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Everything posted by David

  1. Just taking some thoughts since people have told me it's much to RPG-esque if we expanded into other popular series like Call of Duty or sports franchises.
  2. Lol. This game is such a joke now.
  3. If he won't appear there's a pretty low chance of you ever getting the mask, unfortunately. If you play on the PC you can use console commands, but otherwise you're probably out of luck.
  4. Just hit 800 members.

    1. Nathan


      Wow! That's awesome!

    2. Jake


      If you look up "Deleting Ps3 Trophies" on Google, my topic is on page one.

  5. Logged on to Facebook to see someone laughing and calling the girls on that teen mom show "dumb bitches." While true, this girl had at least one... Possibly multiple abortions before she was 18. Faith in humanity lost. Cynicism achieved.

    1. Jake


      Abortion is murder. What a hypocrite.

    2. Blake


      I don't have anything against abortion, but it's the hypocrisy of the statement that is hilarious.

      Is she at least kind of hot?

  6. Nice blog, the pictures made the place look amazing.
  7. DrFaustusAU of DeviantArt - Dr. Seuss-inspired fan art!

    © DrFaustusAU of DeviantArt

  8. David

    Wall Ninja

    I don't know why but I think this is hilarious. "SOON" comics get me every time.
  9. Make sure no one is making me breakfast.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yNaHQZrZ90
  10. Welcome to the site (officially)! It's good to see us converting a few regular guests into members/posters. On that subject, since I think you have a unique perspective as a recent guest, perhaps you could share some suggestions on converting other "lurkers" into members. No worries if nothing comes to mind. If something does, however, feel free to PM me any time. :smile:On topic, I myself haven't ever stored anything in Drela's Cottage so I can't say for sure any of the storage there is safe. The wiki lists the respawn time for the zone at "10 days or 30 days," though, so be wary of putting anything valuable on the floor for extended periods. Doesn't mention any safe chests.
  11. I'm looking forward to it. If you need anything feel free to PM me. :smile:It's hard to say I can provide a lot of help without more details on what the subject is, which is also why I suspect few have responded here. Mind if I ask where else you plan on publishing?
  12. David

    Wall Ninja

    Watch yourself.
  13. David

    Skyrim Is My Family

    My wife, Lydia, and our much beloved child, orphan-from-the-dark-brotherhood-quest-or-something.
  14. I always knew something about Blexun was a little off.
  15. David

    Skyrim Babe

    Beats the alternative Nord woman.
  16. You are my favorite random guest of all time.
  17. Unfortunately the maximum level is 81.
  18. Changed Premium Members a bit. Don't hate me.

    1. Jake


      Certainly makes the title easier to see, so that's good.

  19. You should use your seduction power to "calm" them and then feed on them after that. They don't need to be sleeping for this to work, which is one way you can tell if you're doing it correctly.
  20. I'm sure we'll find a workaround eventually. If not it will probably be addressed in the next patch. I'll leave the Seduction discussion to the other thread, though, so others will be able to find it.
  21. Link has a total that's dynamic with the updated amounts.I really would like to see various TRR members donate a bit though, instead.
  22. 3 days until the day (20th) they'll suspend us for being late.
  23. There's a chance, but I sort of doubt it. It's worth a try, though.
  24. Sometimes that just happens. I would just try to schedule it again and see if it works now that you've loaded a previous save.The follower thing might be an issue, if there is one. If all else fails try after getting a different companion.
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