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Everything posted by David

  1. Can you explain why you can't increase it? Is the experience bar not filling, or will it not increase to the next level?In Skyrim, Master trainers will only train you up until level 90 I believe.
  2. Good additions, I know I found the bit about 3/4 of the way through, not sure if there's more besides that. I find it funny that there were all these DDoS threats, none of those kids probably knew what they were hacking about. You're not going to DDoS Zetaboards.
  3. Someone replaced the TRR sing-along with a message about forum rules! D:

  4. I have no idea what that has to do with anything.Having now played Revelations, it's at least apparent that Lucy is indeed dead assuming that THE VOICES IN DESMOND'S HEAD are true. Also, Subject 16 is kind of a douche.
  5. I don't know whether this is a monstrous fail on your part or mine. You really didn't see the humor in moving buildings? Lol.
  6. Impossible. The Blue Palace does not have a purple roof. It would then be called the Purple Palace.
  7. Oh, duh. It's Winterhold. I was just confused because the snow and College have been photoshopped out. If you add the college, imagine everything white, and put the buildings in different places, it becomes obvious.
  8. I came to this thread expecting a blog about whether or not it was worth buying Boardwalk.I was disappointed.
  9. Yeah, but that's because Ozzeh did nothing but troll our IRC at that time. He was already in LoL and he would always sit in #Rebelz and make comments like that that were irrelevant to what was being talked about.I would be interested in hearing more about the "death" of TRR for a week or so when Allan packed up and the revival from LoL's perspective. I remember coming in one day and learning of it all and it seemed like BGS, at least, was celebrating victory.I actually forgot about the whole mole thing, that's something that you and Paul will have to touch upon for sure. That "poach" comment was made sarcastically since we thought you guys were doing that to us, though I guess it was true in the sense of Star Trip. Not really anyone else, that I remember, though. I'd just like to point out that although he was a "veteran" in the sense that he had been in TRR a good while (all his short stops combined), he would always join for 4ish weeks and then leave to make his own clan//help a new branch-off. He did that a good 4-5 times (literally: GoG, Epitaph, SBF, LoL off the top of my head, and there were a couple others). So at that point I don't even remember if he was really in TRR or just stopped by the IRC one day and noticed your new clan.
  10. David

    2011 GotY

    Skyrim and it's not even close. I haven't tried some of the other AAA games that came out in 2011 yet, though.
  11. I had forgotten about that! > Great read. I remember Paul and I trying really hard to get Star Trip back, he was our #1 priority. I was shocked when Jack joined LoL and probably would have made a good effort to re-recruit him, but I think I remember he went inactive shortly after that so there wasn't much point. Paul still has to cover the Ozzeh thing in his history. To this day I believe tLoL (I will always call it that as a subtle dig) kept TRR alive, and vice versa, if anything. Not muchof the leadership really played RuneScape, so the drama kept everyone interested in it. By the time LoL had more or less died TRR had just barely enough momentum to keep going without anything like that propelling it. I think of it like the AL-TRR relationship. We loved to hate them more than just hated them; after all, there was no reason for us to keep warring them. But the whole ordeal that always unfolded was hilarious and made everything much more interesting.
  12. I've been eagerly hitting refresh for the past few hours.
  13. I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm not actually a lemur.www.eldersouls.com/trolls/heyyeayeahProm photo. You can see the edge of date 1's hair from her cropped out face.
  14. Funny that got through, because from what I've heard they're real Nazis about it. I know that they have to approve of all updates to existing apps, even.
  15. Just post your whole thing in another thread. Paul's writing his own version from his TRR perspective; we'll just add all the sections with their different authors to the main thread.You can also write the part you were back for, as I wasn't really around for that either. Really, it would be cool if yours was from your perspective all throughout your first days in TRR, promotion to Council, leaving for tLoL, tLoL, and then return. I think he's just taking a break since he's only added a paragraph on it, and still has to cover the whole past year. There's quite a lot there too: conflicts with tLoL, reviving TRR, tLoL's death, etc.
  16. I was hoping for a return of Mr. Freeze.[media=] The dinosaur line gets me every time.
  17. Much to my dismay I learned awhile back that Catwoman was going to be making an appearance in Nolan's final Batman movie. Does this mean it's going to be cheap/lame? I'm scared. Predictions [*]They're REALLY hitting on the "The Legend Ends" slogan. Hard. I predict Bruce dies. [*]Rachel not really dead in The Dark Knight? This isn't based on anything besides me not remember seeing her body in it, just the coin that Harvey gave her. Jokers gonna joke. [*]Catwoman makes everything lamer. Weird trailer with odd focus on football.
  18. Why'd you delete HEYEYA?

    1. Blake


      You said you were going to do it eventually. I thought you forgot about it so I did it for you. I'M JUST TRYING TO B GUD M0D.

    2. David


      I actually have noticed you being a lot more proactive with it.

  19. Yeah, it seems pretty clear that you're going to have a choice.These major choices that lead to different outcomes must be a nightmare for the intern writing the background lore in Bethesda's basement.
  20. Do the entire history if you want, it will be interesting to read regardless. It's up to you.
  21. That doesn't even make sense. @Fergal, roughly, yes. I thought you left earlier (as in a bit before May), but it should be easier to pinpoint the dates by your topics concerning it.
  22. Added earlier today. More vampires... Sigh. Getting old, as cool as it looks. New things... [*]Play-able legit vampires. [*]Crossbows. [*]Mounted Combat [*]New Vampire Mount [*]New Spells?
  23. Yeah, it would be great if you could write something out either way. Do it from a tLoL (the little 't' is ingrained as a habit and subtle rebellion ) perspective if that's easier.
  24. Was there actually a reason for that fight, or was it just some douchebag picking on a random guy in a batman outfit so he could make a youtube video?
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