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Everything posted by David

  1. I can probably re-upload the video or give you a link to a downloadable copy, if you want.
  2. People create an account because we're the shit, then the leave and never return because there's not much content. Hopefully that changes when ESO is actually released.
  3. Oh, yeah. I didn't like that either. The bad guys probably ripped through a good 2 dozen suits like hot knives through butter. By the end of the movie, the "Iron Men" really felt cheap and insignificant. It's not like it was even a bunch of super-powered aliens that were breaking everything... It was a few humans on terrible roids that Tony Stark had apparently developed 20 years prior to the movie.
  4. TRR has closed, unfortunately.
  5. Okay, finally saw this myself. I enjoyed it. It was EASILY better than the 2nd Iron Man, and you could make a case it was the best of the trilogy. There were a good number of moments that led to legitimate laughter in the crowd I was watching with. There were some weaknesses. [*]I don't know what's with Colonel Rhodes, but he kind of annoys me. Not sure if it's his intentionally lame personality or the fact that all of his lines are bad with poor delivery, but yeah. [*]There was a REALLY long sequence where there was no Iron Man suit. I suppose the orgy at the end made up for it, but at the same time it was weird that it wasn't featured in the majority of the movie. There are definitely more but I'm tired and can't think straight. I will say that the scene with the people falling out of the plane didn't really bother me, In this fictional universe having Iron Man slow them down sufficiently before dropping them into the water isn't that out there. As far as the ending with the power core: he destroyed all of the existing suits to have a "clean slate." Redesigning them with an internal power source was probably why they included that in the movie.
  6. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/WoW-Blizzard-Activision-Subscribers,22504.html The MMORPG genre appears to be fairly dead at this point. It's looking more and more like ESO is either going to have to redefine the genre if the goal is to be a Skyrim-esque success. The alternative is Diablo III level failure.
  7. The recent TES games are all rated M for Mature for fairly obvious reasons. I highly doubt they go that route with an MMO, though, since the <17 demographic is so important to the genre. If ESO comes out with a Teen rating, what do you think they're going to have to cut? What's the impact on the "TES experience" going to be?Alternatively, if the publisher goes for an Mature rating - can the game even be a success?
  8. The other day I was checking what people were Googling to find this site. I hadn't done it in awhile, mainly because the queries had been boring for quite some time. That all changed today, though, when I found this gem... young men nearly naked yay! photosI bet you're wondering what sort of sick bastard would stash something on this site that would trigger that query. Well, as it turns out, that "sick bastard" is Cheekychips, who posted seemingly innocent pictures of himself on his blog. As punishment for this dastardly deed, I think it's enough to just let him know about the pleasure he brings to whoever typed the above into Google.
  9. Not really sure yet myself. I'm hoping I'll have more time to write for this site and start a few other online projects, but we'll see. Might job shadow / volunteer if I can't find a good job.
  10. I can't believe they didn't mention we had 231 registrations in one day. Clearly there's some conspiracy to keep us out of the community news.
  11. Bothers me about making a blog. Doesn't read it when I slave over it at 3am. Mfw.

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Well, I've been gone for a few days. I'll read it. Sometime.

  12. Not really, almost all of our traffic comes from Google. That's usually a really healthy sign, but you're right that we won't grow as a forum without advertising at all. It's something I'll hopefully be able to do more this summer. If people have accounts on other semi-related forums, just putting a link in your signatures to here helps a lot.
  13. Source link. Infinitely better than the old name.
  14. It honestly wasn't. I've never posted anything there and only occasionally browse it, which is why I nearly fell out of my chair when I saw the thread. I was looking at the real-time analytics (first image), which shows the page people are coming in from... and then I saw 4chan pop up like 30 times. After clicking it I saw the OP valiantly sharing our link in the first non-OP post, which was actually fairly retarded of him but whatever. I did post it on Youtube quite a bit, which was probably the biggest contributing site.
  15. Sounds interesting, but I don't know if I could deal with having no english dub. I'm not an anime/manga guy in the first place, so that's enough to dissuade me. Might watch a bit just to get some context, though.
  16. New blog entry - http://eldersouls.com/blog/10/entry-93-the-membership-boom-of-13/ . Check out Nathan's new stuff as well!

