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Everything posted by Tcee

  1. LOL.. Nice topic! Tearing everyone to pieces, yeah that's so Blex.Update yo' shiz. I put up some new, fabulous art! One of a kind! x]<3
  2. Parker is going to be a tiger for Halloween! :]

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tcee


      Like, the color? Lol

    3. Blake


      I'm pretty sure he means Red as in the Pokemon trainer from Pokemon Red

    4. Jake


      Yeah, I mean the Pokemon trainer. I'm Caius Ballad from FFXIII-2. I got a lot of stares at the Halloween party a couple days ago. The adults thought my costume was amazing, the kids...weren't sure what to think.

  3. Your socks are filthy! xDYAY TMNT!
  4. Ew; Have fun & don't get bitten/stung!
  5. Welcome (back) to TRR, Addison! Happy early bday c;
  6. I stopped by irc to say hi, but I think you were afk/sleepin. :c

  7. Am I the only one a little weirded out about full on animal outfits?Like, fox/dragon/unicorn etc masks were alright, kinda cute. But a full on tail coming out of my bum? A little creepy..Also.Tired of all this SoF crap. It was cool when they offered bits of xp, gp, and some nice pieces of armour. But the pendants and outfits/cosmetic stuff take up a ton of room after so long. Soon, you'll need to stop by Solomon to *IRL-purchase* more bank space. No, I don't buy spins, just thinking long-term.I'm getting caught up on RS news and just getting frustrated with it all -.-
  8. Had sangria for the first time ~ I'ma happy camper.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      Awesome.. good stuff eh? lol

  9. I miss staying up all night with a friend or two on RS just doing random shit like bugging noobs in Lumby for gold, or actually training/minigaming.It used to happen a lot before boyfriend/baby came along x]
  10. You are such a loveable perv XD
  11. That `Coma` series is pretty freaky! Anyone else see it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      It was a mini series on A&E. A med student uncovers a conspiracy of the hospital putting people into comas. I thought it was like a real series, but just 2 episodes.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz
    4. gotab0ner4xmas


      saw the previews a while back in the theatresl.. looks....interesting

  12. Movin' on up! Nice job Death!!
  13. Yoga pants for life! ;]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tcee


      Uh, hell yeah, all day urrry day! Jeans are overrated, and none of mine fit anymore X3

    3. Snuggles


      Yoga pants are comfy but I don't think I could be seen going to the store or something in them <.<. They are meant for doing yoga :o

    4. Daniel


      or meant for women who have just had a kid ;]

  14. Tcee


    Sorry Cons, given the fact it showed your name in the 'edited by', of course we thought it was you :bDANiel, having a partay?!
  15. Good luck, m'dear! <3You better be a bauss when I get back :b
  16. Tcee


    Daniel, post more than 1 word, new post could have recent achievement ("Just got 96 fish" ?). Cons, This topic hasn't been posted on in over 2 months, a bump wont kill anyone.I think that covers the bases. - DANiel, I want to play RS more, but it's hard to find a good time. Once things fall into more of a routine, I'll think about it, haha. Til then, loving this precious time with my babes :3 -- Edited - Cons didn't give warning.
  17. Tcee


    Keep up the good work, Daniel-San!
  18. Tcee

    New Promotion!

    Congratulations Labush!You're going to be a great EC!
  19. Parker Alexander Shepherd born 8/15/2012, 11:03am, 6lbs, 15.6oz. Full head of hair, chubby cheeks.. Absolutely perfect. We're both healthy n happy, thanks for all the well wishes<3 :]

    1. David


      :) Congratulations!
    2. Nathan


      Congratulations :D

    3. Blake


      I wish my baby has a full head of hair. I myself was born with bald, then it turned blonde, then the usual dark brown/almost black.

      Anyway, glad to hear there were no problems. Congratulations.

  20. Peaches!! Hospital bound ;3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nathan
    3. Tcee


      Thanks guys<3 All settled in for the night.. I miss my pup :c Going to be so hard to sleep I'm excited and nervous, scared, but confident things will be okay. Can't believe it's already time. Anyways. Scrabble time and maybe (hopefully) rest soon after.

    4. Anarchy


      Ice Age <3 :D best of luck

  21. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    Close to capping!
  22. 37week! Fingers crossed some time at the beach will help speed things along.. Have a good weekend, people. <3

  23. Tcee

    Clan Citadel

    We still need a lil over 1k timber. :/
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