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Everything posted by Huygens

  1. What I meant was that I only pay 8.50 with paybysms
  2. Edit: 64 agility 1 lvl short of my short term goal
  3. FFS Fergal you gravedigger:P Read the whole damn topic before I realised it was old stuff xD
  4. This is the best god damn update since summoning :)All I got is xp lamps and some crappy items, but I nearly got a dungeoneering lvl so far already
  5. Never tried it, because I had bad experiences with WOW private servers, the official servers are fine and p2p isn't expensive so
  6. Hmmm, I've seen the commercials....Just another handheld IMO
  7. I'm neutral to this, I read it on the RS website, but I did like flaming about it on the forums to be honest.
  8. its only 8,50 fergal or 7.50? no i think 8.50Im not sure how many people play on a regular Saturday evening? I think having an event planned every day is more than this clan can handle right now. Starting with at least 1 steady boss hunt night per week would be a good first step to be honest. I'm not sure Saturday is a good day? I go out on Saturdays, so its a no-go for me, but if there are others?
  9. Gz Traaginen , now lets vote for Feb!
  10. Ive read this guide before, but wow, a lot of work has been put in it. It's such a pity half of the images dont work at the moment and like stated before, it needs to be updated (polypore stuff etc.)
  11. i just type in trr.elder and the link to the subforum pops up on my screen, and then i just press view new content
  12. WAIT WUT? negative posts? you're on 406 at the moment:P
  13. Dude that wheel thing is epic, I can gamble twice a day for free woot, yesterday I had 2k free dung xp which would normally take me like 15-20 minutes :)Also got the talent scout minigame while training agility, which got me 10k free agility xp
  14. FUCK YEAHHHH~~~~Anarchy for president...uhhhh council :)Hope you can bring some fresh ideas and energy to the clan <#
  15. I think there are plenty of cheats for this problem on the pc *evil laugh*
  16. I could run events on Friday, really early tho (8pm gmt ish), but my internet isnt reliable to be honest, but 90% of the time it works
  17. I'd like the option to reset.I think a better system would be that the perks would be extras when you lvl up. So when you reach lvl 30 archery you automatically get the zoom-in option.
  18. Wow 150k/h, that sounds awful to be honest Takes like 7 hours to get a single mil!
  19. You could require everybody to log-in before they can see a single topic?
  20. Updateeeh Got dced at like wave 13, still got 18k dungeoneering xp 169 baby jadinkos good xp too nearly 90 def Possibly the worst clue ever? Well, at least I had fun. Dont watch my money, I was merching something at least thats profitable, stupid clues...
  21. Hm I wonder how many are actually active members. YAY on the milestone tho
  22. by doing a task and picking up stuff, patience is always rewarded, even if you only make 100k in a task, thats nice, right? and also do all the clues you get asap
  23. Hm, might be off-topic, but did we have a single application since we're on this 'new' forum yet?
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