Quick thoughts on the Dark Brotherhood questline, now that I've finally officially completed it. Characters... [*]Cicero is the best (uh...most memorable) TES character since... Well, ever. Maybe the adoring fan (who he posed as to kill the "Grand Champion" as stated in his journals). [*]Babette was also quite good too, I was pleased that she survived the whole sanctuary onslaught thing. I feel like a lot of background/development could have been added to her character, though. [*]Didn't know Gabrielle existed was until I found her body when I was looking for survivors. [*]The whole "we're a faaaaamily" thing was creepy and dysfunctional; I thought it was well-done. Specifically how the first time you meet everyone they're standing around and laughing about their murder stories. Story... [*]I had a sad when I was forced to kill the woman at her wedding. Then I was more sad as her husband bent over and cried after. Then I was even more sad when I accidently killed him in the ensuing struggle. And the rest of his family. Then the woman's mom was wailing about how horrible everything was. [*]On that note, do any of you still like Muiri?! That is one sadistic bitch. I don't know if any of you saw this extra post-quest thing, but after you kill the second Shatter-Shield sister the mom committs suicide and leaves a super despressing note by her body. [*]The whole, "Amagawd, you killed a double!!1" thing was really cliche but it still caught me off guard. Before that I felt as if I had gotten off too easy; that made up for it. [*]Seeing (and then having to kill) Astrid's horribly burned (yet living) corpse was pretty shocking, and it really helped out what I originally thought was one of the weaker Dark Brotherhood installements in the grotesque department. [*]The final confrontation with the Emperor was really surprising to me; I figured I'd have to do something lame like kill him in his sleep. The way he went about it really made me question why, exactly, I was even doing any of this in the first place. [*]Side Note: Being able to thrall the Emperor and run around with him in matching robes is the shit. Other... [*]Loved the eerie music alongside the pounding bass when you stand next to every sanctuary entrance. I have a good surround sound system and it really creeped the hell out of me. [*]Shadowmere is looks 10x better in this game. His eyes actually glow, and he's not some odd shade of blue/black with pink circles for eyes. [*]It was awkward spooning with the Night Mother in her coffin. [*]Lucien Lachance's appearance was great, and you get quite a few easter eggs through his comments by having him around during the quest line. Overall, the DB quests beat out the Thieves Guild in my opinion. I don't know why most people thing the Thieves Guild was the best quest line.