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Everything posted by David

  1. Good analysis, and you're right that this is actually a pretty heated topic around the internet. It has a lot of google search potential, so I've split this thread into a new topic. I might actually promote Blexun's post to an article as well since it's a great breakdown.As I said before, when I originally read it I interpreted Ulfric being an "asset" as more or less how the Thalmor indirectly benefitted from his campaign against the Empire. That's not to say he was intentionally aiding the Thalmor as much as creating a war that further weakened the Empire's standing. He may have potentially been receiving aid from them prior to Markarth (this is a big unknown), but again that's not the same as spying anyway even if it was.I guess your perspective on Ulfric comes down to whether or not you put emphasis on Skyrim vs. Empire, or Empire vs. Thalmor.
  2. David

    clan cape3

    Do the tier 3 stars seem to help with recruiting?
  3. Planning on offering Premium Member for referrals of new members. What's fair? 3 = 1 month?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Isaiah


      well what do premium members get to begin with

    3. David


      There's a list you can view in the store. Those plus no ads.

    4. Isaiah


      In thar case 3 referrals = 1 month

  4. 1. Hi. 2. Tbh I've never associated that face with "asian" as much as "woman" in general. I don't think there's a non-asian female troll face at any rate. And it's a troll because some kid is going to come here expecting nudes and get the first SFW google picture of T-swift. Muahahaha. 3. Dem CBS advertisements. 4. Same. Also that sounds like a story.
  5. Hello, welcome to the site!

  6. Annnd if you're reading this, it means you've mistakenly chanced your way upon the new blog I'll be occasionally updating. I've decided that I can't constantly harp at you users about getting involved with all of the site's features without following my own advice... So, here I am. With a blog! Hint: Make your own. Anyways, this blog is where I'll post various analysis, issues, and events concerning ElderSouls.com. It's not replacing the News and Announcements forum. Rather, this is a place where I'll delve into some hopefully interesting statistics, and potentially humorous search results stamped with my trademark sarcasm. Speaking about that, I couldn't hold my favorite search query from today to myself... Of course, I couldn't let our poor guest down without giving him what he came for... So thanks to hours upon hours on photoshop, I'm pleased to announce that ElderSouls.com now has its own official pair of Taylor Swift legs! Now there will be something here waiting for people who search for such a thing. Enjoy! Coming next week... The "katy perry tits" search keyword. Don't worry, Google, I gyb!
  7. That is seriously the best description of the game I have ever read. Including 3 page rants... All with one sentence.
  8. I remember reading it, but I didn't necessarily interpret it as him being a spy. Remember that the Thalmor described him as "uncooperative." I don't remember the exact wording, but I thought that he had to be "broken" through torture or something and then was allowed to escape (though he thought he did it himself). As a prisoner trying to escape he certainly wasn't on the Thalmor's side.Welcome to the site by the way.
  9. After much discussing, Fergal and I came to an agreement on TRR's leadership situation... Clan Leader Anarchy (Constancio) Council Jamie (Cruelintakes) - will maintain heavy emphasis on events. I have faith you two will lead the TRR in the right direction.
  10. Oh, yeah, you really can't complain about a FF game at that price... But if you're like me, you may only suffer to get 10 hours into it. I really shouldn't complain about it too much, many people loved it.
  11. You should respond to this thread using the field at the bottom of this page and add more information to your question. :)I'm not sure what you're asking, exactly. The max level is 82, so you should still be able to level up. Around that level it will begin to take much longer, though, since it's quite a high level and thus you will require more experience to increase it.
  12. Everything is completely back now. I never did learn the exact source of the issue, so if you get the errors again... Please report it.
  13. What do you mean it doesn't come up at once? The only errors I've noticed are "Internal Server Errors" when trying to access pages every so often.
  14. I should be able to set it back to the old skin as soon as I hear back from IPS with a fix. Unfortunately they don't seem to respond to ticket requests over the weekend, so eh.I have noticed this skin has the issue as well, although it's much less prevalent.
  15. I'm sorry about all the issues you guys have been getting. To make a long story short, I discovered a minor bug that is potentially the result of the software itself. I contacted IPS, our software provider, and they started digging around a bit to figure it out. Anyways, the "Internal Server Errors" started around then, which made it difficult to find the source of what was causing them since there was so much going on. I believe it ended up just being a cache issue, which I corrected. If that was the case we should be set.So here's to hoping we got it. :)EDIT: I lied. Sigh...EDIT 2: I've set the skin to the default version, which appears to not have the issue (as much). It may be very... white... But it does appear to work for the most part.
  16. I looked at the chat logs, and noticed you sang "Happy Together" by The Turtles. I am just letting you know you have a good taste in music, my good sir.

    1. Blake


      The two or so guests who were idling there didn't think so D:

  17. You also get to move into his room and take all of his things. It happened to me when I moved out. T.T
  18. Although I'm a notable "hater" of the game, I must agree that it's graphically astounding. My main issues with it stem from the fact it almost seems like a "backwards" step for the series compared to Western RPG's that focus on choice and an open world. JRPG's have always been about their story and character development, which Western RPG's are weak with. I had no idea what the hell was going on EVER with FF13, and as you said, I hated many of the characters (Hope). Vanille is like 14, yet it's frightening how "sexualized" she is. Every irrelevant little yelp/moan for no reason sounds sex. Hope is horribly annoying and the mom thing was cliche. Speaking of that, the line "Moms are tough"... GOOD GOD HOW DID THAT MAKE IT THROUGH QA. Snow is a douche. Sazh is decent yet his cartoony personality/bird/fro was distracting. Lighting was the standard FF brooding/emo hero. Couldn't relate to her since she was a chick and had pink hair. Fang was the best character IMO, although I'm sure she's a lesbian.
  19. I probably have, but I have a tendency to just "gun-down" anything that stands in my way without considering what the hell, exactly, it is that I'm killing. And yeah, I meant that I don't remember any Land Dreughs in Oblivion. That's probably just because it's been years though.
  20. I've never really gotten in to the whole Divine/Daedric Lord thing. In fact, I couldn't name many of them before Blexun described them all in that one thread.I'll just keep it short and simple, since I'm only familiar with one. Sheogorath. Of course, he's pretty amazing since he's an avatar of the Hero of Oblivion.
  21. Rampage through the cities, become sad when I kill some semi-essential NPC, and then reload and just pay the 5 gold to buy a goat's leg.That merchant was such a swindler, but I needed the goat leg...
  22. I'd say the Jarl of Whiterun, just because he allows you to... He's also relatively down to earth and respectful. Then again, that makes me think of his annoying, bratty kids... I might change my mind and say I dislike him just for the shit the say when I'm in the castle.Idgrod Ravencrone is underrated. I'm really not familiar with many others. The Jarl of Solitude is kind of a pawn.Off topic slightly, but the Jarl of Markarth has a waterfall in his freaking bedroom though. Pretty bad-ass.
  23. Yeah, it's happened a few times I've gone there. Of course, every time it happens I'm on some type of DB mission or trying to sneak assassinate someone, which is ridiculous when literally the entire town of 30 NPC's are running around screaming.
  24. David

    DG Declares

    Sorry, but we're not accepting wars at the moment.
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