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Posts posted by Nathan

  1. I'm glad they've finally reversed a lot  of there DRM policies, but for a lot of people its far too little too late. Now people who were happy with the DRM changes and the push towards digital gaming are annoyed and the people who wanted it changed now want the kinect removed (which I doubt will happen). I'm not that concerned about the kinect, but if they do make it optional I think that will be a huge step in their favour as it should reduce the price a lot too.


    As for Sony changing their policies, I'm not sure they will, for one thing not as many people know about it (I would have missed it if it weren't for the fact I was looking through everything for writing my article) and they seem to be a bit better than Xbox's.


    Only time will tell though I guess, I'll probably stick to what I've done for every gaming console and wait quite a while after its released before getting one, heck despite being pretty much an Xbox360 gamer now it was only about 4 years ago that I got one (which would've been about 4 years since its release)

  2. This week of course there weren't many important gaming releases. However, there is plenty of industry news to discuss due to E3 (the Electronic Entertainment Expo) having been held from the 11th to 13th.

    Posted Image

    Game Releases

    The Last of Us

    Platform/s: Playstation 3

    Release Date/s: Its to be released in Japan on June 20th but it was released everywhere else on the 14th.

    The Last of Us is basically the only game to come out this week that is really worthy of mention, however its managed to still stand out and cause discussion among gamers even with all the distractions of E3 which is a really admirable feat.

    The game follows the protagonist Joel, as he tries to survive the post-apocalyptic world caused by a fungi/plant-like parasite that mutates human hosts into rabid killers.

    The game has received enormous praise and has an extraordinary score of 94.58% on game rankings.

    Gaming News and Announcements

    There's been so much news and drama in the gaming industry particularly centered around Sony and Microsoft's next generation of consoles... Where to begin?


    So as you probably have already heard even, if you haven't heard anything about E3, is that when the Xbox One was revealed Microsoft outraged gamers when it was revealed that the console would be required to connect to the internet at least once every 24 hours otherwise gaming would not be possible. They also stated that is would have very limited support for used games (in essence if you tried to use a game disc on another's Xbox, you would have to repurchase the game).

    Strangely, it was only later that Microsoft revealed that they were leaving the decision regarding the lack of support for used games up to each individual developer. On top of that the Xbox One isn't backwards compatible, and although achievements will be transferred even games that were downloaded to the Xbox 360 won't be playable on the Xbox One.

    Their press conference was rather poorly received, and consisted of several awkward pauses where an applause was expected; when there was applause it was usually half-hearted or polite clapping rather than excitement. Compared to conferences by other companies there were very few games shown.

    They announced a new model of the Xbox 360 which is made to look like the Xbox One, which is an odd move considering you would hope they would be more focused on the upcoming release of the Xbox One at this point, and besides the look of the Xbox One was yet another thing that people criticized.

    They also announced that as of July 1st, people who still have an Xbox Live gold subscription will be able to download two free games per month, including Assassins Creed 2, and Halo 3.

    Furthermore, at the end of their conference, gamers were put off by the rather expensive price of £429 UK, 499 Euro, and US $499.

    When the PS3 released, Sony was over-confident due to their success with the PS2, and as a result made several mistakes, and I feel like Microsoft is now in the same position and making many of the same mistakes. For example, just like the PS3 was, the Xbox One is significantly more expensive than its competitors. The PlayStation 3 also suffered because Sony continued to give the PlayStation 2 too much continued support, and Microsoft seems to be doing the same with the Xbox 360. That said as a consumer obviously I would like my existing console to be useful but at a certain point they need to stop supporting past products in order to improve the future of the console.


    Microsoft put themselves in a position where they could be absolutely humiliated by Sony, and Sony took every opportunity to do just that.

    They showed lots of amazing games, far more than Microsoft at the very least, and the crowd was genuinely excited about them. They showed the return of classic titles such as Kingdom Hearts 3 and Final Fantasy 15 to the crowds delight, and also showed several games that weren't necessarily exclusive to Sony but had additional bonuses exclusive to Sony Consoles.

    They also revealed that several of the games that they showed at E3 would be available at no extra charge to PlayStation Plus subscribers.

    To top that off they announced that an online connection was optional, they supported used games as usual (even deliberately poking fun at the Xbox one by posting

    ) and that it will be $100 cheaper at the price of £349 UK, 399 Euro and US $399. All of these things caused massive cheers from the audience and resulted in a sky rocket in Sony stock prices and a crash in Microsoft stock.

