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Everything posted by David

  1. That's a very well-done guide. Hopefully I'll have some time to work on our own resources here in a few weeks.
  2. Is anyone surprised?
  3. Or maybe a psychiatrist. I have an extremely vivid recurring dream in which my dream-self, standing before a mirror, begins slowly wiggling a tooth. At first, the tooth only gives slightly more than would usually be expected -- but after another wiggle, it gives more and more. In a panic, I begin wiggling my other teeth to see if this is an isolated issue. Soon 6 of my teeth are all a touch away from completely breaking off from my jaw or shattering. The teeth are always the same. The first tooth I notice is always the lower-left first bicuspid. 5 teeth follow it, all on the lower jaw -- first bicuspid to the second molar on each side of my mouth. That's 6 teeth in total. I usually wake-up before I find more destroyed teeth, but for some reason I inherently *know* that the top 6 teeth in the same position will break too. I touch one of the teeth just enough so that it falls out, either all at once or in 4-6 small pieces. I immediately panic and consider finding a dentist; during this thought I manage to ruin a second tooth by slightly grazing it with my tongue. At this point, I'm starting to wake up as I'm running around and the other 4 teeth are pretty much dissolving out of my mouth. I wanted to become a dentist. Thoughts, prophecies, and prescriptions?
  4. http://www.nytimes.com/newsgraphics/2013/10/27/south-china-sea/ There's even sound! Surely I can't be the only one amazed by this design / interaction in a news story.
  5. His posts haven't been under moderator review for nearly 4 months. He just hasn't logged in since early December.
  6. ctrl+f'd "swim speed" and saw no evidence of the rumored removal. Brodo will be pleased.
  7. It's very likely a mod issue. Disable all of them and test to see if it still crashes. If it does, it's not any of the mods. If the game suddenly works while they're all disabled, that's good news as we now know that mods are the problem. However, you're still going to have a bit of work. Re-enable all of your mods and then go through your list and disable them one-by-one, testing for the crash each time. Once you find the culprit you'll have to uninstall it.
  8. I haven't noticed any major upswings / downswings, but it's hard to put an exact number on it since I have no real way to track a specific application. Traffic with an Android operating system from March 17th to now, compared with the previous week, actually fell slightly (0.81%). Traffic in general over the same period has fallen 6% though, so if anything can be taken away it is helping. The slight drop-off is due to esohead and a bunch of other resources popping up recently.
  9. Honestly, I'm sort of disappointed -- the extended subscription discounts aren't aggressive at all. Yeah, there's going to be the "they don't have to offer anything!" backlash, but $3 off for locking in 3 months? Meh. With the flat discount of "1", the savings percentage between 1 month and 6 months changes significantly between the currencies: 13.3% savings with dollars, 15.4% with euros, and 22.2% with GBP. Buy it in GBP for 6 months and you'll save like $8-9. Easy to do with PayPal, though whether it's worth it depends on their conversion fees. 6 * 12.99 = $77.94 US 6 * 10.99 = €65.94 Euro == $90.96 US 6 * 06.99 = £41.94 GBP == $69.18 US If you actually convert to GBP, here's the conversion savings plus the 6 month discount... US: 23.1% overall savings.Euro: 35.65% (!) overall savings.Based off constantly changing exchange rates, of course. I personally wouldn't recommend going 6 months -- 3, maybe -- but I know a lot of people here will.
  10. Look under your active effects and make sure you don't have sanguinare vampiris; you might be a vampire. Also, do you have Dawnguard installed?
  11. I don't really know what you're talking about since there's no place called "stone deep." Can you fix / clarify the location?
  12. I'm glad they're finally doing the French Revolution. It might even pull me back into the games after I quit the series completely after AC:III (which I'm sure you know I hated). Would have to catch up and finish 4, but I guess I'm not under a time limit. Hopefully the villa building/expansion is more like AC2 than what they've been doing recently. Arno is an interesting name because it's not French.
  13. I guess I'll come out and admit that I'm the guy that chose 1-3 months. Just don't have that much time these days -- it's nothing to do with the game. I'd like to say it will be more, but honestly it might even be less.
  14. There's a difference between playful / friendly / competitive banter and things that can be easily construed (or misconstrued) as personal or mean-spirited. I personally felt that there was a greater chance of the latter. If you'd like, you can PM me about it. Oh, and I added orcs. I knew something was off about that final count...
  15. Wait, what?! I may have just rediscovered my gif folder.
  16. Don't they specifically hunt werewolves?
  17. I'm pretty sure we've already had meta-discussions about this regarding the general TES series, so this is going to be based on ESO specifically. I usually like going either Altmer (obligatory master race comment) or the natural inhabitant of whatever province the TES game I'm playing is based in. The latter obviously isn't going to work for ESO. If you had to deem one the worst (or your least favorite), which do you choose? Tough choice between Khajiit and Argonian for me... Can't stand looking at either for extended periods. When it comes down to it, at least Khajiits can have the "lol furry" factor, so Argonian it is. Sorry hemidactylus lovers.
  18. In your beta experience, what was the most overlooked / underrated aspect of ESO? What's going to blow people away on April 4th? I personally really enjoyed the tutorial jail cell in my 30 seconds of the beta. 10/10 will be imprisoned again.
  19. Massive interesting/funny additions to the Skyrim gallery in all categories.

  20. David

    Fuck the Thalmor

    "Not a single fuck was given that Mondas."
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