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Everything posted by David

  1. Dawnguard Spells - If you're talking about these spells, it depends. If they are given during the Dawnguard quest-line directly they are unobtainable unless you join the Dawnguard. However, some of them appear to just be located in various spots. I'm not sure if non-Dawnguard players are able to enter those areas or not since I haven't played it yet, but it should be easy enough to figure out if you have access to the locations they're at.Staff Making - You can't currently make custom staffs.Undead Spells - There should be quite a few spells that are good against undead in vanilla Skyrim, such as Turn/Repel Undead and fire spells.
  2. I'm sorry, I don't remember that quest. Could your provide a name for it?Also, you should try creating a temporary new character just to see if the dialogue problems are the result of general file issues or one specific game save.
  3. Can you provide more details? Such as what system your using (360/PS3/PC), whether or not you have any mods, and when this started happening (such as if it happened during a specific quest).If you create a new game/character, does the problem persist?
  4. Yes, point it at the ground instead of the sky like what you do with conjuration summons. Make sure there's enough room where you're trying to use it.
  5. You'll have to hold the button down until the shout completes. Unlike Odahviing, Durneheviir is summoned in the same way that a conjuration spell works. You can be in a cave, technically, but you have to have ample room for him to appear.
  6. David


    In games, If given a good/evil choice I'll always research the outcomes and choose the one that gives me the most in-game benefit.In real life that's definitely not the case for me. Maybe because it's impossible to know the outcomes, but I like to think that's not the reason.
  7. Dragons do 25% less melee damage.
  8. And here we go again. It will be covered quickly even if a few people donate $2.00. Note that Paypal takes like 2.9% + $0.30 of whatever you send, so anything under $0.40 probably isn't worth it.Click to donate.EDIT: I actually just realized that my Paypal account has been halted from adding funds until I provide a bunch of identification details. No idea how long that will take to work out so I don't know if I'll be able to cover the difference this time.
  9. Fantastic deal. This would be decent if it was the regular edition, but you're actually getting the COLLECTORS edition. For $30 and free shipping (for stores near you; deal appears to be dead for actual shipping as of 10:30PM), I may have to pull the trigger on this myself. Deal is through Best Buy.
  10. Are you running vanilla? If not, what patch are you using?You could try going to the "Game Data Utility" folder and deleting the "Skyrim" file. This will cause it to re-install the next time you try to run the game. Your saves/characters will be unaffected.
  11. Check out this link - http://enbdev.com/doc_skyrim_proxy_en.htmYou'll rename one of the .dll's and then move it to the ENB folder. If I'm following it right, anyway. I think there are some mods that combine the two.
  12. Unfortunately the user-setting for posts/page was removed in the very last version of the forum software we upgraded to. :sad:Welcome to the site! It's nice to know there are people out there that take the time to document their mods. It saves a lot of time when something goes wrong.
  13. David

    Note on Haelga's Wild Night

    The day you uploaded this I spent a good 10mins staring at the letter thinking of some clever Skyrim item to say. I eventually gave up in shame. Then you just say lube.
  14. She should automatically go back to Breezehome. If you've already gotten a new follower and she still hasn't returned, you should check to see if she's dead by visiting the "Hall of the Dead" in Whiterun. There's also a chance that she disappeared because of a glitch that tends to happen with followers. Your only option if that's the case will be to load a previous save from before she disappeared or just continue the game without her.
  15. I could do something similar. You can check for the resolution settings and display different things based on it. There are things that are prioritized above that at the moment but it may be something to look into in the future. Could you explain that a bit? Do you mean the image itself could have the layers merged differently, or that it doesn't go with the content of the site? I'm really pretty newby with all of it, but I give it a good shot anyway. For your purposes the Content app would make for a good "Latest Fights" portal.
  16. David

    Sweet Troll

    I can't believe Bethesda hasn't officially put this in the game yet, with their sweet-roll obsession and all. It looks delicious.
  17. David


    Don't touch two lines at once, buddy...
  18. I'm assuming that's an oak, correct? They seem to really stand out like that in my area. Those that are left, anyway.
  19. David

    Village sunrise

    Looks like a beautiful area. Where was this taken?
  20. David

    Old People

    Deus had something of a melt-down, started acting like a child, and was eventually banned for it after he started making threats. More info in this thread:
  21. The Silver-Blood Family Ring is a possible reward for the quest No One Escapes Cidhna Mine and has a 15% smithing boost. There are also the Forgemaster's Fingers which can be obtained in The Forgemaster's Fingers quest, which boost smithing by 12%. Other than those, you can go to Radiant Rament in Solitude and check there for generic items that will randomly respawn in the store's inventory. If you want to make your own apparel you should find one of the above items and disenchant it to get the smithing effect. You can then apply it to any of the following apparel... [*]Chest pieces [*]Necklaces [*]Gauntlets [*]Rings If you level/boost your enchanting levels you'll be able to improve the effect.
  22. I live about 30miles from the nearest McDonalds/WalMart so all things considered I'm happy that I don't have to get satellite internet. It's funny how fast speeds are changing, though. I remember that was above average a couple years ago when I first got that speed tier. Since I live in the boondocks I get everything 3-4 years later than the towns/cities.
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