    Despite claiming that they support used games as normal, they stated sometime after E3 that they actually have essentially the same DRM policy as Microsoft. As third party games they are leaving it up to individual developers. As disappointing as this is, at least they marketed themselves better and showed that they understand gamers are not going to be happy with these DRM issues rather than Microsoft who seemed to advertise it as a feature of the Xbox One.

    So in summary it seems that the only difference now between the two consoles is price, the online check-in, and exclusive titles and the Playstation 4 seems to be better in those aspects but I suppose only time will tell, and its usually not a good idea to get consoles immediately anyway.

    Other News

    [*]EA announced Star Wars Battlefront 3.

    [*]Nintendo have released several gameplay trailers which you can find here





    [*]A new Super Smas Bros. for WiiU and 3DS was announced along with new playable characters including Megaman, a villager from animal crossing, the Wii Fit trainer. The much hated tripping feature of Super Smash Bros. Brawl will not be included.

    [*]Apple had their own developers conference at about the same time as E3 and announced Mac Pro, iOS7

    There are far more title announcements that came out this week but it would be impossible for me to cover them all so I'll leave you with this imageof a spreadsheet of all of this years E3 titles and what consoles they will be on and you guys can look up what your interested in that way.

    Weird Gaming News and Facts

    [*]A stop motion Zelda series has been released, which also includes Black Rock Shooter from the game anime and manga. You can find the first episode here.

    [*]The Pokemon Drowzee is based on Tapirs, an animal which in Japan, is said to eat dreams.

    [*]A study in America found that playing Super Mario Sunshine made people more helpful in real life.

    See you next week!

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  3. After the news at E3 that Star Wars: Battlefront 3 will be coming out, Star Wars fans might be in for some more good news. Since Disney acquired Star Wars last year, many have anticipated a Star Wars themed expansion to one of the disney parks, and there have been several recent reports that it might now be in the works.


    Here is one of the articles that discusses some of Disney's planned expansions to Florida's Disney Land including the Star Wars expansion.


    What do you guys think of this news? Do you think it's likely to happen? If it is true when do you think we can expect it to be ready? What would you like to see in a Star Wars theme park?

    • Upvote 1
  4. We are covering a bit over a week of gaming news and releases. Not only because I actually got last weeks article done earlier than usual, but due to technical issues it didn't get posted until a bit later and I wasn't able to get an article done that early this time. In a way, that's fortunate though as there weren't too many releases this week. With the lead up to E3 in a few days there is plenty of news.

    Game Releases

    Remember Me

    Platform/s: PC, PlayStation3 and Xbox360.

    Release date/s: June 3, for PC in North America, June 4 for Consoles in North America, June 6 in Australia, and June 7 in Europe.

    Remember Me was developed by Dontnod Entertainment and published by Capcom.

    Remember Me is an action-adventure stealth game and features exploration, platforming, stealth, and melee combat. As the name suggests the game is about memories and there are mechanics that allow the player to change and steal their targets memories. It is set in the year 2084 in a futuristic version of Paris.

    The game allows players to create and customize their own combos with and their is said to be over 50,000 possible combinations.

    Remember me has received mixed to positive reviews. Game rankings gives it a score of 69.78% for PC, 74.21% for PS3 and 68.63% for Xbox360.

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Legendary Edition)

    Platform/s: PC, PlayStation3, and Xbox360

    Release date/s: June 4

    As I'm sure most of you know, Skyrim is an action role-playing game by Bethesda, and the fifth installment in the Elder Scrolls series (which this site is named after)

    The Legendary Edition contains the game with the 1.9 patch along with the 3 expansions or DLC (Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn).

    Since its initial release Skryim has been very well received. Game rankings gives it a score of 88% for PC, 94.42% for PS3, and 95.15% for Xbox360.

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf

    Platform/s: Nintendo 3DS

    Release date/s: Released last year in Japan, February this year in Korea, June 9th in North America and to be released June 14 in Europe and June 15 in Australia.

    Animal Crossing: New Leaf is the latest game in the Animal Crossing series. where the player lives in a rural village populated by anthropomorphic animals.

    The game has revived very positive response, and has been praised for its use of the Nintendo 3DS's stereoscopic 3D effects. Gamerankings currently gives it a score of 86.60%

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    Gaming News and Announcements

    With the Electronic Entertainment Expo (better known as E3) about to take place from June 11-13 a lot of gaming news has been coming out recently.

    [*]Nintendo released an introductory trailer for New Super Luigi U, the clip shows how Luigi's unique moves compare to his brother Mario.

