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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. TBH, im having less and less faith in slayer, dragon boots are like 160k atm and whip is only worth 500k! I see little reason to train slayer for the money, I just do it because its the most awesome skill
  2. Hm though one, its either strength for the epic hits, defence for teh uber tank, or some skill like fishing or woodcutting for teh epic geepees
  3. ^ I believe you need to be p2p to get the hourglass
  4. I disagree, I never really play at times there are events, its just too late for me, I get out of bed 6 days a week at 5:00am-5:30am (my timezone), theres no way I stay up to later than 11 pm except on saturdays, does that mean I dont respect the clan?
  5. Hm Dynasty, thanks for sharing but Im more interested in 300k-500k per hour stuff
  6. Huygens


    Hey dude, welcome! <3
  7. GL with the goals, 99 range should take a while
  8. I could duel you for the funz:) ill just wear nooby armour, range hits through anything anyways...
  9. There's little chance that Im able to attend any war, since I do other stuff than RS in the weekends. If I play in the weekends its like for 15 minutes, so then ill just do a farm lap.If you want more people attending, I suggest focussing on recruiting people that join clans for warring, rather than community.<3
  10. And this picture is based on how many trips?
  11. i luv that video! my gf goes to art school and makes shit like this too
  12. Hm Barrows prices are kinda low atm, when I used to do it they were a lot higherAnd yeah herb farming in combination with slayer is kinda what I do right now, I do a farm round when I log in, then start slaying, and when my bunyip dies (after a few breaks, I dont play long in a row), I go to the bank and do another farm run, cash per hour rate is minimal, but its ok I guess..
  13. You're supposed to say, nah you're pretty good too you know! Its just that I have more experience!Idiot <3
  14. IDK man, this is hard to keep track off, -who put what in the bank?-how much does someone get when someone gets hacked?-is losing 20m also considered being hacked?-did he really got hacked or did he just droptrade his stuff to another accountand anyone should be able to fund 30 swordies and a rune set right
  15. I dont even know what Tavist does? Is it like Viagra?
  16. Hello there,I know this topic has probably been posted before, I've seen something similar at the guides section, however, reading this didn't solve my money issues.I used to do barrows and kill green dragons for my main income. However, they both got fked coz of price drops.So, does anyone have tips for me to make money? No monster hunting, I hate doing stuff in groups for a long period .Skilling provides a steady income, yet the avg coin/hr ratio is awfully low; 250k per hour max?So does anyone have any good tips? Does cleaning herbs for money still work?Huygens <3
  17. Huygens

    Mighty Banshee's

    Nice guide, I think I usually kill them without prayer, because they drop so much I have to bank very often. but it has been a while so im not quite sure.
  18. Thanks for the support everyone! And yes Judo, we're much alike, its just that you have a better account. :')
  19. Huygens


    Hehe last time I changed my bios, my computer crashed as well
  20. Hey there, Thanks for reading my G&A. I will use this thread to keep track of my achievements and hopefully it will keep me motivated! Feel free to post anything in this thread Table of content: 1. About me 2. Stats 3. Goals 1. About me Ive been playing RS on and off for the last 6 years? Not sure lol, I take breaks regularly to keep the game exciting, I hate grinding. Whenever I play RS I mainly do some slayer, basic skilling or money making. This is what I enjoy, and I play RS to enjoy the game. I joined this clan because I wanted to be part of a community, I have no intentions of attending events (I will attend wars if I can make it), but Im mainly here for the chat/forum 2. Stats Same as in my signature: 3. Goals I want to get all my skills to 65. Skills left: I also want to max out my combat eventually, already have 99 att and strength. First I want 90 in all combat skills, then max out. Defence: Ranging: Magic: Constituion: Summoning: All progress and kewl stuff will be posted here Prepare for epicness!
  21. Meanwhile in Soviet Russua...
  22. I see questing as something that should not be grinded, and therefore, I do read everything.
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