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Everything posted by David

  1. Yep, you can have up to three build-it-yourself Hearthfire-houses (plus those in the normal game and other DLC)
  2. Check out this thread, it seems a lot of users here have had this same issue. On page 2, a couple people posted solutions that worked for them. Let me know if the above works for you. If not, we'll see if something else does.
  3. Golden Touch isn't an in-game perk, it's an achievement / trophy (depending on the Steam / Live / PSN terminology). This is why you couldn't unlock it again after reloading your saves -- it was already synced / unlocked in your Steam / Live / PSN account. It's a one-time thing.
  4. I actually mentioned the wrong command in the post above. Here is the one I was thinking about (plus others to go with it). Placeatme X Replace X with Object ID (ex. Placeatme AF6AE.) Click a position while in console, will place the object there. (rarely works) Player.placeatme X Same as above except places object directly below you. Look straight ahead for object to spawn straight. TCL Fly to allow you to place objects in air or on wall. Getpos x,y,z Gets the position of an object (ex. getpos z) Setpos x,y,z # Sets the position of an object. (ex. setpos z 250 ) good used with getpos to take floors z axis, then set your objects z axis to be the same. Getangle x,y,z Gets the angle of an object (ex. getangle z) Setangle x,y,z # Sets the angle of an object. (ex. setangle z 245 ) Rotate x,y,z # Rotates the object manually. (ex. rotate z 245) Setscale # Adjusts size of object.
  5. I don't know if fly will work; player.AddItem X Y (see next reply) will be more accurate. Whether either will really work for door frames, I'm not sure. I know that many people try to put them in things like pots so they're out of the way a bit. I think this is an issue with using spawned items more-so than with the actual racks themselves. I do know that certain weapons have a tendency to fall off racks, often even the original ones. Try smaller/different weapons and see if the spawned racks are still buggy. Try the following: put the items in your house (which you've already done), completely leave the cell (house), re-enter, and then decorate. I've read that the items falling off shelves and tables typically happens once and is then fine. Can't vouch for that, but it's what I've heard.
  6. Here's a good list for the plants/trees/flora of Skyrim. As for torches, try these. 0001d4ec00036343
  7. Friendly fire causing follower fights is a fairly common problem, but having both participants being immortal zombies isn't. You can try this mod.
  8. Yep, the "Dark Brotherhood Foreber" quest is radiant, meaning that it generates generic targets and goes on forever. Try the following console command. It will most likely just end your current radiant quest and not remove the "Dark Brotherhood Forever" entry from your quest log, though. SetStage DBrecurring 200
  9. Hey now, I moved the other day and have been without internet since. No need to develop schizophrenia in my absence. Now you may remember, my young padawan, seeing the following console command format often on these forums. SetStage <quest id> <stage value>This is my go-to for bugged or annoying quests. For your specific fetch-quest, try inputting the following... SetStage MGR20 20I bet that will solve all of your problems! Well, at least the quest one.
  10. I apologize if anyone has been trying to access anything here for the last 12 hours. Server update failed. :(

  11. You need to have some basis of comparison so that you know if these commands are working or not. Take Lydia and the dog and fight an enemy and monitor their health while they take damage. Reload, input the codes, and then test again. Even if the codes you've been trying work, they won't be completely invincible. Depending on the code you tried they'll either just have +500 health or in the case of being essential they'll just "faint" instead of die.
  12. You can do the Jagged Crown glitch with either Hadvar or Ralof, so it doesn't matter if you've already joined the Imperials. Just redo the quest, save often, and keep track of them. If they disappear, just reload from the most recent autosave.
  13. I'm not sure. Since you're using the PC, I wouldn't worry about it though. You can always fix it via console commands.
  14. Were you already in combat? This tends to happen due to friendly fire.
  15. I haven't tested any of these so you might want to post back here with your results. Weapons Rack I'm not sure if it's possible to add these without using a map editor. 016BB289Display Case From smallest to largest... C5893 C5894 C5892 C5891 Bookshelf 000DC9E700069E50
  16. To maximize your experience gain, remember to use The Mage Stone and a sleeping bonus (e.g. Well Rested) before you start power-leveling. Honestly, I haven't kept up-to-date on how Enchanting experience works. I know they've changed it a few times since I played. According to the wiki, the most cost-effective approach to crafting enchanted items is to enchant armor pieces with either the Muffle or Waterbreathing effect, as these effects use their maximum power even when using petty soul gems. If you use lesser soul gems, fortify sneak will be slightly better. So you're going to want to buy / smith as many of the following items to enchant as possible, depending on the enchantment / soul gems you decide to use. Waterbreathing: helms, rings, and necklacesMuffle: boots, arm slot items and jewelleryFortify Sneak: necklaces, gloves, rings, boots
  17. I'm a fan of Dragonscale, Glass, and Leather, but it's personal preference. Here's a good armor reference image set.
  18. Try the following format. <Player/RefID>.<AVC> <AV> <+/-#>So to increase Vigilance's health, you'd type... 0009A7AB.setav health 500You can also try +500. I could be wrong. Let me know if it works.
  19. You can buy physical copies of the Legendary edition from a lot of online stores and have it shipped to you for free. Here's a physical copy on Amazon. Just select PC instead of PC Download.
  20. Galathil, a bosmer in the Ragged Flagon (Riften), will change your appearance for 1,000 gold. I haven't done it in awhile, but there's a high probability that the game will bring up your character's existing sliders when you do this. After that it's just a matter of writing them down.
  21. Because it features Puns and MstrMonopoly, two great men who went on to become captains of industry.
  22. David


    This is the first I've heard of it.
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