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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Drunken Bear Fight

    Next time you consider fighting when drunk, think again.
  2. Hearthfire Released on PCAs of Thursday, October 4th, Bethesda has made the PC version of its "Hearthfire" DLC available on Steam. The DLC, as described by Beth Blog... The Hearthfire add-on content will be sold at a $4.99 price point; significantly less than the more pricey and substantial Dawnguard DLC ($20.00).Skyrim DLC on the PS3Many irate PS3 players have been waiting for Dawnguard on the PS3 since mid-July, and the mild annoyance has grown into a bitter resentment as Bethesda has refused to directly address the issue with a tentative release date. The Bethesda official forums have seen over 25 threads and literally thousands of replies demanding information from the publisher.Unfortunately, there remains no real news on when - or if - either Dawnguard or Hearthfire will ever find their way onto the PS3. Pete Hines, Bethesda's Vice President of Public Reactions, released a short statement over twitter: Whether or not they're "still on it" has been a point of heated debate, as previous Bethesda statements have been skeptical of the state of the PS3 versions.Click here to view the article
  3. Hearthfire Released on PCAs of Thursday, October 4th, Bethesda has made the PC version of its "Hearthfire" DLC available on Steam. The DLC, as described by Beth Blog... The Hearthfire add-on content will be sold at a $4.99 price point; significantly less than the more pricey and substantial Dawnguard DLC ($20.00). Skyrim DLC on the PS3Many irate PS3 players have been waiting for Dawnguard on the PS3 since mid-July, and the mild annoyance has grown into a bitter resentment as Bethesda has refused to directly address the issue with a tentative release date. The Bethesda official forums have seen over 25 threads and literally thousands of replies demanding information from the publisher. Unfortunately, there remains no real news on when - or if - either Dawnguard or Hearthfire will ever find their way onto the PS3. Pete Hines, Bethesda's Vice President of Public Reactions, released a short statement over twitter: Whether or not they're "still on it" has been a point of heated debate, as previous Bethesda statements have been skeptical of the state of the PS3 versions.
  4. Lmao @ Nintendo ad. When it shows the gameplay on the DS (or whatever the fuck it is now) it's clearly a white person playing. So much fail.
  5. So from what I gather from these notes they're not relaunching a new game, it's just an update to RuneScape titled "RuneScape 3." ....Maybe?
  6. David

    Cod or Haddock?

    wat is this i dont even.At first I thought it was about comparing Call of Duty to some random online sci-fi shooter. Then I assumed it was about fish because I know cod exist. Then Blexun posted and I thought it was referring to the new street names of some sort of drug I'm too white to know about.I'll take "?" for 500, Alex.
  7. The truest, most sporting sport. The sportiest of all sporty sports.
  8. Kind of goes off of my last thread in which we all argued about the definition of a sport and athlete. Anyways, here are my beliefs...1. Running (racing). The oldest sport (without getting into that definition debate again). Something that is 100% your own physical and mental ability, and what we as humans were designed to do in order to compete with eachother and other organisms. Not many know this, but although human's aren't the best sprinters we're fantastic long distance runners. Over very long distances, men often beat even the likes of horses (see Man vs. Horse races in England/Australia, or the science behind it). This is due to our ability to sweat (vs. panting) and our upright running position, which allows us to both eliminate heat and expose less of our body to the elements such as the hot sun.2. Swimming. At least as physically grueling as running, it's also 100% about your physical/mental ability. Minus points for being pretty pointless in evolutionary/biological settings, as humans are terrible swimmers and aren't designed for it at all. It's also more technique oriented, but less so than most other sports (basketball, etc).Notice that both of these things are also primarily based in physical fitness as opposed to something that trades (some or all of) that for pure skill/finesse (horse riding from the other thread, basketball as a less extreme example).
  9. Great work again. Only thing I had to change was the title, which was too long. It has to be pretty short with the "This Week in Gaming" standard.
  10. Remember when I said I was going to leave the forums in the current format until Dawnguard came out on the PS3, and you thought that it was going to be too soon? Just lol.

