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Everything posted by cheekychips

  1. We have a whole chart dedicated to campus crime updates. It will tell us if theres an arrest or not, what the crime was, where it was etc etc. Guess we're the only campus that does that. But then again, we're in an awful area
  2. I'm thinking the latter. Intercourse.
  3. Ikr? If you get sick of one flavor you just switch lol
  4. Thank. God. For. Ramen. Honestly, where would our contry be without ramen. How many college students would we have lost to hunger? I love ramen, I basically live off the stuff. Chicken, Beef, shrimp. Variety, variety is good. Ramen is good. Think of the lives saved by that 4$ bulk pack of ramen. Stoeffers too. I dont know who she is, but that bitch can sure make a good mac n cheese.
  5. This game is becoming ridiculously easy..
  6. Zamorak God Wars Date: Friday, April 27th Location: Zamorak God Wars, we will mass most likely in Trollheim. Recommended Inventory: If you have not been to ZGW before, it is recommended that you read a guide so you are familiar with strategies. You can find one here at http://www.tip.it/ru...ks_fortress.htm Time Chart Daylight Saving Time [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC/GMT Relative[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 1:00 A.M. [/td] 12:00 A.M. [/td] 8:00 P.M. [/td] 7:00 P.M. [/td] 6:00 P.M. [/td] 5:00 P.M. [/td] [/table][table][th][/th][/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  7. So true, really makes me sad to know that this will always be a problem
  8. I'd feel guilty if i looked outside and saw this while playing runescape..
  9. Congratz! I'm confident that we'll have plenty of new recruits in no time
  10. Never played it, definitely considering going out and buying a copy
  11. TRR RECRUITMENT EVENT Meeting Place: Varrock Square Date: Sunday, April 22nd Notes: We will being holding a firefest and parade in Varrock to try and attract potential new members. Bring plenty of wood! Any publicity is good publicity, so please attend if you can. TIME CHART [table] [th]Time Zone[/th] [th]UTC Relative (DST)[/th] [th]Event Time[/th] 6:00 P.M.[/td] 3:00 P.M.[/td] 2:00 P.M.[/td] 1:00 P.M.[/td] 12:00 A.M.[/td] 11:00 A.M.[/td] [/table] If your timezone is not included in the chart, this link may help: Time Zone Converter [*]Select "Use The Following Date/Time:" [*]Set the date to that of the event. [*]Set the time to that of the event. [*]Select your Timezone and then click "Convert".
  13. I'm very happy with the turnout! It was quite fun
  14. So... Clan minecraft server? Yes?
  15. Well you know what they about people with big feet. They have big shoes.
  16. If I had better access to a beach I definitely would have been there
  17. I didnt even realize it was Friday the 13th until the 14th. Oops.

  18. Its 1 in the morning, and I found myself here procrastinating as usual. Before long, the red solo cup to my left was tipped over, and its cold contents sitting in my crotch. First instinct? Paper towels. I often find that when I run to grab paper towels, I am reminded why I dislike them so much. Prepare yourselves, i'm about to Andy Rooney on dis shiz. You can never use just one. No. I dont care what any commercial says, i dont care how absorbant it says it is on the bag. When something spills, you're grabbing a shit ton of them. I've tried using just one, I really have. It doesnt work, it never works. Its 256 times more absorbant? Great, 256 times more absorbant than what? Stone? You took too many? You want to roll them back up? shit, that aint happenin. No my friend, you're just going to have to settle for this. Obviously as a college student. I dont have much money. Laundry is tied up a lot. So when something spills, I depend on paper towels to do the job. They dont. Rubbing them into the ground accompanied with windex only gives your carpet what i like to call "The Dandruff Effect"TM Where rolled up bits of paper embed themselves deep in the carpet and require more cleaning to remove. Great. Honestly, they just seem wasteful. When I look in a trashcan and see an enormous ball of paper there to greet me, I cant help but wonder where it all goes. Where it all builds up? I'm not much of environmentalist, but it bothers me to see windex soaked balls of paper disappear daily. So thats my rant for today. Peace. COMIC SAAAAAAANS!! (Fist Shake)
  19. Pretty good, i got to spend a majority it with a lot of my good friends. I also got to bum around some, which I always enjoy.
  20. Cheekychips - Event Coordinator
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