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Battlefield 3


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Fuck CoD. Cod doesnt have dedicated servers, therefore it is a connection whorefest.Anyway, bad language aside i have pre-ordered Battlefiend 3 and Gears of war 3.I played the GoW3 beta and by god, now it has dedicated servers and everyone is on a much more level playing field it is UBER cool.A lot of bitching goes on about some of the new weaponry, and a lot of the older people who won via their connection complain, but that makes it even more fun. Raging people with the voice of a 12 year old is so amazing.--Im Xbox btw.

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  • 1 month later...

Well yea its like Cod, your restrained to going one way. No vehicles, no special shit. Just the basics, that's all Cod is (besides the dumb killstreaks). i would choose the BF3 beta over Cod anyday! you have some chance of sniping and you dont have to worry about attack dogs spawning behind you and raping you...

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  • 3 weeks later...

BF= win/loss is most important to the average playerCod=kill/death is most important to the average playerThat "motivation" makes a huge difference in game play, the map sizes of BF make camping not as rewarding because less people run through your area. Camping is nearly impossible because when people know the corner your hiding in you got C4 all over the back of the wall. BF generally has more teamwork in all game modes, and is generally more strategic(this is from the BF motivation of win/loss because you cant win on your own). This is all because of bigger maps, certain roles for each class, and a variety of ways to approach the objective; like having a friendly sniper cover you from across the map by spotting and killing, stealth-fully jumping out of a helicopter, going straight for it in a tank, have your squad push up, and many more.Cod gameplay is more like a FFA, just some people cannot hit you (your team mates) this is usually because you only need you to improve YOUR Kill/Death. Smaller maps create efficient camping, killstreaks rewards campers, and since the objective is one of the most heavily guarded areas on the map generally people who want a kill streak don't go for it. Btw did i mention how COD made it easy to camp, motion sensors, enclosed one or two entrance buildings and becuase guns kill so fast they can kill you before you see it coming. And cods fast gameplay create a connection whore fest.

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I got BF3 the other day and I love it. I've never been a BF fan until this one, always loved COD but the look and gameplay of BF is awesome. RUSH mode is great and gives a much better teamplay feel rather than always playing TDM on COD. Ability to have a squad leader to point out objectives, can spot enemies, no kill streaks, drivable vehichles, the list goes on and on. I still may get MW3 if I play it and like it but BF3 is going to be tough to top in my book. I'm on PSN:SirBigSpur11 if anyone wants to add me...also add me on battlelog, probably going to be putting together a battalion soon.

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I've liked Battlefield in the past, but I don't exactly get the hype on this one. The servers are absolutely awful, and it's glitchy and laggy. I didn't buy the game, I never buy games without trying them out first, but the two days I borrowed it I couldn't play for more then an hour... I'm usually the same way with COD, but I think this game could possibly be the most overrated game this summer, it was sort of like Halo Reach, tremendous hype, then the game came out and it wasn't fit towards people's expectations. I don't know if others feel the same way, but it's how I feel and felt.I was planning on getting BF3, MW3, Skyrim, and AC Revelations this fall, Battlefield saves me a lot.

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I will admit Cod ain't the best it has a lot of issues but hell it beats bf by a long shot.

Agreed, picked up a preorder earlier today. My friend is trying to tell me that BF3 is better in everyway, but his only argument is "that game will suck balls" he hasn't even watched the trailers. But then again, he uses a Mac, so I'm not surprised.
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A lot of my friends have got bf3 and ain't getting mw3 till later on, so kinda sucks for me I honestly only have 1 friend left that is going to get mw3 as soon as it comes out, I would have more but someone hacked my live account and deleted all my friends....so I have went from 93 friends to I think 8? I will still try bf3 but I highly doubt I will like it, if its anything like bfbc2 I won't, I hate the huge maps, and the vehicles are overkill, plus no kill streaks? eh see I feel the need for kill streaks because its a reward for doing good, I mean you get a 29 kill streak in bf and don't get anything? what's the point in getting a kill streak that high? Yeah you can brag but it doesn't help you win, I play cod to win not for high kills, I could go a hole game and not get anything higher then a 2 kill streak and I would be ok with that if I won, but when I do get kill streaks you get rewards so stuff that helps you win the game, you have to earn it not, go jump in a helicopter that spawned up at the beginning for the game, that anybody can get, and if he gets shot down eh it will respawn in a min.

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