    [*]Microsoft has released statements clearing up a few things about the Xbox One. Firstly whilst it doesn't always have to be online it does have to connect to the internet at least once every 24 hours and if it doesn't offline gaming won't be possible until a connection is re-established. Live TV, Blu-Rays and DVDs will still work. As for used games, they are leaving it up to the publishers for the most part. Publishers can enable you to trade in games at participating retailers, and retailers, publishers, nor consumers will be charged for this, however publishers can opt out of this and set up transfer fees with retailers if they desire.

    [*]The first in a series of developer diaries for Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag has been released. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag will be released for PC, PS3, Xbox360 and Wii U in North America on October 29, and will also be available on Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

    [*]Nintendo has announced new animation software, Flipnote Studio 3D, will arrive in the North American 3DS eShop this August.

    [*]An image that is believed to show several of the titles coming to the Xbox One has been leaked. (pictured to the right)

    [*]Zynga, most famous for the facebook game Farmville, has closed its LA, New York, Austin and Dallas studios and is laying off 18 percent of its work force (an estimated 520 employees).

    [*]Capcom has announced more plans for Ducktales Remastered (which is a remastered version of the classic NES game for WiiU, Xbox360, Playstation 3 and PC.)

    [*]A new trailer for the upcoming game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows has been released and introduces Donatello. You can watch it here.

    [*]A new Wolfenstein game has been announced and is set to be released later this year. You can watch the trailer here.

    [*]At a Pre-E3 press conference Konami offered more information on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2. The sequel is set in modern day and will introduce an open world. You can watch the trailer here, but it does contain spoilers for the first game. The initial game is also coming to PC this August.

    [*]The Los Angeles Convention Centre is displaying a huge Dark Souls 2 sign with March 2014 written on it. Namco Bandai have since confirmed that Dark Souls 2 is slated for release March 2014. There are also plans for a Dark Souls art book, Dark Souls: Design Works.

    [*]Mortal Kombat's Scorpian is coming to DC's Injustice: Gods Among Us as a downloadable character.

    There will be a heap of news coming out at E3 and we will be doing our best to cover anything interesting that comes out of that, but if you're really interested the press conferences will be live streamed, you can view a schedule for that here.

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    Weird Gaming News and Facts

    [*]Not exactly weird news, but still interesting and worth mentioning a live-action fan-film has been made for The Legend of Zelda.

    [*]Sorry to get back to Donkey Kong again after last week but in honor of Donkey Kong Country Returns Nintendo trademarked the phrase "its on like Donkey Kong."

    [*]An image of a colour wheel consisting only of pokemon (pictured to the right) has been getting re-tweeted a lot in japan.

    [*]Rockstar purposely paid a PR expert to cause controversy and get Grand Theft Auto negative press coverage in order to boost the games sales.

    [*]Similarly Microsoft and Sony have reportedly been employing people to post on reddit in order to gain support for their next gen consoles and to attack their rival console. More details can be found at this topic.

    [*]In Bioshock Infinite. the letter Elizabeth asks you to deliver (after being deciphered) says : I am a code. I should probably be changed over for something much more official in the future. But I'll do as a stand-in for now I suppose.

    [*]Travis Touchdown of 'No More Heroes' is based on Johny Knoxville. The games director, Goichi Suda, would often show his staff a clip from jackass where a baby alligator bites Knoxvilles nipple, claiming "I wanted them to understand the kind of person that Travis is."

    [*]Due to music licence expiration an Xbox Live Achievement for Rock Band 3, "Live Free or Die" will be unavailable after June 30 when one of the free songs needed for the achievement will be removed. The removal of songs does not effect users who have already purchased or downloaded those tracks though so you can download. The other six tracks that will be dropped on June 30 are currently on sale for $1, half their usual price.

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  5. Posted Image
    So if you've read the previous article I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be changing up the format of these articles, in the past it was mostly a list of every game that had been released during the week, and thats not something people are interested in, so instead I will just talk about important releases and focus a lot more on industry news.

    Game Releases

    Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

    Platform/s: PlayStation Network, Steam, Xbox Live Arcade.
    Release Date/s: May 21, for PSN in North America, May 22 International, May 23 for Steam in Australia

    Call of Juarez: Gunslinger is the 4th installment, first-person shooter video game series "Call of Juarez". The previous game Call of Juarez: The Cartel, was different to the first two games in that it was set in modern day Los Angeles and Mexico, Gunslinger returns to its roots and is once again set in the Old West.