  11. David

    Knifing in Call of Duty

    Happens to me all the time.
  12. You NEED to have multiple manual saves files for these Bethesda games. Did you also turn the autosave feature off? The game should generate three saves automatically that you should be able to reload prior to entering the house and having the game freeze. Without one, there's a decent chance that you're just going to be out of luck unless you start a new character.Your only real option without multiple saves is to delete the game's cache, install data, and patch data. Note that these are NOT your game save files. If that fails, you're probably going to have to make a new file, unfortunately.
  13. Didn't say they were sports, but I agree with Blexun that participating in some sports doesn't make you an athlete (if you just define a sport as a compitetion).I guess I kind of think of it like this...Activity - Running race, basketball, darts, chess, studying.vCompetition - Running race, basketball, darts, chess.vSport - Running race, Basketball, etc (strenuous physical activity)
  14. High Jump and Javelin both require waaay more skill than shotput, at least on amateur levels. Shot put, meanwhile, is generally populated by nothing more than the biggest (and not necessarily muscular if you know what I mean) girls (especially) and guys up, until the college level. If you're actually good and do it correctly, it is an athletic feat. It requires a great deal of strength in both the arms and core. The vast majority, though, simply arm-punt the shot incorrectly. This is as sporting as me throwing my PS3 controller against the wall.I just have an axe to grind because my track team always had 5-6 overweight people who did nothing but shot put half-assedly. I was always overloaded with more events than I should have because of their lazy asses.
  15. Gaming is not a sport, and gamers are not athletes. This is literally the first I've ever even heard this come up. Sweating/heart rates are not a measure of physical assertion. Is taking a calculus test a sport? Does seeing someone you have a crush on make you an athlete?Physical activity can be measured with calories burned / time frame.
  16. Good work, just changed the title and reformatted the images (for most things you want the text to word wrap around the images).Also, remember to use impressive, HD slide images. They shouldn't be HD as in large, just clear. The first was a tad blurry.
  17. David

    Green Day

    Honestly there is nothing more douchey than a "twitter war". He does this, and now he's all over the news. Pretty brilliant if you ask me.He needs to work on his profanity, though.
  18. 1. Maybe some in the UK, but I personally don't know any who do that.2. Yeah, I'm not saying it's not difficult, just that they're not really doing anything physically relative to the horse. 3. FTR the walking was basically trotting while on a horse (I believe). Racing is like ~530 per hour (if you raced at strong gallop for an hour which isn't happening). 4. Well, I'd say in general. Most of the people I know, though, just ride them around on the weekends and maybe do the occasional show. Most I think just show them, one does obstacle courses. 5. I guess I'd compare it to Nascar in that although it's difficult to do, I wouldn't consider them athletes. It's difficult to drive in heavy traffic and study for organic chemistry as well.If you go by Blexun's definition of a sport as a "competition had through explicit rules" or something, it would be a sport though.
  19. So my last two big Facebook fights have revolved around people and their perceptions of what a sport or athlete are. I feel a sport is something physically demanding (which can conveniently be measured in calories burned), and an athlete is someone who partakes in these physically demanding sports. By my definition, Nascar is not a sport (this is not to say it is not difficult), nor are the drivers athletes. So my question to you is this: are horseback riders really "athletes," or is it just the horse? I said that the horse was the only thing that could be considered an athlete in that scenario and was "ripped apart" (i.e. "u so dumb l0l!") by a never ending tide of rather ditzy women For those of you who want content, it started over this stupid facebook chain image... I thought this was absolutely hilarious for several reasons. For one, I put in something retarded like "driving to Wal Mart" in place of "riding horses," made the explanations dangerous and harrowing, and it came out perfect. Two, "You run 1 mile, I RIDE 10." enough said. Anyways, after having a good 5+ people tell me how I'm "truely ignoreant" (seriously), I lost all faith in humanity. I even looked up the calories burned per hour for a 200lb man who rode a horse at walking speed. 228 calories. The same as brushing your teeth (for one hour) and less than cooking for the same period (240). My facts and quantitative analysis were quickly drowned out by the "OMG IT IS SO HARD" from people who have never done a sport in their lives. Looks like the definition of sport and/or athlete is the next thing to be grossly distorted by the pussifying of America.
  20. Not true, it just takes more experience (which always happens when increasing levels).
  21. Just banned all of China from the site. GG to those 1.4 billion bots.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa


      dem chinks. waow

    3. Blake


      Our legit Chinese visitors: NUUUUUUUUUUURRRRR

    4. CarnivalofSoulz


      you racist bastards lol but agreed

  22. User asks how to remarry on 360.Scumbag Snuggles answers with console commands for PC.
  23. You probably have to finish some other quest. If you've partially completed the Winterhold questline, try finishing it.
  24. To be clear, you DO have a debit card that goes along with your iDEAL-based account, correct? If so I'll go ahead and work on it now. I just wanted to clarify that you can't use iDEAL itself (in the log into bank online sense) with the credit/debit method.I apologize if this is grating. Understand that my questions are intended both to help you and to set up something easy for all EU-based users in the future (where I understand credit cards/PayPal aren't as popular).
  25. Don't click the ads unless you have genuine interest in the product. Those are only displayed for guests because return visitors clicking them will get the adsense account banned. Google is very good at determining whether or not clicks are legitimate. Question - do you have any type of card at all? If Maestro/iDEAL give out debit cards (which are direct links to the bank accounts) I can just add the normal credit/debit card payment option. Alternatively, is iDEAL ONLY through your bank with no card similar to how PayPal operates (logging in on Paypal to finish payments)?
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