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Game Review: inFamous



Ah yes, my first Ps3 game. This game will always have a fond place in my heart. I got it when I was very into "sandbox" games. While this game has many flaws, it also has many advantages over other open world games. I liked this game; what else needs saying?

Gameplay: You are a man with electric powers in an open world setting. The combat plays out like a third-person shooter. Your "ammo" is at the top, in the form of electric orbs. As you use your powers, the orbs are drained, and can be recharged by draining electricity from cars, streetlamps, and even people. If you are a good person, draining people may not be in your best interest, as there is a morality meter. It ranges from "Hero" to "Infamous," and it determines your powers, your appearance, and how people treat you. Back to your powers, your selection is more or less pretty generic. There are powers that imitate grenades, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, and even riot shields. However, this is in no way a bad thing. The selection of powers is actually fairly large and you feel like a one man army. An xp system, which allows you to unlock and upgrade your powers, rewards you for being creative in your kills. There is one issue, and that is glitches. They shouldn't be an issue most of the time, but expect to fall through the floor, lose clipping, and randomly be thrown into the ocean, which will kill you thanks to your electric powers.

Art Style: It's rather average. While the character models of the main characters, such as Cole, look good, the overall appearance is very brown and muddy looking. As it says in gameplay, there are many glitches, and this carries over to art style, too. Overall, though, the art style isn't good or bad, just average. Don't worry, this game wasn't meant to be beautiful.

Story: As a bike messenger, you have delievered an electric nuke by accident, and it went off in your hands. When you come to, the city is in ruins, and you have electric powers. Gangs now rule your quarantined city, and you must put an end to their rule, as well as finding the terrorist who gave you the bomb.

Lasting Appeal: Well, being a choice based game, you can have 2 playthroughs right there. There's also a bunch of side missions, which allow you to take territory from the gangs. You can also collect blast shards, which increase your max "ammo." To top it all off, you can collect satellite messages that give you some backstory.

Gameplay: 8/10 If not for the glitches, this would be a 9. However, the glitches hold the game back. An 8 is still nothing to scoff at, though. The game makes you feel like a bad*** who can take on anything.

Art Style: 6/10 Not good, not bad. Although it doesn't hold the game back, you probably won't stop to admire the atmosphere.

Story: 8/10 This game is more of a gameplay driven game, but the story, if you follow it, will still keep you on your toes. It plays out like a comic book. However, it starts out slow, and the ending is kind of silly.

Lasting Appeal: 8/10 There are a lot of collectables, side missions, and 2 playthroughs. Some of the missions can only be done if you're good or evil. The dead drops are also worth collecting. However, the blast shards are boring to collect, and if you want the platinum, expect a LONG grind that will leave you extremely sick of the game.

Overall: 8/10 inFamous is a good game that every Ps3 owner should play. It's a moderately glitchy title, and that holds the game back from greatness, but it should keep you entertained for a very fun couple of months.


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Good review. My main complaint was that the enemies level with you to the extent that you never feel like you're getting more powerful (relative to anything else) throughout the game. You get cool attacks, but by the end it takes like 5+ of ANYTHING just to kill a standard baddie.

Evil Mode is also 10x better the Good imo. Good game overall.

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Good review. My main complaint was that the enemies level with you to the extent that you never feel like you're getting more powerful (relative to anything else) throughout the game.

Evil Mode is also 10x better the Good imo. Good game overall.

I never really noticed the enemies leveling, probably because I never looked for it. And yes, the evil mode powers and story are much more fun.

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