    It features 3 Game modes (story, arcade and duel) and the story line is the life story of a bounty hunter named Silas Greaves.

    So far it has received generally mixed to positive reviews .

    Fast and Furious:Showdown

    Platform/s: PC, PlayStation3, Wii U, Xbox360, and Nintendo 3DS.
    Release date/s: May 21

    Fast and Furious: Showdown is a cooperative racing game based on the Fast and Furious film franchise. It's story ties in to Fast and Furious 6 and bridges the events of that film and its predecessor Fast and Furious 5 as well as the story of the other films.

    It has received generally negative reviews.

    Resident Evil:Revelations

    Platform/s: Nintendo 3DS (Much earlier in the year), PC, Playstation 3, Wii U and Xbox 360.
    Release date/s: May 21 in North America, May 23rd in Japan, Australia and Europe.

    Resident Evil: Revelations is the next installment in the Resident Evil franchise. It is survival horror game developed by Capcom.

    The game returns to the survival horror game play of the earlier installments of the series and features the return of limited ammunition, and more emphasis on puzzle solving and exploration

    The story is set between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5.

    It received generally positive reviews.

    Capcom has DLC planned that will add two new playable characters (each at $2.99 or 240 Microsoft Points, available June 11) and also Weapon packs (priced at $1.99 or 160 Microsoft Points each, available June 4)

    Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

    Platform/s: Nintendo 3DS
    Release Date/s: May 24 in North America and Europe, May 25th in Australia and to be released on June 13 in Japan.

    Donkey Kong Country Returns is a Nintendo 3DS port of the Wii game, Donkey Kong Country Returns. The port was developed from the ground up and features 3D graphics. It includes 2 modes, Original Mode (which plays the same as the Wii version) and New Mode, which introduces new items designed to make the game easier as well as extra health. It also contains a new world with levels not present in the Wii Version.

    It has received positive reviews.

    Sniper Elite V2

    Platform/s: Steam (back in April), PC, PlayStation3, Xbox 360 (earlier in the month) and Wii U
    Release date/s: May 24 for Wii U

    Sniper Elite V2 is a tactical shooter developed by Rebellion Developments. It had previously been published for Steam, PC, PlayStation3, Xbox360, and has just been released for Wii U.

    Since its initial release it has received average reviews.


    Platform/s: PlayStation3, and Xbox 360
    Release date/s: May 28 in North America, May 30 in Australia, and May 31 in Europe.

    Fuse is a cooperative action video game set in the near future. It follows a team of four misfit agents known as Overstrike 9.

    Fuse has received mixed reviews. It has been praised for its Fuse Weapons and Co-Op action but it's Team A.I and Confusing Tone have been criticized.

    Grid 2

    Platform/s: PC, PlayStation3 and Xbox360
    Release date/s: May 27 for PC in North America, May 28 for other Platforms in North America, May 30 in Australia, May 31 in Europe, and to be released on July 25 in Japan.

    Grid 2 is the sequel to the racing game "Race Driver:Grid"

    It includes numerous real world locations and motor vehicles spanning four decades. It features a new handling system aimed to get the balance between realism and accessibility right.

    It has received positive reviews from critics.

    Gaming News and Announcements

    • [*]The big news of the last couple of weeks is obviously the reveal of Xbox One and all the speculation about the next generation of consoles that came with it. For more details on that you can read
    my article on it as well as the discussion that we have been having there. [*]After disappointment with the Xbox One reveal, and issues over DRM and the lack of support for used games, gamers have been trying to warn Sony against the same thing and trying to get the word out with the hash tag #PS4noDRM and #PS4UsedGames on Twitter [*]A special edition and pricier collectors edition for the much anticipated Grand Theft Auto V, set to release for Xbox360 and PlayStation 3 on September 17, has been made available for pre-order. The special edition includes the game, art book, blueprint map, an in-game special ability boost, stunt plane trials, bonus outfits and more weapons. The collectors edition comes with all of the above as well as a security deposit bag and logo key, Los Santos hat, classic characters for GTA online and unique vehicles and garage property. [*]A new Batman game will be back this October with a prequel to the Akham games in Batman: Arkham Origins. The previous voice actors for Batman and The Joker, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill will not be returning to their roles in the prequel. You can watch the trailer here [*]Nintendo has an event planned to coincide with E3 this year, announcing that for a number of titles they will be revealing they will have playable demos available at 110 Best Buy Locations. A full list can be found here [*]A four-player game based on the popular manga and anime series One Piece called One Piece: Unlimited World Red, has been announced to be coming to 3DS in Japan at some point. The japanese trailer can be viewed here [*]Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is set to be released on PC and PS3 worldwide this August, and a new trailer has been released showing the new Job Actions [*]Nintendo has announced Sonic: Lost World for Wii U and 3DS, which will feature a range of competitive multiplayer modes. In the game Sonic finds himself teaming up with his nemesis eggman. [*]EA has confirmed it is not only removing Online passes for future games, but also for existing games, starting with EA Sports.


