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Everything posted by David

  1. Hm, I've never heard of any bug associated with that quest but I've been wrong before. After finishing The Silver Hand, three new radiant quests should be available in Jorrvaskr. Completeing two of these quests for Aela is required before the next main quest, which is Blood's Honor.If I remember correctly the Stealing Hands quest you're talking about is one of the radiant quests. Have you tried leaving the cave and then talking to Aela again in Whiterun? I believe that's where the quest is supposed to begin.
  2. I'm assuming you mean Valdr, the wounded hunter who starts the quest?If you enter the cave and clear out the enemies without healing Valdr, he will die and you won't be able to complete the quest. Could this be what happened? If he is indeed dead, the quest will just stay in your log/journal even though it can't be completed.If you have a PC you can probably remove it with console commands.
  3. If you've applied patch 1.4 to your game, the gem was moved from the Thalmor Embassy to Reeking Cave due to the limited opportunities to enter the embassy. If it's not there, you should be able to re-enter the embassy via a glitch, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, try to find it in Reeking Cave.
  4. if you've already saved your game after you've had a patch applied, it will require that you have either that patch version or newer in order to play on that character. So in your case, you're probably better off waiting until you have internet access.
  5. Nerien is a Psijic Order mage who is involved with the Winderhold College quest-line. There's no static location for him, he just appears and disappears during the quests.
  6. David

    Brotherhood Of Cats

    I don't know, but I am seriously considering buying a cat just for this. I'll make the hood out of old towels, though, and won't secure it with a used spongebob maxi pad.
  7. That stain won't come out.
  8. David


    Nothing to see here...
  9. David

    Brotherhood Of Cats

    We are one. As we share the glory of our victories, so too should we share the pain of our defeats. In this way we grow closer. We grow stronger.
  10. David

    We've Got A Badass

    What, me? Couldn't be.
  12. David

    Jedi Creed

    Only a Templar deals in absolutes.
  13. This is going to happen, just watch.
  14. David

    Scumbag Ezio

    Klaus was a good man. Eager and willing to do his duty to safeguard the city from evil-doers, he diligently kept a watchful eye on the streets below from the rooftops. The pay was poor, and the hours long; it was just enough to put food on the table for his solely-supported family of five. Then, one fateful day, a man stabbed him in the back for no reason. His corpse fell onto the streets below and smashed through the table that was holding his family's modest dinner. The end.
  15. You can only be married once, even if your spouse dies.
  16. This time we have 5 days and need $8.00.
  17. What book specifically? Can you provide more details on the background of where you heard about this?If you're talking about this, it's just a physics glitch that happens near steep slopes.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rWngzbK-2s
  18. Organisms of the same species are defined as being able to produce viable offspring. As Khajiits and Argonians make up two different species, this is not a bug.
  19. No. NO. I just watched the trailer. It's KIN except it's long as it has two ii's, which makes internet noobs think it's "keen," which really doesn't even make two shits worth of sense when you think about it. It's the same as pink.
  20. Ah. It's pronounced like kin, though, so I thought it was a sibling joke.
  21. David

    Real life Khajiit

    Is that as far as he/she can close his/her mouth?
  22. I thought the joke was in "belive" and stared at it for a good 40 seconds with a stupified expression. Idungetit. "kiin"? Is that a word? Okay, you got me. That was worth a +1. At first I was and then I clicked on this image and I was like and then I read your puns and was... ...until I read the last line by which time I was just
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