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Everything posted by David

  1. Should I comment on the books because I haven't watched the film? Your post is invalid.
  2. David

    Hi All!

    Hey, welcome to the site! I'd check out our guild database if you're looking for a guild. The Guilds Forum is also a good place to look for guilds that are actively recruiting.
  3. Started out fairly slow, but the second half was pretty damn good. Still doesn't hold up against movies 2+3 of the original trilogy, but I'd rate it higher than both of the first Hobbit and LotR movies. Few takeaways... What the hell was wrong with Legolas? It was like watching the "Come on Barbie, let's go party" music video there was so much plastic and CGI. Going off of that, the whole Tauriel / dwarf-bro romance was really terrible and forced. No chemistry or believable relationship there. Not sure what the point is/was. Smaug was a bad-ass. I could listen to him slither around and say menacing things for hours. Bilbo is so much fucking better than Frodo. The actor is better, his lines are better, his character in the movie is better... Everything is better. I don't know why people have complained. Gandalf, a fucking maiar, once again somehow manages to get owned by a glorified zombie magician. The other time was of course his "battle" with the witch-king in 'Return of the King' (the same noob that managed to get killed by Eowyn and a hobbit). Side note: Aragorn single-handily fended off the witch-king and the other ring-wraiths in the first LotR movie. Not sure why Peter "PJ Pajamas" Jackson is trying to butcher his character. Whenever I heard someone say "Bard" I immediately thought of our very own favorite norse-man. I still don't know any of the dwarves' names. Probably because they're still not doing anything other than running away from things for 2 hours (though it wasn't as bad as the first movie). The elves are once again over-powered as fuck. Legolas and Tauriel take down hordes single-handily while everyone else just sort of manages to not die. Peter Jackson is obsessed with spiders and wargs. There is a ten-fold increase in every movie. The dwarves are so hilariously inept at everything. Bilbo has to save everyone at least three times in this movie alone, and then is the only one who doesn't immediately give up on the dwarves' own damn riddle. At this point I hope they all die. Azog, the shittiest villain ever, has an even shittier lieutenant.
  4. They are almost certainly gone. Unfortunately, this means you'll have to reload a previous save to get them back.
  5. Over a full year later. Time flies...
  6. David


    The gang's all here. If only there was an MMO that was just released we could all play...
  7. I've only heard of this happening after returning to your normal form after being a werewolf. Could that be the cause? If so, try to become a werewolf again and then revert back.
  8. You've been silent for weeks. I have so many unanswered questions. Did you ever achieve the title of Emperor? Are you still planning on buying the PS4 version? What is your current OP build? How do magnets work?
  9. Don't you have to know their Skype username beforehand? You should try Tinder.
  10. It should have automatically reacquired the file. Have you tested the game to see if it was fixed?
  11. Did you knock up an Italian?
  12. You can pretend to be a barmy old duffer (I hope that makes sense I just used a British slang translator) and still be a competent MMOer. From what I've read in your posts I'm 95% certain you've already been playing, so I didn't think there was a reason to ask if you bought it. I mentioned Fergal because they know who Fergal is from TRR -- I'm not sure if they've met you previously.
  13. You can't have standard mods on the 360 like you can on the PC. What you can do is download modded saves from the internet (which aren't the same thing, but they're something) that have special things like a lot of money or other adjusted items people edit into it using the PC version. If you want to try something like that, you're best bet is to google for directions and a file. Just be careful that you download something from a trustworthy source. In short - you can't use mods on the 360.
  14. So are you guys getting ESO or not? When I start playing the ~30th it'd be nice to have some competent people to play with. Fergal's the only one who I know bought it and he's not going to be active until mid/late June, apparently.
  15. Thanks for posting your fix. I know quite a few people were having problems.
  16. Skyrim questions have really had a resurgence for some reason.

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard

      Oh, don't you know? I was under the impression that everyone knew.

  17. It depends - what quest specifically is giving you trouble?
  18. If you want to know how to do the Oghma Infinium glitch, you should just google some YouTube videos as it's pretty easily explained via video. Anyways, the glitch was patched in v1.9. Check your game's version; if it's 1.8 or below you'll probably still be able to do it. Keep in mind that 1.9 came out right around the same time as the Legendary Edition, so it might have actually shipped with the patch pre-installed (in which case you're out of luck).
  19. Doesn't sound very fun. Before going into anything else, let's try verifying the game cache. Go into Steam and find your game list. Right click on Skyrim and select "Properties" at the bottom of the pop-up. Go to the "Local Files" tab. Click the "Verify Game Cache" button.That should make sure you're not missing any files. Oh, and you should also disable any modifications you have running. If none of the above helps, post back here and we'll try something else.
  20. Go to the menu were all of your current quests are located. Select the one you desire to do, and click "Make this my active quest" (or something like that, I'm paraphrasing). After you close out of the menu the map marker will be back and will be pointing to that quest's next objective. The key is that you manually have to select a quest and mark it active.
  21. To get the quest, "The Final Descent," you need to speak to Crescius Caerellius.
  22. Do you own more than one home? If so, make sure you check all of them. If she's not at ANY of them, and not in her original home ( Mor Khazgur) as you said (keep in mind she'll be in different locations throughout the day), you'll probably have to load a previous save to get her back. You could check Markarth's Hall of the Dead to see if her corpse is there. I know her original home isn't in Markarth, but it's the closest Hall of the Dead.
  23. Those were the days... I think high schools in my state end around June 11th, so I guess it's fairly similar. Don't break a hip yelling at kids on your lawn, grandpa.
  24. My last final exam for this semester is April 30th. I've been completely inactive around here (and everywhere else) since I've been loaded with work. Figured after I finished everything I'd begin my ESO adventures and site updates / content release... Buuut now I'm also registered for the spring semester, which lasts until late June / early July... So who knows. Being an adult isn't much fun.
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