    Weird Gaming News and Facts

    • [*]Nintendo had an interesting advertising campaign for the release of Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. At an event where people were given the chance to play the game, they were shocked when Donkey Kong breaks through a wall in real life. You can check out the
    video here [*]Continuing with the Donkey Kong theme, The only reason Donkey Kong 64 came with an expansion was because it inexplicably fixed a game breaking bug. Rare couldn't find any other solution so they bundled the expansion with the game for free, costing them a fortune. They still don't know what caused the bug. [*]The original Xbox version of Tomb Raider:Legend doesn't have a cut-scene because the developers forgot to include it in the final version of the game. [*]Sega rejected other disc formats for the Dreamcast and instead created their own to prevent piracy, ironically the Dreamcast was one of the easiest consoles in history to pirate games on. [*]Pokemon gold and silver were planed to be the last Pokemon games. [*]The creators of "Game Dev Tycoon" uploaded a 'cracked' version of their game on several torrent websites. However every game you developed in this version would be pirated to the point you couldn't progress in the game. [*]The Japanese version of Harvest Moon DS Cute has a "Best Friends" system which essentially works as a same-sex marriage. To avoid controversy this was dropped from the North American release.

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  6. This is a really common issue but it seems like you've tried most solutions. You may have to try reloading a previous save before you lost her.


    You may find a suggestion in one of the threads below that have the same issue.






    or you could search the forums (just below the header in the top right corner) for more.


    If none of that works, post back and hopefully someone will be able to help you out.

  7. Grr, I was halfway through typing a response to this then my browser went back for no reason (my laptop seems to have been pressing random stuff by itself recently) and lost it all :(




     I'll admit it's unfair, but Microsoft is taking tons of heat for not having any focus on games.


    Say what you want about potential, but a reveal for a game console without any games is disappointing at best. Most of the stuff they talked about was garbage most won't care about, such as the built-in programming and TV integration. They spent an insanely weird amount of time on nothing other than sport-TV. All of this focus on TV doesn't make any sense because people are already canceling cable/satellite left and right for things like Netflix and internet streaming.


    They pass it off as a "media center" and not a console, but that's simply a complete misfire for the demographic that lifted the 360 over the PS3.

    I agree that its a strange thing to do and at first I was frustrated about that (and I'm still dissapointed by it) but when I thought about it more and listened to other peoples thoughts on that I realized maybe its for the better as it allows them to put a lot more focus on games at E3 which is only just over two weeks away. It was really an announcement showing the capabilities of the console and it seems like from what I've heard that's how they referenced it to the media beforehand.


    I do agree though that this "media center" thing is a step in the wrong direction, the people who want that from the Xbox are only a very small number of people so if they're going to turn this into a media center they still need to have a focus on gaming.




    I'm not really sure what you meant by this...



    Sony developed and supported Blu-Ray as the next-gen media format, while Microsoft supported HD-DVD (what the 360 used). Blu-Ray won the war while the last generation was ongoing; HD-DVD was rendered extinct other than for 360 games, which had to use it regardless. Blu-Ray was going to be used for sure this generation because it's the standard format. If anything, this is ANOTHER reason for PlayStation users to boast - Microsoft is making the Xbox One into the "Blu-Ray" media center that the PlayStation 3 has already been since 2005.

    Okay, so what I was getting at is that people who defend the PS3 over the 360 always go on about how it supports Blu-Ray and therefore is better, so its an obvious decision to include Blu-Ray support in the next gen of consoles however Sony actually has some degree of ownership over the Blu-Ray platform and thus I imagine Microsoft would have to be paying them some kind of royalties or something. I also think that the Blu-Ray format is a lot more common now than it was back when the PS3 was first released (for a long time there were only a few movies available on Blu-Ray)





    Sony has not revealed the PS4 yet, and that is absolutely no mistake on their part. They wanted to see what Microsoft was going to do, and smack them right in the areas they were weakest. Sony being vague thus far is no mistake.