  17. April 20th. A magnificent day for history. 1534 – Jacques Cartier begins the voyage during which he discovers Canada and Labrador. 1792 – France declares war against the "King of Hungary and Bohemia", the beginning of French Revolutionary Wars. 1861 – American Civil War: Robert E. Lee resigns his commission in the United States Army in order to command the forces of the state of Virginia. 1918 – Manfred von Richthofen, aka The Red Baron, shoots down his 79th and 80th victims, his final victories before his death the following day. 1939 – Adolf Hitler's 50th birthday is celebrated as a national holiday in Nazi Germany. 1946 – The League of Nations officially dissolves, giving most of its power to the United Nations. 1961 – Failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of US-backed Cuban exiles against Cuba. 1972 – Apollo 16, commanded by John Young, lands on the moon. 2013 – 231 people create an account on Elder Souls. Brought to you by Stool Brory, Co. Why did all of those people suddenly sign-up? I guess you do sort of need the context of what was going on leading up to that. Very well... Sometime in the evening of April 19th: Brodo Swaggins discovers someone has uploaded a leaked ESO beta footage video to Youtube. He quickly watches it, downloads it for personal lulz, and then posts a thread about it on ElderSouls.com. 10 Minutes Later: YouTube removes the video. 10 More Minutes Later: Blake gets on his knees and begs for the video, which he now can't watch. A merciful bro, Brodo Swaggins uploads the video on ElderSouls.com. Coincidentally David had literally just finished the new video library database here. Probably some conspiracy, but moving on... 10 Minutes following 10 More Minutes Later: Brodo uploads the video to the new video library so people can watch it onsite. David watches the video and then goes to sleep because it is now like 4am or something. David awakes at 2 PM, only to discover the video is getting hundreds of hits an hour from random guests, sucking up dozens of gigs of bandwidth in short periods of time. He initially laughs, and then realizes he has shitty shared hosting and this will potentially ruin him. He smacks a "Elder Souls Members Only" restriction on the video, thinking this will stop the onslaught of bandwidth. People just create an account and continue watching the video anyway. Do you have any statistical factoids that no one will actually look at? As a matter of fact, I do. Here's how many hits we were getting on a LIVE scale, meaning how many people were clicking something at any one instant... Here's a picture of how many hits the video was getting every 60 minutes. The hour/instant numbers don't make sense because I took the photos at different times. Just bear with me... Anyways... 212 people on the entire site, and 63 on the video. Now, the video was a 20-minute large-ass file totaling something like 150 MB. Let's just assume the worst case scenario: every visitor to the video downloads the entire damn thing. 150 MB is equal to about 0.147 GB. 63 people watching this in a 60-minute period comes out to 9.261 GB hourly. In 24 hours (one day for the scholars among us), this equates to over 222 GBs a day. This is a problem, mainly because this site generally averages something like 20 GB for an entire month. Remember that this is from the video ALONE. This doesn't even account for the extra visits to the rest of the site the video was leading to. I decided to restrict the video to stop the burning, so to speak. This all culminated to result in something magnificent... Two hundred and thirty one acconts. In. One. Day. And? I'm not impressed. Do you like charts? I love charts. In that case, maybe you'll enjoy this before-and-after graph. Please explain what I'm looking at in an unnecessary condescending tone. As you wish. Anyways, as you can see prior to April 20th ElderSouls.com was bringing in an astounding 1 new account per day. This all changed on April 20th, when the internets discovered that we were basically the only site that bothered to upload the leaked footage. I bet that made us pretty popular. You have no idea. Here's a snap-shot of the "Members Online" list in the 24 hours following the member-only restriction on the video. Damn. I bet that came close to some kind of record here. Sort of. The previous 24-hour record was 45. 318 almost got there. You don't have to be a dick. I was just trying to make conversation. Whatever. I don't get paid enough for this. So just how far into the interwebs did this little Elder Souls explosion go? Far enough that we got our own 4chan thread, basically. I'm not kidding. Dear Diary, Today OP was a pretty cool guy... For some reason I don't see b-tards being too happy with the whole account restriction thing. After all, it's not like we had hard-core gay furry pornography. Well, there was this guy... Lel. Who didn't see that coming? Shut up! Between him and the following account name registrations... ihatethissomuch dontwanttomakethis Noneofyurbidness ... I took a kick in the feels. I'm sorry. So I bet this day became the saving grace of Elder Souls, which was bolstered by hundreds of fresh accounts every day into infinity and beyond. Right? Well, not exactly... Here's the rest of the registration graph in the days following. On the bright side, we have been fairly constant at about 10 new accounts on the weekdays, and 18 on the weekends, since the fateful explosion. It still beats the 1 we were getting previously. And you never got shut down for bandwidth over-consumption! All's well that ends well, eh? Yeah, I guess. I miss having 300+ online at once, though. Those were the days...
  18. Very helpful. I didn't realize I didn't actually know what some of these meant until I read your definitions.
  19. My other projects are dominating my time. At least now we can test auto-pilot.

  20. Yeah, there really isn't sufficient back story to this. For all I know some troublemaker got what he deserved.
  21. Do you have the right aspect ratio set for the 360? The old TV's are 4:3, not 16:9. If you do and the game still doesn't fit, you might be out of luck. A lot of the newer games don't support 480p that well. It's probably time for a new TV. Depending on how old your TV is, there might be a screen adjustment setting built in to the TV menu. Sometimes you can actually move the screen around to fit the corners of your television, but most just have presets such as wide, full, etc. that you can select. Something like "Full" would probably work the best, but you can play with it a bit.
  22. Item: Rollercoaster Tycoon Deluxe Price: $1.50 Can't beat a price like that on a classic. System: PC Retailer: Other Deal Link: http://www.gamersgate.com/DD-RCTD/rollercoaster-tycoon-deluxe Click here to view the deal
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