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Everything posted by David

  1. I use it for saving screenshots from other programs all the time.
  2. There's a reason nothing is working. I don't know how to tell you this, but... Unfortunately, ataxia is a permanent condition that will slowly turn your character into a vegetable. You either have to reload a save from before you were infected or create a new character. .... Just kidding. You can cure it the following ways. Consume a potion of Cure Disease.Visit a Temple of the Divines and pray at the altar.Eat garlic bread.But as you said, you've done those things already. If your active effects menu is indeed clear of ataxia, but you still have people bothering you about looking ill... Well, that's a known bug.
  3. I have always thought Steam has a terrible theme/design and user-interface. Imagine my excitement when the new Steam update supposedly improved the look beyond that of a 1990's internet browser... At the very least, they can't possibly make it worse. Or so I thought. Then I saw this. It is literally the same unchanged 90's era garbage that I've been tolerating plus an atrocious blue-hue gradient set over dark gray. I mean, seriously? Whoever designed this must literally be blind. When are we going to get rid of the archaic 200px program border with a completely empty header and footer? For all the shit Origin gets, it looks about 1000x better and the UI is consistent -- there's no arbitrary mash-up of double side-bars with navbars within toolbars and randomly placed buttons. 0/10 would not update again.
  4. If you look at the image I posted above, there is a "Restoration" category on the far-right bar. That's the menu you were in when you found all of the healing powers. The menu you want to look at is 3 categories below Restoration -- Active Effects, at the very bottom.
  5. If you want to be sure, you can look at your "Active Effects" list. This will list if you're infected with vampirism or anything else. To get to the list, open the start menu and navigate to "Magic". From there, scroll near the bottom and you'll see "Active Effects". It should look something like this.
  6. This means you're infected with Sanguinare Vampiris, which is the precursor to becoming a vampire. From the time you're initially infected, you have exactly 3 in-game days to consume a Cure Disease potion to cure yourself just like any other sickness. After the three days have passed, you will become a stage 1 vampire. This is where you have to begin "feeding" to stay at the lower stages. Note that "feeding" means killing / drinking the blood of an NPC -- eating food and sweet-rolls won't solve it! To cure yourself at this stage, you must complete a short quest by talking to Falion in Morthal. There's additional information in the Vampirism guide. Good luck! PS - I'll split your console code requests into a separate topic so others can easily search for it.
  7. Did the fix in this topic solve this issue as well?
  8. Hit the tilde key ( ` ) to open the console and enter the following. setstage MQ202 160Esbern should open the door, and hopefully all will be well. If he refuses to talk after the above, however, enter the following... setstage MQ202 170That forces Esbern's dialogue. If all else fails, the following console command will complete the quest - A Cornered Rat. CompleteQuest MQ202
  9. When you do not feed as a vampire, your disease slowly progresses through 4 stages of severity. In your case, since you haven't fed in a long time, you're a stage 4 vampire (the final stage). Being in the final stage makes you a seriously vampy vampire; the majority of NPCs will attack you on sight until you feed again. For more information on the stages and the easiest ways to feed, check out the vampirism guide I wrote ages ago.
  10. This has happened to me too. Try the following. Load an older save that doesn't crash when saving. Create a new save file (a new save through the start-menu; not a save over current file). Open the console and enter "player.kill" without quotations. Load your original save (the one that was crashing). Type in player.kill Test saving to make sure it worked!
  11. This one? Here are the containers that use the above design. 0004C6C6 : Aringoth’s Safe (TG02AringothSafe)000D7770 : Niranye’s Safe (TGTQ04NiranyesSafe)00102EB8 : Red Wave Safe (TGTQ02RedWaveSafe)0010ACB6 : Safe (RiftenPawnedPrawnSafe)000800E0 : Safe (SafewithLock) <-- Perhaps the only one with a lock like above? Forgot to check.00103397 : Safe (TGREndSafe)You'll probably want to use one of the last three so it's just called "Safe" in-game. The last two spawn with pretty good loot already inside.
  12. If I remember correctly, urns / tombs / corpses and the like in the Hall of the Dead should be labeled (when you move the cursor over the item) with the name of the deceased.
  13. There's a similar bug in the wiki. 360 PC During a wedding with Brelyna, she may disappear.Solution: Sleeping and returning to the Temple of Mara may cause her to reappear, walking around the chapel's altar. The marriage ensues normally if dialogue is initiated with her.If she didn't even show up, all you can really do is go and sleep/wait in her home (The Hall of Attainment) and hope she shows up again. Your back-up plan is reloading a previous save. If you play on the PC, you have additional options with console commands.
  14. Under Settings there should be an "Invert Y" option at the top. See if you can find this menu, and then toggle "Invert Y".
  15. Yes, hit start to open up the menu. There should be control settings there. After you find the control settings, look for something that says "Invert Y Axis" (or similar function) and change it.
  16. He's in different places depending on his schedule. He wakes up at 6am to have breakfast.At 8am, he heads outside to tend to his dogs outside for a long twelve hours.He can be found inside the stables at any other time, going to bed at midnight.With that said, there's only a small chance you could have missed him since he's in the same place for almost the entire day. There's a better chance he's dead. Check out the Hall of the Dead in Markarth to make sure he isn't deceased. Do you play on the PC or consoles?
  17. Unfortunately that speech glitch was fixed in Skyrim's 1.9 patch.
  18. Are you playing on the PC or a console?
  19. Use the following console command. SexChangeIf you're not targeting an NPC / mannequin when you enter it it will change the sex of your character.
  20. No reason to reinstall the game for this. Are you sure you haven't just triggered some "voice event" that you haven't heard before? There's only a few generic groans and whatnot in Skyrim anyway.
  21. Try fast traveling to a city that doesn't have a wall and see if he spawns with you. If you're on the PC, you can just type this into the console to teleport to him. Player.MoveTo 97E1F
  22. Are you using some type of voice mod? I've never heard of that.
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