    I disagree but for similar reasons (if that makes sense). A lot of people were angry at Sony for not showing the actual PS4 console and obviously Microsoft noticed that and took it on board (one of the benefits of being last to reveal anything). I also think Sony's attempt to overshadow the Xbox reveal by showing blurred images of the box was completely unsuccessful and they should have known it would be.


    I do think though that Microsoft is in a bad position now because clearly they have been overconfident since they kind of won this past generation of consoles (similar to what Sony did with the PS3) and they've forgotten to keep focusing on the things that caused them to win, particularly their exclusive games (although they did say that they had something like 17 exclusive launch titles).


    Like I said I'm still unsure what to think of the console as a whole and I think I'll have to wait until E3.

  8. Microsoft has just revealed the next Xbox console to the world at a press conference that was live-streamed on the Xbox website as well as over Xbox Live. The "Xbox One" (an interesting name choice which came as quite a surprise to many) is set to be released worldwide later this year.

    Posted Image

    At this press conference we weren't shown many games, instead it focused on the technical specifications of the console. They may have had the upper-hand on Sony as almost immediately they showed what the console actually looks like. Kinect is still a feature that Microsoft is pushing, and it will be essential to the console, it won't be built in like many people suspected though. Changes to Kinect have supposedly been made to improve its functionality, and in the demonstration it did seem to run a lot better although it is doubtful that it was actually being shown live rather than being pre-recorded. Fortunately though the connect does now allow you to stand much closer to it which was a much needed change that needed to be made.

    Another thing that Microsoft is clearly pushing is the Windows 8 style interface which was very prevalent in the press conference and seems to basically replace the Xbox Dashboard. The console boasts that it runs on 3 different operating systems, one powering Windows 8, another one powering the apps, and a 3rd OS connecting them. What does this mean? Well, it means that non gaming apps can be partitioned to a specific system to run them, meaning that if you have Skype open for example it shouldn't interfere with the resources need to run the game your playing. A new feature related to this is Snap Mode which lets you run multiple functions at the same time and to switch between them easily with voice control.

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    Microsoft was pushing the Xbox One as a Media Center rather than specifically a Gaming Console, and most of the conference was spent showing the Live TV capabilities (which were later revealed to require a seperate device) and new features for fantasy sporting teams. Microsoft has done media center's before but they don't seem to understand the fact that people who already have the same functions available to them on their phones and tablets and TV probably aren't going to see why their product is worth it just because all those functions are in one place rather than being spread across different devices. The other thing is many of these features were later revealed to be unavailable outside of the US, at least at launch.

    Something that many PlayStation users consistently quote as the reason for it being better than the Xbox is that it uses Blu-Ray, but the Xbox One will play Blu Ray. This may seem like an obvious thing to do at first but Blu Ray is owned by Sony so there must be some agreement that Microsoft and Sony have come to despite being competitors. Something many people will be upset about is that the Xbox One is not backwards compatible, meaning Xbox360 games will not work with the Xbox One. It was revealed after the conference that the Xbox One requires all games to be installed to the Hard-drive, although this does seem like a nuisance the alternative way to combating piracy which had been rumored was that it would need a constant internet connection, which to many people just isn't possible. Gamertags people have on Xbox Live will be transferred, and achievements have been reworked to apparently show the way you play games.

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    The controller hasn't been changed to much fortunately, however they now have "dynamic impulse triggers" meaning that it senses different amounts of pressure put on them and can react even to a slight touch. The new thumbsticks are slightly smaller and apparently allow for better grip.

    343 Industries announced that they will be producing a Live Action TV series (similar to the Forward Unto Dawn web series) and Steven Spielberg will be involved somehow (it hasn't been revealed exactly what his role in the series is). It was revealed that all DLC for Call of Duty will be exclusive to the Xbox One for some amount of time and some of the next COD game was shown, a lot of work seems to have been put into improving the storyline of the game, which is a major issue most people have with the franchise. A new game called Quantam Break was shown and was mostly live action.

    In summary I'm not sure what to think of the console at the moment. It was hinted that we will see a lot more in terms of gameplay within a few weeks at E3 and I think that will really give a much better indicator of what to expect.

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  9. mate I grew up to the superman TV series!!!


    Batmans just a glum prick that wants to live in a cave, on his own.

    I noticed you had voted for Superman so I was interested in your opinion.


    I actually didn't know there was a superman TV series until you mentioned it, but it's not surprising really.


