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Everything posted by David

  1. Children are with you for life. They're also invincible and immune to everything. You can delete Hearthfire in your 360 game files and then use the Legendary version, but I'm not sure what that would change. Your kids will still be in your save file and everything will be the same after Hearthfire is reinstalled.
  2. You need to be in Solstheim (maybe Tel Mithryn specifically?) to use the book.
  3. I revisited this thread and wondered what my total cost was up to with the more recent additions... Ended up updating the PCPartPicker build profile with all of the prices I actually paid. It was depressing to see how much the drives (especially SSDs) have come down since I bought them a year ago, but oh well. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant / Benchmarks CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (Purchased For $199.99) CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (Purchased For $29.99) Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (Purchased For $150.00) Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (Purchased For $73.00) Storage: Samsung 840 Pro Series 128GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (Purchased For $124.99) Storage: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $69.99) Storage: Toshiba 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (Purchased For $40.27) Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 760 2GB TWIN FROZR Video Card (Purchased For $256.00) Case: Corsair 500R Black ATX Mid Tower Case (Purchased For $69.99) Power Supply: Rosewill Capstone 750W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (Purchased For $69.99) Optical Drive: Asus DRW-24B1ST/BLK/B/AS DVD/CD Writer (Purchased For $5.00) Operating System: Microsoft Windows 8 (OEM) (64-bit) (Purchased For $89.99) Monitor: Dell U2412M 60Hz 24.0" Monitor (Purchased For $260.00) Case Fan: 4 x Phanteks PH-F140XP_BK 85.2 CFM 140mm Fan (Purchased For $57.65) Mouse: Logitech Performance Wireless Laser Mouse (Purchased For $44.99) Total: $1541.84 My target budget was $1000... How would that compare to prices in Europe?
  4. Unfortunately you are not ever able to remarry in Skryim, no matter how your spouse died or was lost.
  5. I say we collaboratively spec-out a PC for you to build.
  6. See, in my opinion that keyboard looks really cheap. Even the logo looks like it's a sticker or an iron-on clothe patch. For $200, I just don't see the value.
  7. We're still waiting for your specs/games I think Corsair's keyboards are aesthetically much more pleasing than those brands. I'm a fan of something fairly minimalist that doesn't scream "I'm a 13337 gam3r l0l." Things that I wouldn't feel ashamed of professional company / parents / girlfriends seeing. A lot of Filco's stuff is just tacky as hell. I mean... ... Let's be real. Ducky has obnoxiously prominent logos all over a lot of their keyboards. Don't really know anything about Das Keyboard. Again, these are just my personal design preferences -- I have heard a lot of great things about their build quality.
  8. I haven't seriously researched mechanical keyboards other than the top 3-4 companies; I'm sure there are others out there I'd like. What's wrong with Corsair? They make good stuff. I don't think I'll get one soon soon so debating the current models is probably moot. Rather have the dual monitors.
  9. Stealing Ferg's template. CPU: Intel 4670k Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z87X-UD4H Memory (RAM): 16GB (2x8) DDR3-1600 G.Skill GPU: GTX 760 - MSI Twin Frozr PSU: Rosewill Capstone 750W Gold Certified Drives: 128GB Samsung 840 Pro SSD (Operating System)1TB Seagate Barracuda (Storage)2TB Toshiba (Storage + Backup)Case: Corsair 500R Case Accessories: 4 Phanteks F-140XP Fans (+2 extras after an RMA mishap) Keyboard: Some Dell keyboard from a retired 14 year old desktop. Mouse: Performance MX Monitors: 24" Dell U2412M My next purchase is probably going to be a second U2412M monitor. My friend has tried talking me into getting a mechanical keyboard next, but the only one I actually like aesthetically is $150 (Corsair K95) and doesn't come in browns. I want browns. Not reds. Boo. Since I'm not a hardcore multiplayer gamer I think a second monitor would give me way more utility for my money. Wait, what do you mean delete your hard drive? I don't see why that would limit your games since you can just format it. SLI does seem like a money trap. I bought my 760 partly because it's allegedly good in SLI and would theoretically outperform higher end cards for the price (in SLI) should I ever go that route. The thing is, after the card is old and in need of an upgrade/SLI you're probably further ahead just to buy a newly released card anyways. BUT REMEMBER TO BUY ONE WITH POTENTIAL SLI CAPABILITY FOR FUTURE UPGRADES!!1one And the cycle repeats...
  10. Hate gaming forums. Hate clans. Meh. I have a serious hatred of background images, and it's hard to do a dark theme without one and have it look right.
  11. I've read that most people prefer white websites.
  12. Maybe. In reality I haven't even started that because the software update was pushed back at least 6 months.
  13. Does it actually make you less tired? I thought it was just supposed to strain your eyes less (unless that's what you're implying). Program that automatically adjusts the color of your monitor based on the time of the day, allegedly for strain/sleep/health benefits. I will say that while testing it at ~2am, turning F.Lux off (screen went back to default) did cause a fairly remarkable increase in how strained my eyes were. Whether that was due to my eyes being adjusted to the f.lux color or a painful reality that my eyes have strained to accommodate in the past... I don't know.
  14. What is this I don't even. My screen is like this weird red-orange color. I mean, I guess my eyes are less strained since it's night... But is this really worth it? Have you actually seen benefits?
  15. Does anyone play this? I bought it the other day when GMG had it on sale for around $12 and I can't believe I'd never heard (a lot) about it. It's great.
  16. Fellglow Keep would be perfect! Right after you enter, there's a small side-room that has an arcane enchanter and a bunch of smithing materials. It contains a forge/anvil and a workbench. There's also a literal dungeon / prison in the lower level.
  17. I don't think console gamers would ever want to play on the PC servers - there would be an insane disadvantage in MMOs with the whole keyboard vs controller thing. I am glad Zenimax seems to be sticking with their plan even if they've been horrendously delayed. The thing is, though... 6 months (at least) is a long time. When it comes out, we'll be going on a year since the PC release. Will anyone still care then? I've noticed that you've been fairly quiet about your thoughts and experiences. Is it really that bad or just the usual frustrating MMO launch compounded with ZOS's inexperience?
  18. I've been putting playing off because I don't know if I want the truth.
  19. Damn. 6 months past their initial estimate is insane. So is allowing transfers immediately. GG console players.
  20. GameStop has ESO for $20 off for a limited time, which brings the price to $39.99.
  21. Item: Elder Scrolls Online Physical Edition Price: $39.99 GameStop has ESO for $20 off for a limited time, which brings the price to $39.99. System: PC Retailer: GameStop Deal Link: http://www.gamestop.com/pc/games/the-elder-scrolls-online/101905 Click here to view the deal
  22. I didn't think it looked that great, but it's not the type of movie I typically pay to go see so I'm definitely biased. I'm also not a Seth Rogan fan. However, I just IMBD'd it and see it has a 7.6/10, so maybe I misjudged it. I'll probably rent it with my friends when it comes out on DVD.
  23. It can't be done. You would have to buy the DLC a second time through PSN to use it on the PS3.
  24. The movie storyline is drastically different from the book. They added a ton to make it a trilogy. Pretty much everything with the elves and Gandalf are new.
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