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Unknown ProbLem

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Everything posted by Unknown ProbLem

  1. alright, cool. do you have all the enchantments unlocked?
  2. each room has their specified amounts of stuff that are generated for the rooms themselves, but I think you can bring your wife there. Also as "rank up" do you mean level? It shouldn't be easy after 51 due to the general average levels required.
  3. The only downside is requiring 100 smithing to craft over Daedric's 90. however I think that Dragon armors sell for more gold on average. I made a set or two, and have just been hoarding the rest of my scales and bones just for laughing rights (i have over 200 of each at this point) I could sell them for money, but with over 130k in gold on me, Money isn't necessary. Scales and Bones should be sold if you can craft it into armor, because you can enchant it for more money. otherwise sell them for a quick profit.
  4. If that is the bow, then it all depends on your perks invested into Archery, along with the level of your archery between 1-100. If you tempered it as well.
  5. I enjoy this guide a lot, as it's very detailed, though if you don't mind, I could elaborate to help out, or something to add a little bit of detail to it. You can use mining to either sell (low smithing skill) or you can craft items for roughly double to triple the amount, and even more for enchants. As with living off the land, using crafting materials to sell raw, is not the greatest, but the value goes up the more things you make for the least amount of materials. This method covers itself, but it is incredibly easy to get wood, and lots of it. you can easily make money, and the best part is, the people you sell to have an infinite set limit of gold to offer you. this is all somewhat dependent on your level, as dungeons level with you, until you hit past 50. to be effective, you can find a human body and put all your extra weight in that corpse and drag it to the entrance. just hurry of course as all things eventually de-spawn in the area. Dragons also carry extra and sometimes rare items. upon hitting the mid seventies, you can encounter Legendary Dragons which almost commonly will drop Daedric items. The scales and bones of dragons, while heavy and a burden to hold on to, if you manage to have 100 smithing, I highly advise making them into Dragonscale and Dragonplate armor, as they obviously sell for more. Thank you for your time and hopefully this addition is helpful in any way.
  6. what level were you when you did this? What would be a way to maximize money, would be for all the weapons to enchant them with Banish, as it was confirmed to be the biggest increase. If you have 100 Enchanting, even better because you can milk a little bit more gold off each item. I'm not a hundred percent sure as far as highest increase for armors, but I would gladly post something on the most effective enchanting guide to make money. like which single enchant gives the most for each part, along with the best dual enchants. Also, if you bonus smithing ontop of that, you are rolling in money.
  7. It's Five dollars (not sure on currency conversions if that is a factor) but the add-on basically makes any house you could need to buy, a waste of money. The only problem with this add-on is the amount of sheer materials required to make parts of these three houses. I would sadly recommend this add-on to higher level characters, as lower level ones won't exactly be able to enjoy it for a while. However, building your house as you go is incredibly fun and would make the game more fun.
  8. The fastest way currently that I know to date, which takes only roughly about 30 minutes at max, starts at the beginning of the game. during the first moment when you are told to possibly sneak past the bear under Helgen, you can push Rolof into a rock, with his back facing outward. it'll start slow, but if you can get your sneak attacks right, you'll end with about 40 one-hand and 100 sneak. Take your iron or steel dagger and just continue to sneak attack Rolof's spine. switch difficulty to Master to avoid more waiting time between him losing his health.
  9. I would like to figure they would maybe at some point. the only problem is, that if i remember correctly PS3 and Sony don't require/force contracts. Also with Sony losing the TV Market to Samsung etc. Sony seems to be on the decline a little. I'd love to see it, because it'll bring back a decent base to this site. However, on the same token, it would not surprise me if they scrapped it. In all honesty though, I would enjoy a level cap increase on a DLC at some point... somehow. 81 just feels somewhat awkward of a level to look at xD (imo) Personally, as i said before, I really do hope they launch it for PS3 because the Skyrim base here would be back up. But I feel it could be a maybe, it's plausible, just It's been quite a wait so far.
  10. I played it a few days ago. Due to my main character having amassed a metric ton or several from the whopping 410 hours I have. I find that using the Hearthfire Houses to organize all of my items rather tedious. I still really want to play it and i'll get around to it after i SR130 Halo 4 and get ready for my Sponsorship attempt with Ubisoft. The last time I played on my off character, i got his Armor Rating from 1470 all the way to 2037. I was very happy with that. i haven't been too busy with it, due to a lot of clan activity but i look forwards to the new DLC etc.
  11. Not true, most modders who make them have that in mind and will leave you in the relative beginning of the game. The only thing you lose out on is leveling, which is tedious anyways.
  12. Actually i still have not gotten this resolved and even when converting my 360 save to pc long after and trying to reset both, still nothing.Have you used the fortify restoration potion glitch? I feel that overuse will cause the skills to stop working.
  13. Thank you for the update, what patch number is it?
  14. I will vote for you on that note, but my reason for absence is because of school. I also have more personal home issues and other things. Also everyone can have a little bit of arrogence ince and a while, haha. I place my Vote for Squishyman
  15. I would try to, just my life is getting busier, though I'd love to work on more work type stuff, but being busy blows. Anywhere i could help would be fine. Maybe it'll give me a reason to dedicate more time again. Message me if you are in a bigger need or a certain position.
  16. i have re-taken a small break due to school and life but i still check in
  17. well you should post a reply whenever you get definite knowledge on if it's confirmable or not
  18. Doing a Hearthfire guide, includes all the materials and stuff. :D

  19. I think you may have glitched yourself, in all honesty. Do you have any saves prior to losing vamparism? Also, for everyone, If you are going to choose a side, please stick with it, it's just easier that way. It has not been officially confirmed with evidence, but one can not do both QLs.There may be a possible glitch that causes the script of the Dawnguard to attack you under a certain circumstance. The biggest and most common fix is one of three thingsA. revert to a save prior to the incident occuring, or the first pre-dawnguard saveB. test a new character (credit to Greg for finding this) at level one by visiting the Fort.C. uninstall then reinstall Dawnguard and see what happens (it i known on xbox for DLC to occasionally load incorrectly, thus by reinstalling it, you may fix your previous error)
  20. alright, I can say from experience that each land is as stated, 5k. you'll need (to finish a house) roughly 5k sawn logs with can only be bought in increments of 20 at 200 a bundle. this is technically the only thing you'll need to buy as far as "building specific material" is concerned. the last beast you need is Iron, lots and lots of Iron ingots. to fully finish a house will probably require around 100+ bars if not more.overall for a non-combat oriented DLC i love it, because you now get to have about 10-50 empty storage containers in a single house.
  21. I would do more, but like Squishy I have a ton of things going on all at once.
  22. lol, still need to finish the last year, then i'll work on it, lol
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