    Obviously I disagree on Batman being glum and wanting to live on his own, He does get portrayed that way sometimes (its one of the things I disliked about the movies) but he has loads of people he cares about such as all the sidekicks he has had (all the robins/nightwing, batgirl/oracle etc), Catwoman, Alfred, and the other members of the Justice league (though argueably less than Superman). But I can see your point in that he definitely avoids close personal relationships in order to protect those people. I've also seen a lot of stuff where Superman gets really depressed and completely isolates himself from everyone (and lives in his own "cave" - The Fortress of Solitude)

  10. You've probably talked to people who are comic book fans. 

    Surprisingly the people I was thinking of when I wrote that are probably less into comics than most of you guys since they aren't really gamers either (and the 2 tend to cross over a bit)


    Its weird being seen as a comic book fan here since I really don't consider myself one (I've barely read any comics at all, its mostly just exposure to that culture growing up)


     Batman has produced the excellent Dark Knight trilogy, while Superman... Well, he was in the Justice League on Cartoon Network I guess.

    As was Batman XD Although from memory he seemed to be off doing his own thing in most of that cartoon.

  11. I really thought this would be a bit more balanced. A lot of people I've talked to about this are completely in support of Superman (mind you without any reasoning behind it). Maybe the superman supporters are all just being a lot quieter about it.

  12. I personally haven't played Skyrim for ages but from memory I think entities in the game continue operating (at least in areas you've visited) even when your away from that area in the game, so maybe you were just unlucky enough to have had a dragon attack or something while you weren't around and couldn't do anything about.


    Of course I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure there are no quest related events that would cause that, perhaps its just a matter of hoping you have a fairly recent save where the farm isn't destroyed or short of that nobody there was needed for any quests you haven't done that you wanted to complete.

  13. Okay, we missed last weeks Weekly Gaming Update because I was having trouble finding enough releases to make an article worthwhile, sort of the same this week but there's some pretty important gaming news so we'll catch up on releases from the last couple of weeks then talk about some of that.

    Game Releases

    Like I said, not to many games released these last two weeks most of them are either lesser known games or older games being released to new consoles via Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, Virtual Console etc.


    [*]Leviathan Warships (for iPad)


    [*]Alien Spidy (for PS3)



    [*]Dorito's Crash Course 2 (for Xbox360)


    [*]Afterfall:Insanity --Dirty Arena Edition (for PC)

    [*]Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move (for 3DS)

    [*]Publisher Dream (for DSi)

    [*]Sid Meier's Ace Patrol (for iPhone and iPad)

    [*]Solomon's Key (for WiiU)

    [*]SpeedX 3D: Hyper Edition (for Nintendo 3DS)

    [*]Super Sanctum TD (for PC)

    [*]Xevius (for WiiU)



    [*]Monaco: What's Yours is Mine (for Xbox360)


    [*]Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery (for PSVita)

    [*]Star Wars Pinball (for PS3 and PSVita)

    [*]Tiny Tokens Empires (for PS3)


    [*]Anomoly 2 (for PC and Mac)

    [*]Anomoly Korea (for PC)

    [*]Sanctum 2 (for Xbox360



    [*]Bowling Bonanza 3D (for 3DS)

    [*]California Super Sports (for DSi)

    [*]Dress to Play: Magic Bubbles! (for 3DS)

    [*]Evilot (for iPad)

    [*]Frozen Synapse (for iPad)

    [*]Harvest Moon GBC (for 3DS)

    [*]Mega Man 5 (for 3DS)

    [*]Righteous Kill (for Android)

    [*]Sonic the Hedgehog (for Android)

    [*]Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (for WiiU)

    [*]Super Mario Bros.2 (for WiiU)

    [*]Super Metroid (for WiiU)

    [*]Swords & Soldiers 3D (for 3DS)

    [*]The King of Fighters (for Wii)

    [*]The Starship Damrey (for 3DS)

    [*]Thunder Wolves (for PC)




    Gaming News & Announcements

    [*]So a little while ago LucasArts (the company behind the Star Wars games) was closed by Disney. Well, even more recently EA acquired the rights to future Star Wars games. A lot of gamer's aren't happy with EA at the moment, but perhaps this will give them a chance to redeem themselves. I know a lot of people including myself would love to see Star Wars Battlefront 3 finally made.

    [*]Microsoft will announce its next generation Console on the 21st, we will most likely be giving you some information on that asap. As much as a new Xbox console is exciting the Xbox360 has had a great run, its been nearly 8 years since it was first released. Gamers are anxious about rumours that it will have to be constantly connected to the internet, which for gamers in many regions like myself will render the console practically useless so it will be good to hopefully have an answer on that.

