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Everything posted by FunnyPirate

  1. Wen I sad I whanted 99 theving you sad pyramid plunder were brain sucking, well for me FM is brain suking, I can't stand much time ding FM, because I go crazy....
  2. Goals: Other stuff: Smoking Kills Monkey Madness Fairy tale part I and II
  3. Yeah, WC is nice, because wen I get back my P2P Im gonna for 99 :PBut agility as boring, should be done too, because talk while doing it is nice.
  4. Yeah, I've heard about it, but for now I think I'll continue to Scape from the Rune. ( with my money stole from the rune, meh he is bad... -.- )
  5. FunnyPirate


    I think, once in the old foruns we had a topic like this and there were alot of confusion and argueing, so I kinda don't like to much to talk about this eather.
  6. yeah do that, that way we should get this thing decent 0_0
  7. Last summer wen I were in TRR in old foruns I appeared in the TRR's best achievements of the week so I am still missing this award: Achievement of the Week
  8. I've fixed this, I can see all the videos on my computer now, so enjoy.xD
  9. Think you all, that might not even hapen, hat might happen is just ET's explode earth or some giant atomic bomg kill all of us..... you don't know.....So don't think, Imagine...
  10. Nice job.It was a fun war so you all had fun, Im pretty shure....I had to go dinner and clean my bedrom so I missed by close the 2 rounds and it was that for me but In next war I'll be there to kick some ass.
  11. FunnyPirate


    Just to know, realy..... no problem don't be offended Im 14, I born in 1996 too...... xD
  12. FunnyPirate


    His age.....SO I'll change the question:In what year did you born??
  13. Here are some money making videos to help you guys....These are P2P only guides.Enjoy :P1st methood Skilling: 2nd methood Collecting items: 3rd methood Combat: 4th methood Using Keys:This way sometimes can make you lose money, but if U do this many times you will have more chance of profit, and also have attencion to the prices of the keys, if they start to rise you might not be able to make as much profit.... There is some ppl that say and it is right.. you can lose money here but see this:http-~~-//www.youtube.com/user/BonblocHQ#p/u/0/v-OubIntVZwI'm doing some big posts with many many videos and guides, I'm having problems with posting directly the videos in the foruns so just in case the links are these:
  14. By mono order I will from now on post all the guides here in this topic and I urge all of you to don't post here unless it's any repair or error reporting. 99 level guides to all skills but melee: Ranged: Magic: Prayer: Runecrafting: » Part 1: » Part 2: Construction: Agility: Herblore: Thieving: Crafting: Fletching: Hunter: Mining: This guide is just half of the video, from 4:20 +-, the rest of the video is bullshit..... Smithing: Fishing: Cooking: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M9qTmhqoH8 Firemaking: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9nNY2ue-XF0 Woodcutting: Farming: Summoning: Ice Strykewyrm guides: I will put here two different vides to help slaying ice strykewyerms, they are a good money making and are great for slayer XP!! Sosolid2k video: Another good guide: GWD solo guides: I will present here video solo guides to all bosses in GWD ( all but nex that will be a duo or trio guide ): With commentary, Bandos solo guide No commentary, Zamorak solo guide No commentary, Armadyl solo guide http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdWNd6lgCdE No commentary, Saradomin solo guide http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=mW5e-GkfsIo With commentary, Nex guide Good luck to all, have fun and good profit!! Tormented Demons solo guides: This a tormented demons guide from Woox16, and it's a realy good guide indeed, enjoy. Mithril solo guide: This guide is from a player called sosolid2k, he is called the best dragon slayer in all RS, this is great guide made by him in how to make 80 - 90 kills/hour ( wich is a record number): I succescully put the video runing here in the foruns but there are indications inside the video that I can't see because the words are too small, so the link to youtube is here if you need: http://www.youtube.c...u/0/ck_WD_ABidc Enjoy all the guides and make good use of them.
  15. Delly, I'm just asking for you to update this topic, it's not completed yet....
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