. So I just realized with TRR closed you have nothing to moderate anymore. Do you want your old Content Team job back?

  12. Best story ever; I somehow managed to get my old RS account back (took me quite some effort, fuck you Jagex). It appears that my hacker continued training my account until approx. Christmas. 86 dungeoneering 77 runecrafting 82 slayer :-) Well thank you :-) Oh, got some runecoins leftover as well. Got my account protected by the JAG now. Might even consider playing again.

  13. What's up with these guilds made by random people? Is this one of you're masterplans to get more people on the site, Traag?

  14. Puns sighting.

  15. David

    David    Jake

    What happened to the Wednesday stuff?

  16. David

    David    Jake

    What happened to the Wednesday stuff?

  17. Does David's marriagable characters guide really have more than 200k hits? Wow.

  18. Now that I've posted an Assassin build, should I create an Unarmed Brawler build?

  19. Anyone think I should write an article on my ultimate assassin build?

  20. Anyone think I should write an article on my ultimate assassin build?

  21. You know what ticks me off? Females get more out of the Agent of Dibella effect than males. Even the dragons are male.

  22. You know what ticks me off? Females get more out of the Agent of Dibella effect than males. Even the dragons are male.

  23. Deals database revenue since December 15th launch: $198.80

  24. Seriously, who the heck is IPS?

  25. First cavity today. My dental career is already over.

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