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Everything posted by David

  1. We're a relatively new site, so we don't have TONS of active users yet. There are hundreds of people that just "lurk" and never post, though. The site sees more hits every day, and more and more people are always creating accounts - it's just a matter of time before things pick up. If you want to help out, you should tell your friends about us and see if they're interested.
  2. Save before taking the oath. If it forces you with the Legion, you can just reload the old save if that's a deal-breaker. Otherwise that might be a very easy fix with no consequences.Let us know how it works out either way.
  3. Runehead is actually going to be useful for you guys now that we've merged, since you'll need to keep track of ranks. I can also make member groups with different icons indicating ranks as well for the forums (e.g. ). As far as the team planning forums, we could just use forum passwords. Or again, have separate member groups that just look the same.
  4. Have you confirmed that joining/helping the legion fixes the issue in your own game, or is that what you've researched? As far as I understand, you can go a ways in either line (cloak or imperial) before you have to officially join on or the other with the oath (may be wrong, it's been ages since I've done that quest line). If you can get the peace treaty option by doing a few tasks, you may not have to take the oath anyways.It's a shame the update didn't help, though it would make sense if it has to be installed before the quests start.An alternative, although undesirable, is reloading a previous save and finishing the main quest before the civil war line, or vice versa.
  5. Run the clan from RuneScape and invite people who haven't even posted apps here. As activity grows people will hopefully naturally migrate to the forums. Maybe you could give people who post applications an automatic promo to corporal or something
  6. Yeah, the console commands can't be used on the 360. There were a few non-PC things you could try in the above post. Are you using the most updated version of Skyrim though (v1.4)? The patch came out earlier this month and should have fixed many of these issues.
  7. Lol. Jagex takes a lot of shit for their drop rates, but I'm sure it was nice to get something. I think my best drop of all time was an obsidian shield/cape, and I had to camp the 'kets for DAYS. Probably wasted more money in food.
  8. The prices have actually dropped again. $19.31 (PS3) and $16.82(!) (360)
  9. Usually $60.00, and the standard edition is still ~$45.00. Average rating is almost unanimously 5 stars. Amazon Link
  10. To be fair, navigating damn near everything in RuneScape is a clusterfuck of missed turns, back tracking, and 0 run energy.Oh, and I want to say again how fucking horrible Underground Pass is. The design that went into that is a perfect example of the worst possible; everything is based on random chance, and it's horribly punishing for something that is completely out of the player's hands. The only redeeming factor of it is that it's so comically bad that it led to people nerd-bombing Jagex and became the poster-child for the "RuneScape quests are shitty" meme that has yet to die.
  11. I was about 10 hours in when I gave up and finally concluded that it just wasn't going to get better. It really took a lot for me to get to that point, too. Sad since I used to be quite the FF fan boy.Some of my friends that also played it (though who are far less picky than I and will play most games) told me that it does get better after like 15 hours. The thing is, though... No game should take 15+ hours until it's even playable. Video games are supposed to be fun.A lot of people enjoy FF13. It just wasn't for me.
  12. Split the post and made it into its own thread. When starting a topic, you just have to navigate to the forum you want to post it in and click the "New Topic" button. :)I've played as a Vampire far more than a Werewolf at this point, though only because I can't be bothered to do the lame Companion quests. Generally I think Werewolves are better at lower levels, and then it switches as you increase.
  13. That's great news! This thread has been getting a lot of search engine hits; apparently a lot of others have the same issue. It's great that you were able to confirm a fix for everyone.
  14. I just changed my name, Wilson was just a test I happened to be doing when I commented on your profile.
  15. I don't know, $20 is like... ten 5-layer beefy burritos at Taco Bell. Would much rather have the burritos, since they both turn into explosive diarreha after about 30mins.
  16. My names are usually something like "Sword of Retribution" or something similarly lame. Your suggestion is definitely something I'll use in the near future.On a related note, this always gives me a good chuckle.
  17. You just hit "quote" on the bottom right of the post you want to quote. This will add it instantly to your fast reply box.You can also do it multiple times by hitting "multiquote".You guys should make a thread for "What TES games have you played" and carry on that discussion there. That would be a good idea for another thread, and I don't believe we have one yet (though I may be wrong).
  18. Ha, well in that case, most won't as long as no one insults the intelligence of someone for choosing a specific race.As far as Argonians go, I can't say I ever remember sticking with a build that used that race. Maybe it's what I'll have to use for my next thief/assassing character.
  19. I don't think anyone will take offense to debating Skyrim races. As I said earlier, my first Skyrim character was a High Elf. It did take me awhile to get the face how I wanted it, but it came out looking pretty decent/normal in the end. Something that I'm unable to do with Khajiits or Argonians. Oh, and you just reminded me that Skyrim has no (S) on the cover. Now I feel cheated, Bethesda.
  20. Yeah, you're probably right there. I just have an inherent need to defend the "all of the races are good, choose what you want" meme since there are so many TES noobs on Yahoo answers that want you to pick everything out for them. It protects my sanity. :3
  21. Orcs definitely look pretty intimidating. Since I'm usually in heavy armor though, I rarely even see what my characters look like. Of course, running around the town in a loin clothe is always fun too.Orcs have an attack bonus with their Berserker Rage ability. Other than that, they also have the initial skill bonuses in weaponry. No inherent damage bonus otherwise; that I know of, anyway. You're definitely spot on with the blood right; Gloombound mine, in particular, is fantastic.
  22. Hello, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever have suggestions or need anything. :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Tristan


      Some common dragon words are;







      Vo-opposite of

      Those are some easy starters

    3. Tristan


      How do you edit your profile settings

    4. David


      Just click your name; after you're on your profile page, there's a button in the top right section of your profile that says "Edit my Profile"

  23. David

    Skyrim Marriage

    Skyrim is a horrible, offensive game. Haven't you read this article?
  24. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2DshotexMU Done with several mods and a hell of an amazing PC.
  25. Pretty good prices if you've yet to play the game. The PC version is also $22 something (or $30+ if you don't want the physical copy...?) Amazon Link Note: The link shows the PS3 version, but you can switch the versions via the Amazon page.
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