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Everything posted by David

  1. $2.00 shipping brins the deal to $34.99, which is about as low as these ever get.
  2. There were a few years in Middle School where I went skiing at least twice a year for 3 years or so. I had to relearn it pretty much every time I went. All I remember is being scared shitless of the majority of hills.
  3. Where'd you hear that? There seems to be a lot of rumors out despite the game not even being in beta yet. For all we know it could be awful since Bethesda isn't even developing it.
  4. I was expecting something sort of lame for O'Brien's review, but it was actually good. Good work, Jake.
  5. As a litter of Khajiits we will do NOTHING but hand to hand. On a serious note, it's hard to predict what the mechanics are going to be like. Melee is generally pretty OP in games like this.
  6. I don't believe the effects of food stack, but I'm not positive. You could check by eating a few and then looking under the "Active Effects" menu.
  7. Includes... Origins Awakening Dragon Age 2 All for $9.99 from Gamefly. PC download, of course.
  8. Item: Dragon Age Bundle Price: $9.99 Includes... [*]Origins [*]Awakening [*]Dragon Age 2 All for $9.99 from Gamefly. PC download, of course. System: ,PC, Retailer: Other Deal Link: http://www.gamefly.com/Download-Dragon-Age-Bundle/5005392/ Click here to view the record
  9. Digital download. Deal lasts until 2/10/2013. Following this deal, they're going to have all DLC on sale from the 10th to the 16th.
  10. Item: Sims 3 Price: $10.19 Digital download. Deal lasts until 2/10/2013. Following this deal, they're going to have all DLC on sale from the 10th to the 16th. System: ,PC,iOS, Retailer: Amazon Deal Link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AY06LNG/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00AY06LNG&linkCode=as2&tag=therebecomm-20 Click here to view the record
  11. RPG's are just "games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting." It's probably one of the broadest genres out there. How is Skyrim not a role playing game? I think the argument you guys are having comes down to what most people think of when they say "RPG" - Western RPG's like Fallout, Skyrim, etc. compared to the older "Japanese" (JRPG) RPG's like Final Fantasy. MMO = Massively Multiplayer Online. What? Blexun's definition is based on JRPGs.
  12. I agree. This is when Paul comes in and says something about Zooey Deschanel, who is even worse imo. I'd put her at a 7.
  13. I must say, that was the easiest question I've ever had to answer. Feel free to stop by again if you ever need help with something else.
  14. I'm testing a new thing I've been playing with a bit. Basically, if you refer a new member to the site and they create an account, you get 1 free month of Premium for every single person you refer. Not a bad deal, really. New users who create an account are also getting 1 month of free Premium Membership as a vehicle for me to track referrals. They must select this option during registration for you to get credit! Since it's free, though, I doubt you'll have to worry about that. All you have to do is go to your client area copy the link, and distribute it places people may be interested in signing up here. You can directly give it to people, or you can put it in your signature on other sites and watch your free months roll up without any work.
  15. We regret to inform you that your application has been denied. If you would like more information regarding why your application was denied, or wish to apply again, you are encouraged to contact a Clan Leader.
  16. Think I'm going to end MotM, it had a good run but wasn't getting any votes near the end.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Labush
    3. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      You would have won if you were active before the vote... You usually disappeared like one week before every vote, and then came back when voting started or ended.

    4. Tynisa


      I just appear when i appear. Apparently i appear at the wrong times. This blows.

  17. Also, that's not a bald eagle, and thus not the national bird. -1.
  18. When I bomb my Physics exam later today I'm going to blame this .gif.
  19. You should add one of your own "unpopular opinions" to the thread as well.
  20. Way to run away with that ESO forum guys.

    1. Fergal


      Isn't much to talk about until we can actually play it.

  21. There's no point in voting for President. I will follow this unpopular opinion with a little-known fact: the United States is not a democracy at all. It's a republic.
  22. Wait, what? All kidding aside, that video perfectly encapsulates North Korea - crazy as fuck. It's not even a Hitler / Saddam / USSR "we disagree with you so war!1" thing... I don't even have a word for it. It's like the country is literally run by mildly retarded psychopaths. As far as the video, I know 4th graders that can put put together better and more coherent animation. If that's the best their highest level of government can do, well, there you go. They can't even feed 90% of their own people yet here we are discussing how they're going to destroy the world's greatest military power. As an American it does sort of annoy me that we interfere in everything, mainly because I don't think hardly any of the endeavors are worth having soldiers die over. What annoys me more, though, is idiots from 3rd world countries that do nothing but bitch about how awful the USA is for "ruining everything" yet are the first ones to cry/whine/beg when some warlord slaughters a bunch of kids in their country, or when they want their own asses saved. They're hypocrites; it isn't enough to bother me unless they're not even smart enough to realize it. I think all civilized nations do. Nuclear missiles are terrible in the hands of anyone, much less the North Koreans and like who place absolutely no value on life. As far as the video being offensive, well, yeah, it's obviously a terrible thing to do. With that said, my reaction was kind of just "meh" because it's North Korea. It's expected. Some day they'll do something that pisses everyone off and be overrun in a matter of weeks.
  23. If you're able to get the quests in the first place, you are able to complete them and the order you do them in doesn't matter. It's just a matter of taste / what you feel like doing.
  24. David

    Cat Loses Fight Against Self

    Am I the only one totally perplexed by this cat? It kicks itself in the face 10+ times and then even goes as far as to bite its own leg in retaliation.
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