    Weird Gaming Facts

    So that's pretty much it for this week, we'll leave you with a few strange and interesting gaming facts that you might not know.

    [*]In Super Mario 64 Boo's laugh is a sped up version of Bowser's laugh.

    [*]Pac Man was originally designed to appeal to women.

    [*]If you place an Xbox game disc into a PS2 or a PS2 disc into an Xbox original both machines run their competitors start up screen.

    [*]During development of Batman:Arkham Asylum, one person spent two years working on nothing but Batman's cape.

    [*]Guitar Hero: Aerosmith generated more revenue than any of their albums.

    [*]And our final fact for this week which really suits this site is: The only western game to ever recieve a perfect score from the Japanese gaming magazine "Famitsu" was Skyrim!

    Click here to view the article

  14. I hate the discussions about who would win in a fight though... Batman would ofcourse loose if he didn't happen to have kryptonite.

    Yeah, thats why I purposely mentioned that it wasn't a who would win thing. The comics I mentioned actually have this awesome scene where Batman (wearing a kryptonite glove) beats Superman up (trying to beat some sense into him).






    Superman is in desperate need of a major reboot for several reasons, the least of which is his incredibly homosexual outfit. Hopefully Man of Steel brings about said changes. I noticed there are no red outerpants, so it's a step in the right direction so far.

    I'm actually sort of interested to see how the Man of Steel is, especially when I first heard Christopher Nolan was involved in it since the way Bruce Wayne was portrayed (in terms of how much of a sook he was, and kept giving up on being Batman) is actually how I see Superman.

  15. It is. And yeah, the main character (I think he's called Nathan, coincidensly) does get a bit annoying, but I love the Djinn or what they were called. The main character does change by the end of the book I think. He's a bit too good though sort of.

    Now that you mention it I think its Nathaniel, but close enough. I heard about something at the end of the book that redeems him a bit but I didn't want to read a whole book through where I hate the main character just so that at the end of the book I don't hate that character.


    The Djinn were cool, it was actually the way the main character ended up treating them that made me dislike him. 





    Rincewind is definatly one of my top three favourite characters to ever grace the planet.


    Did anyone play the discworld PS1 games?  They were point and click adventures based on Rincewind and his adventures; well the first two were, the third game, noir was something to do with something i didnt care about, so i never played it.  However the first two games were AWESOME.


    Rincewind is awesome, in fact most of the characters are. I really like Death and the Night watch stories are pretty cool too.


    I didn't know that there were PS1 games but I had heard that there were some early games that was some kind of text based Discworld RPG or something that modern hospital computer systems are based on.

  17. So I've been thinking about starting this topic for a while. Despite what the topic title might suggest this isn't so much about who would win, rather its about which is your favourite/ who you think is better.


    I far prefer Batman for a few reasons, firstly he has no superhuman abilities he just uses his own skills and money to do what he does. He has the same weaknesses as any other human. Superman on the other hand has superhuman abilities (he can basically do anything) and only one weakness (Kryptonite) yet he fails just as much as batman if not more.


    Superman is also way more of a sook than Batman and far stupider. I think even DC prefer's Batman, after all it is called DC (as in Detective Comics, which Batman appears in) rather than Action Comics (superman comics). Batman is also far more intelligent and can get by on that alone even when he is old and crippled (which doesn't really happen to Superman yet he is far more ready to give up on being a superhero anyway).


    Aside from the way I've been brought up (my dad is a big comic book fan, particularly Batman) a lot of my opinion on this is based on the graphic novel "The Dark Knight Strikes Again" (or DK2) by Frank Miller, which I highly suggest you read if you can.


    So yeah, you don't have to be a huge comic book nerd or anything just give your opinion and give reasons if you can, If this is popular enough we can probably ask similar questions like Marvel or DC for example.

  18. I only just saw these comments, I thought I would get notifications about it but oh well. Anyway, I think maybe I ruined it for myself a bit by deciding I was going to write an article on it before I saw it. Maybe if I hadn't have done that I wouldn't have picked up on every single thing they did wrong or at least not have been worried about it.


    I still think they ruined the Mandarin character, and that the scene at the end with all the suits was cool to watch but kind of ridiculous. And although its not really a problem with the movie I would have liked to have seen some more Avengers tie ins or references. Also its a basic fact that is core to Iron Man that if the power core were to be removed he would die as its actually keeping the shrapnel in place (removing it is just going to kill him faster) also mind the unintentional pun.

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