Annnd if you're reading this, it means you've mistakenly chanced your way upon the new blog I'll be occasionally updating. I've decided that I can't constantly harp at you users about getting involved with all of the site's features without following my own advice... So, here I am. With a blog! Hint: Make your own. Anyways, this blog is where I'll post various analysis, issues, and events concerning It's not replacing the News and Announcements forum. Rather, this is a place where I'll delve into some hopefully interesting statistics, and potentially humorous search results stamped with my trademark sarcasm. Speaking about that, I couldn't hold my favorite search query from today to myself... Of course, I couldn't let our poor guest down without giving him what he came for... So thanks to hours upon hours on photoshop, I'm pleased to announce that now has its own official pair of Taylor Swift legs! Now there will be something here waiting for people who search for such a thing. Enjoy! Coming next week... The "katy perry tits" search keyword. Don't worry, Google, I gyb!